The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 2 - Her Fiancé's Betrayal

Perfection isn't simple. Anyone has their definition of perfection. But as for Victoria, she is way too simple to be perfect. She has a luxurious life because her family is rich. They look perfect through the news and media. But not when you look inside.

She could say, it's chaotic and full of scheming and bad blood and everything that could be said to be imperfect. Everyone is trying to make a good impression on their grandmother so they could have that big inheritance. However, she never wanted to be part of it. She wanted to get out of it until a bad thing happened. The supposed fiancé that she loves so much, turned into something bad. More like a nightmare.

Let's start with her background. Lady Jaya Victoria Parson of the Parson Royal Family loves art, writing, reading and she loves nature and being alone most of the time. She had enough toxicity around her. She was that nerd-type but she was born with the most peculiar beauty. She was adorable for everyone and her grandparents spoiled her back then. Not until she entered the stage of puberty. She became fat and ugly. She became a laughing stock and her mother couldn't stand it that she had to go through expensive treatment.

Being a big disappointment isn't easy to live her life in high school. She got backstabbed by friends and everyone looked at her with those piercing and full of mockery gaze. Girls would turn at each other and whisper.

Victoria participated in a lot of activities. She first got drama as the teachers would choose her too. She did everything to memorize things and be perfect for them. She did everything to do her best but her singing isn't good though. It's that part of the drama that she gets compared to her family who has good singing skills that her teachers know about.

All night, Victoria couldn't sleep as she thought about her insecurities. Of not being beautiful. She didn't get a suitor and she is always left out. She didn't have anyone until another loner like her came up. Her best friend Stacey stayed with her through her ups and downs. She's the only friend that stays. They get along, enjoy being together until she finds her hobby. Writing. She wasn't good but as she read and listened to their English teacher on how to make it easy and the stages of writing, she knew that she could do it.

Victoria, in her senior year, participated in dancing. She made sure that she got it perfectly. It's a championship and she wanted to lose weight. She was losing weight. But as she looked at herself in the mirror, she knew that she wasn't good enough. She looked at those girls who get lots of flowers and chocolates during Valentine's, or on their birthday, or Christmas. But no one ever gave her such a thing, well, except for her best friend as they exchange gifts and all.

She went through college and her passion stays with her. Writing. She wanted the world to know her story. She wanted the world to know that even if you are imperfect, you have more worth than anyone who is trying to be perfect.

"I don't think that I look good at this," Victoria said as she groaned at the dress that she's wearing.

"It's just the reunion." Stacey rolled her eyes. She's the type of girl who doesn't care about dressing but looks good in every dress.

Reunion of herds. They got married, have kids, flaunting this and that. Victoria sighed. " I hate it," Victoria said. "Same here." Stacey lifted her glass of water like she's cheering for it.

Victoria sat down and moved closer to her best friend.

"Remember when we were practicing dancing in our senior year?"

"Hmmm..." Stacey gestured to her to keep going as she drank water.

"I just thought about how Jane would say that I bounce when I am dancing and she kept repeating it in front of my crush. The cat always got my tongue at those moments. I was so in love that I couldn't even tell you because you too have a crush on him. And everyone had a crush on him." Victoria said. Jane was a dear friend but she's not completely real. She exhaled.

"Jane is a good girl. Yeah, she is indeed a dear friend but bi-atch. I am the only one that sticks around." She winked. Victoria giggled.

"I know. Thank you!" She sighed.

She remembered when she was practicing her dancing, her parents would look at her like they are laughing. She knew those eyes. She can just quickly observe somehow they're mocking her. She never wanted to dance again anymore. Or sing in front of anyone, anymore. Her heart just aches although she loves music.

"I want someone to listen to me sing even though I'm out of tune." She said as she bit her lip.

"I am that someone." Stacey chuckled.

"No, I mean. Not just you. But the love of my life."

Stacey creased her brows.

"Have you ever sang to your fiancé?" She asked. She shook her head.

"I don't want to scare him." Victoria chuckled.

"You aren't a bad singer. You just need to practice and vocalize. Honestly, I'm a worse singer than you."

"Thank you." Victoria laughed. Stacey was always frank and she won't say things to make her feel better. But she's right.

Although her parents are Baron and Baroness, Victoria wasn't a Lady of their family anymore. It was passed to her sister. Lady Katarina Joan Parson. She's doing all of the duty as a Lady doing this and doing that. Shopping this and shopping that. Donating this and donating that. It was all documented. She loves the spotlight. But a man from a wealthy family entered and asked for her hand. They dated and she already loved him. Jason Welch is the successor of the Welch Corporation. One of the biggest corporations in the Country. But he wanted to do something that bothers Victoria. Sex. Although she loves the man it still bothers her.

Victoria went to the window trying to think of something. She creased her brows when she saw Jason's car. It might be sitting there for long.

Wait, " I think Jason is here. Victoria said. Stacey took her phone and wiped her lips. " Let's greet him," Stacey replied.

They left her room and walked to the corridor. Voices made both of them stopped. Sounds Joan.

"She's in the room and I won't tell her what happened to us," Joan said.

"Lower your voice." He hissed. "Let's sneak into your room."

"Let's only be quick."

Victoria wanted to know what's going on, however, Stacey grabbed her and they ran. Joan's room is just on the other side and they snuck in and hide on the dresser.

"What are you doing?" Victoria hissed. Stacey covered her mouth and ready her phone. She set it into a silent mode and her camera is on.

Victoria's heart clenched as she heard footsteps getting in. The door closes and it locks. Then, the couple moaned.

"F@ck~~I love it when you do that."

Victoria covered her mouth to avoid sobbing. She knew that voice so well. It's her fiancé. She just watched as Stacey snuck her camera and watched the couple quickly remove a few of their clothes as Jason rammed her sister. Her sister was moaning. Victoria from the dresser watched as her fiancé showed that expression.

"You are so good, Joan."

"Am I better than my sister?"

"Yes, so much better."

Victoria just stayed silently although she was shattering inside loudly.

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