The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 174 - The Ex

It was ten in the morning when Victoria woke up. She stretched her arms and looked at her beloved husband who was still sleeping. She slipped off from the bed and organized their clothes. She put the clothes that they wore last night on the laundry bag and put it back on her small luggage. Then, she prepared the hot water for their tea and checked the menus. Instead of having their breakfast delivered, she chose to find a restaurant. They will have an early brunch when her husband wakes up. 

She stretched and opened the window. It's enough time to sleep. Her husband needs to wake up and work. But she can't disturb him when he's sleeping peacefully. Still, his phone kept on ringing. She reached it and answered it. 

"This is Victoria," She said. 

"Duchess, I~I apologize." 

"It's alright. Kenzo is still sleeping, Chief. I'll wake him and call you back." 

"I apologize for interrupting." 

"It's completely fine." She smiled and hung up. She approached the bed and patted her husband. "Love, wake up." 

He moaned as he opened his eyes. The first thing he sees is a beautiful goddess who is bending down. Her beautiful breasts were slightly exposed and it's the first thing he reached. Victoria frowned and slapped his hand. 

"Are you awake now?" She put her hands over her waist. "Your phone had lots of missed calls." 

He sat up as Victoria gave his phone to him. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at his wife who was already preparing the tea. He called Vanessa first as he nodded his head and hummed while listening. 

"Got it." 

Then, he called the Chief as it rang in a few minutes and Victoria set up the tea on the table as he slipped off from the bed. 

"Your grace, this is Chief Vandenberg. We already sent out the bodies to the facility for further autopsy. We found their bodies. Each of them has numbers on their clothes. Their faces were wrecked and we can't determine if it was them." 

"Isolate their bodies and check if their DNAs match." 

"Yes, your grace." 

"I'll visit later this afternoon." 

"Yes, sir." 

He hung up and checked Secretary Bryan's messages about the restaurants and all. 

"I already set up a restaurant. I'm starving so come here and drink your tea." Victoria said. 

"Babe, why are you annoyed?" He asked and approached her. He scooped her face and kissed her lips. 

"I am not annoyed." She said. "I'm just starving." 

"Okay, sorry." He kissed her forehead and pulled a chair for her. She sat down and the couple enjoyed their tea. 

The couple went to the restaurant with their bodyguards after checking out from the hotel. The manager was bugging them or more like asking what he could do but she already paid for the suite that costs a lot of money and also the restaurant. At the time that they came, they already served the dishes that she and her bodyguards ordered thirty minutes ago after they reserved. It's freshly cooked too and she ate a lot with her husband without wasting anything. The Chef even personally greeted them. They are the first people who didn't request anything and eat the food as it is. 

"The food is great," Victoria told the Chef. Victoria and Jason used to eat at the Chef's restaurant back in Lwazi and they never had to meet the Chef even though Jason requested it many times. 

"Duchess, you look so beautiful even this close. So, I prepared a very special dessert." 

"I am honored to taste it." She smiled at him and Kenzo noticed that she already charmed the old man. "We still have to finish this and I have five bodyguards who will also be grateful to taste your dessert." 

"Don't worry, your graces," he bowed his head. "I will go back now in the kitchen to prepare my special dessert." 

"Thank you." Kenzo smiled and watched as the chef left. "Well, you charmed another man." 

"Pfft." She snorted. "No, I didn't. I am just being nice. His food is delicious. I remember that Jason was always reserved in his restaurant." She stopped and looked at her husband who was listening to her attentively. "He failed to meet him although he ordered one of the expensive dishes." 

"Why did he fail?" He asked. 

"Probably because he asked to remove a few side dishes. For short, modify the foods." 

Kenzo laughed and covered his mouth. 

"Is he even aware that they could put his meat on the toilet bowl if he pissed off the chef?" He laughed. Victoria tilted her head and admired her husband laughing so boyishly. 

"Yeah, that's why I only ordered foods that are on the menu." She grinned. "You aren't picky, that's why I love you." 

"You are making me blush." He reached her hand and squeezed it gently. 

After they finished their dishes, the servers approached them to clear up their table. Then, in a minute, the Chef came holding a tray for them while two more servers served their bodyguards. The Chef revealed to them the round fantasy island dessert. 

"It's made of dark chocolate with a strawberry explosion inside." The chef gestured to Kenzo as Kenzo sliced it in the middle and the creamy strawberry jam came out. 

"Wow," Victoria's eyes dilated. 

"The greens on top are matcha powder." 

Victoria had a taste on it gracefully as she hummed. The chocolate isn't too sweet but it tastes dark and the strawberry tastes a little sour and sweet. It is just as she wanted for a dessert. 

"It's good," Kenzo said. "I like the sour and sweet taste of the strawberry inside. The chocolate isn't too sweet or too bitter as well." 

"I mixed twenty percent of sweet chocolate on it." The chef said happily. 

"I will go back for this dessert," Kenzo said. 

"It's a pleasure that you had a taste of it, your graces. I haven't introduced this dessert to my menu." 

"Which means we are the first ones to ever have it?" Victoria asked. 

"Yes, the very first." The chef said. "Is it alright if we could have a photo together?" he asked. 

Victoria looked at Kenzo. 

"Sure," Victoria answered without asking for Kenzo's approval. She's a huge fan of the chef and so, the Chef stood at the back of the table as Victoria lifted the dessert and posed a few more with her husband laughing with the Chef. They take goofy photos together and then a few servers join them. 

After that, Victoria finished the dessert that the Chef made for them. Then, they were about to leave when a man and woman approached them. Their bodyguards quickly block them. Victoria watched as Kenzo waved at them. 

"What is it?" Kenzo asked coldly. 

"We only would like to greet you, brother-in-law." Katarina smiled but Kenzo didn't even smile back at her. 

"Really?" Kenzo scoffed and reached his wife's purse. "Are we ready to leave?" He asked. 

"Yes," Victoria smiled. "I hope you are doing well, Katarina," Victoria said. "Goodbye." She wiggled her fingers and reached her husband's arm and they walked out. The chef came with them quickly with a box of takeout. 

"Since you love them, your graces. I made two more for both of you and this is completely in the house." 

Victoria flushed. 

"Th~thank you so much." 

Kenzo smiled at his wife who was too friendly to the Chef. 

"I'm a big fan and we promise to come back," Victoria told him. 

"I will be honored, Duchess. Visit anytime." 

She took the box and waved at them and the bodyguards even bowed their heads. 

"Victoria," Katarina called to catch up as Katarina watched the chef leave without even greeting them. But she could see the excitement on the Chef's face. 

"We are busy, Katarina," Victoria told her coldly. Kenzo's phone started ringing and he pulled it out. 

"Love, let's go," Kenzo said as Victoria walked with her husband and their car pulled out in front. 

He opened the passenger seat for his wife and gave his purse as he answered the call. He hopped in the driver's seat and Victoria gave his earpiece and put it on. He spoke to the person while pulling out from the restaurant and Victoria noticed how busy he was with a lot of incoming calls. 

She was worried about him. But she knew that he could do it. He hung up and exhaled. 

"Your ex, he's looking at you like he owns you." He said to her that it made her completely curious. 

"I never looked at him," Victoria said. "I only wanted to look at you. Back then, I thought that he was handsome but then I realized that there were a lot of men more handsome than him." 

"And who is the number one?" he grinned. 

"You. You are also number two." She grinned at him. 

"Okay, so you rate me as one and two?" he creased his brows. "I am worried about this ex of yours. I know that you won't get back to him because you are tied up with this handsome man. Still, he might romance you again." 

"Well, I think that's a good idea. So, I could become close to him and give him a nice uppercut which I couldn't do when he was cheating with my sister." 

"Hmm," He nodded at him. "I would like to see that." 

She giggled and held his hand. 

"Would it ruin our reputation?" 

"I don't mind.." He kissed her hand and faced the road.

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