The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 20 - Doting Couple

His wife was adorable. He didn't expect her to even research what to do tonight. He chuckled, amused by her enthusiasm, and kissed her hand. He gave back her phone. She took a photo of him and showed him how handsome he is.

"See how handsome my husband? No one can ever have him but me." She said possessively. He chuckled and nodded at her.

"That's right." He agreed.

Their order came and they started digging. He took a big bite on his burger and even shared it with her. But she's mostly eating the fries while dipping it on the sundae. He took out his phone and took photos of her without her knowledge. She's busy browsing on her phone on what positions that they should use for tonight. He smiled at how adorable she was as she showed it to him.

"Eat more." He said as he fed her with more fries. "You need this."

"It's just a shame that tomorrow is Monday." She said with a sigh.

"We can do it every night if you want." He suggested. She nodded her head vigorously.

They soon finished their food and they went on riding again back home. He was always careful and she was relaxed while her arms were around him. When they reached the house, she quickly went to the bathroom while he checked a few things around the house and if there was something that was misplaced. He went upstairs, started removing his clothes leaving his boxers on. He knocked on the bathroom door and after a few moments, she came out looking anxious.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm still on spotting." She pouted at him. He reached the back of her head and pulled her to his chest.

"It's fine. We can do it by tomorrow."

She sighed softly and pressed her hand to his chest so she could push him and admire his pectorals. She exhaled slowly as she admired his chiseled diamond face, thick brows, deep blue eyes… it also seemed like his eyelashes are thicker and longer than hers. She envies him. He smiled with those beautiful completely white teeth.

He's just so handsome and she was horny at the same time too. But she didn't want to do it because of the damn spotting.

"Let me shower a bit." He carried her to bed. He stared at her for a while and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'll just cuddle you."

He went to the bathroom and looked at the bathtub that she prepared for him. He smiled and took a quick bath and brushed his teeth thoroughly. He couldn't help but smile again. His wife is indeed something. He just wondered why a man would cheat on her. But then, he's glad that she found it out before she married someone who wasn't worthy of her love.


Victoria waited for her husband to finish from the bathroom while she's checking her balances in the bank. However, she couldn't access her savings. But only to the bank that of their company. She frowned and immediately called her bank. It takes a few moments until they answer. She told her details and why she couldn't access her bank.

"Ma'am it says that your bank has been frozen."

"That can't be! It's my account."

"Can you visit our branch Ma'am to settle this?"

"Yes, I will." She mumbled. She hung up and reached for the other phone and no one got access. If her father thinks that she'll go broke, then he's wrong. She will work hard to earn money for herself and her husband.

She went to her wardrobe and opened one of the cabinets. Then, she clicked the secret door behind it and opened it. Then, she entered her code and took out the bank books where she saved all of the money that she got from writing on a platform. There are at least over fifty thousand. She needed to save more money. She put it back.

She took the other phone and checked her other online bank that she put under the name of her husband. Then, she picked the marriage license. She married a man named Kenzo Estrama. However, she hasn't changed her name yet. Everyone might have thought that she's still single.

"Love," Kenzo called. She quickly put it back there and took a few five thousand cash and put it in the pocket of his pants. She prepared the clothes that her husband should wear for tomorrow.

Kenzo entered the room and approached her.

"What's going on?" He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I have to prepare my husband's clothes before he goes to work." She told him.

"Okay." He kissed her cheeks.

"Wear this shirt tomorrow."

"Yeah, sure."

"And this pants and jacket."

"Love, I'm only a sender. You don't have to…"

"You should look sharp, okay?"

"Hmm, how can I live without you now?" He suddenly asked. She chuckled. "Can I sleep naked beside you?" He suddenly asked.

"Yes, sure, my love."

She set up the clothes for him to wear and the shoes. Then, she also settled on the clothes that need to wear for tomorrow.

"So, I haven't changed my surname yet." She said and turned to him. "But, I changed my surname to one ID."


"It's just the normal ID," I added. "So, I could open up a bank account under your name."

He creased his brows.

"Since when?"

"The day after I received our marriage license." She turned to him and reached his hand.

"Why did you set up that account?"

She bit her lip and looked away.

"My savings account has been frozen. And my father had control over a few banks. That's why I have to put an account under your name. I'm sorry that I have to do it."

"It's fine." He smiled. "It's okay, my love. You can use my name for that, as long as you have access to it. Okay?"


She hugged him tightly as she thought of the big money that she had in that account. Most of the money from that account came from her sideline. She exhaled slowly as she thought of why her father would do it. Why did he despise her so much? Ever since she was a child, she never felt his love or even her mother's love. They were always occupied with her sister.

"Let's go to bed." She said as she tapped him and walked past him. She climbed up to the bed and turned off the lampshade beside her. She bit her lip. She should have put it in a bank that her father couldn't access or anyone in their family.

She felt him climbing on the bed and turning off the lampshade. She felt suddenly cold as she thought deeper about why they hate her. A warm arm wrapped around her and kissed her cheek. That's what she wanted most. Warmth. She held his arm, turned to him, and kissed him.

"I will provide for us. You don't have to think of the expenses. Keep that money for your emergencies. Okay?"


He watched as he entered a crowded place wearing the mask that Butler Paul put on him. He managed to escape the house because of him. He told him that one day, he'll understand everything. He promised him that one day he'll come home again and take it all. He wanted to cry as he showed his passport that Butler Paul gave to him too.

Soon, when they arrived in an unfamiliar country, an old woman smiled at him and greeted him. Telling him that she missed him. He didn't want to go to that woman but she mentioned to him that she knew Paul. The woman takes him to her shabby house. He could finally remove the fake face that Butler Paul gave to him and there, he cried.

"Stop crying!" The woman hissed at him. "You are already grown up."

She showed him a few documents.

"Your family is after you and going to kill you. And if it wasn't for that woman that your father married, my daughter wouldn't die!"

At first, he didn't understand her. Then, she explained to him everything that his mother was the old woman's daughter. She also had to run off to protect herself until they take all of the money from their family and only he could claim it when he's old enough.

Maverick sat up, sweating from the dream or more like a memory in a dream, and went to his cabinet. He took out a small box over the clothes that he folded neatly. He took out the amulet that has the seal of his mother's family and also from his father's side. He promised her that he'll survive and claim it. In the Royal Family, the most important thing is the testament that was probably in the bank. But only those who have the seal could claim it and open it.

"The bank wouldn't even let them touch it." The old woman laughed that echoed in his head. "So, you, boy. You need to stay strong and survive no matter what. Because once you have it in your hands, you can control everything around."

He gripped on it.

"I will control it soon.." He said like a promise from his memories with the old woman.

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