The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 213 - Face To Face

"Hello, Duchess." 

His deep voice sent shivers through her body. But she held on to her husband's sleeve and was ready to protect him if ever the man engaged his gun. 

"You have such a beautiful, petite Duchess, Lord Ivan. She's known as Angel and Queen at the same time. The perfect Queen of Great Greivania." 

Oddly, Victoria felt like she had seen him. But just what Kenzo said, he's Butler Kian. He probably worked in the Castle because Kenzo knew him as Butler Kian and the assassin. 

"She's the perfect Queen," Kenzo said. "But I won't let any of you touch a single tip of her hair." 

The man laughed. 

"You knew well that a bullet is as fast as lightning." He smirked as he opened the left side of his coat and took out something. Kenzo raised his hand and fired his revolver. Victoria didn't blink as she watched the bullet hit the man's chest. The man laughed, stepping back from the impact but there's no blood. He took out the bullet under his shirt. He only lifted a letter and placed it on the parapet of the balcony. 

Kenzo looked at him straight without blinking. 

"This is from the Gazen." He smirked at him. "You escaped death from me many times. Let's see how many deaths you can escape." 

"Isn't it enough that you killed Kenzo's parents?" Victoria couldn't help but speak up. 

The man looked at her. She was a little scared since the man killed Kenzo's parents. 

"You speak so beautifully." The man grinned and titled his head. "Didn't you pick him up from the garbage?"

"I did." She stood up. "It's not because I pity him or whatsoever. He's just too good-looking and the kindest man I know. He once had a perfect life but you took it away because of your greed. I don't care if you want to kill me. But I would never let you or any of your clan hurt the Etrama." She gritted her teeth and the man only laughed, which only indicates that he's looking down at the Duchess. 

"You think that my wife can't do anything, right?" Kenzo laughed and held his wife's hand. "Butler Kian or your name is Xian Arnold, right?" 

The man's smile faded. In a snap, the agents surrounded him and Kane quickly blocked the Duchess. Kenzo let go of Victoria's hand as he took the letter from the parapet. They were close to each other and Kenzo could easily get killed. But then, the man didn't move a thing. 

"I can read your plans, Gazen. Now, where is Fiona? The bitch who killed the rest of our family." 

Kian scoffed and grinned.

Kenzo quickly stepped back as Kian rushed toward the parapet and jumped down. Kenzo watched as the man rolled on the grass and ran. Then, the guards quickly rushed down to follow him. Kenzo took out the phone and tossed it to Kane. 

Kane tapped the small screen and he signed his men to keep following. The bullet that Kenzo shot at him had a tracker. Kain might have removed the outer shell but the tracker will be wrapped up around the silver fabric of the bulletproof like a magnet. 

"Love," Kenzo called her. She stepped forward and hugged him immediately. 

"Don't do that again." She pouted at him. 

Kenzo saw a shadow of a woman from the corner who hid in the dark. He caressed his wife's hair and noticed the necklace that the woman was wearing. It only means that she might be part of the Gazen Empire who was now leading a group of ex-military for war. 

"Love, if I die. For instance… would you love another again or marry for status?" 

"You are irreplaceable." He whispered and kissed her cheeks. "I can't see myself loving another woman." 

"Then, let's have kids after our formal wedding." 

"Sure," he gently pushed her and smiled down at her lovingly. "Let's go back." He put back his revolver. 

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said as he put his hand over the small of her back to lead her in another direction. He glanced at the woman who was slowly sneaking away before she got caught. 

At ten in the evening, they left the ball. Then, they reached the mansion at eleven in the evening. That's when they gathered in the family room to discuss the movement of the Gazen. 

"We trace him but he's too smart," Kane said. "He removed his vest immediately." 

"What else?" The King asked. He was only trying to compose himself because he knew well that Kain was a genius. 

"We found no trace after that," Kane grumbled. "King Roger mentioned that there were illegal tunnels that he might enter but," 

"I will stop the operation," Kenzo said. "It will cost us a lot if we lose men. There were traps underground and I think Xian Arnold worked as an engineer for years in this country. He might have participated underground and once it was abandoned, they used it as underground transportation." 

Kenzo's Intel is no other than the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince of Spania was currently investigating smuggled jewels, golds, drugs, firearms, and others. They tried air transportation, water transportation, and land transportation. So, they try to check with the underground. Just recently, Kenzo also helped with checking it through their latest machines. 

"Alright," Edgar grumbled. "I don't think that we could find them sooner." 

"Grandpa, let's discuss this tomorrow," Kenzo suggested. "I'll escort you to your room." 

The King stood as Commander Sparrow followed. Kenzo looked at Victoria. 

"Love, go to our room. Okay?" 

She nodded and then she hugged Edgar to greet him good night. 

"Good night," Vivien reached Victoria's cheeks and kissed her forehead. "Just call me if you need something." 

"I'm fine, mom. I think you should sleep too." 

Victoria walked to her room, changed her clothes into comfortable sleeping pajamas, and waited for Kenzo. She never thought that Kenzo would take long so she started reading a new reference from the novel that she's going to write. It's also one way to get that killer out of her mind. 

"Damn," She sighed. She knew to herself that she wasn't that smart enough. She wasn't confident of standing up for herself but she must do it. 

The door opened after thirty minutes. Kenzo entered and locked the door. She quickly hopped out of the bed and approached him. Then, she helped him undress. 

"How's grandpa?" She asked. 

"I already calmed him down. We are sure that Fiona is here." 

"Okay," She nodded her head. 

"Let me take a shower. This won't take long." He scooped her face and kissed her lips. "I know that you are tired, why won't you just stay in bed?" 

She was always obedient as she crawled over the bed and then waited for him. She lay down and stared at the bathroom door, waiting for him to come out. It took fifteen minutes or maybe more when he came out naked and dry. He smiled at him and crawled over the bed. He gently pushed the duvet and sat beside her. He kissed her lips, passionately with those kissy sounds while his hand started caressing her thighs. 

"Hmm," She hummed and snuggled to him. 

He lay down and hugged her. 

"I am so tired. Sorry, love." She whispered. 

"I'm tired too." 

"What's with the letter?" She asked him. 

"It's an invitation to the place where my grandfather and his wife usually had their vacation." He said. "It was a private island and I think that's where my grandmother died. The King's wife." 

"That's harsh." She sighed and pouted. "I want to wreck that man's face." 

Kenzo laughed and closed his eyes. 

"You are so brave, my Duchess." 

She sighed again and rubbed his chest. 

"That's because I love you. I want to stand up for you." 

"You always do that back then. Even when I wasn't officially a Duke." 

Victoria remembered how he was treated by her family after they found out that he was a broke man who doesn't even have a cent to feed her. She stood up to him because she loves him that fast. She might be impulsive but it was all worth it because the love that she wanted to receive increased every day that she got addicted to it. 

"I was nervous at first to face him finally. But I am glad that I could face him." Kenzo said that made her look up at him. Her ears were focused on him. "That night, I was lost. I don't know what to do but my dad gave me his medal as a security to the throne. My dad didn't leave mom in that car although there's still a chance that he might survive." 

"Your dad loves your mom so much." 

"Yes. He loves her so much that he wanted to die with her and left me out." 

"Your dad loves you so much too." 

"We could just die all together there." He said, full of regret. 

"But your grandfather will fall ill. He will be more devastated if you don't survive." 

That's when Kenzo realized that it wasn't all about the throne. It was also all about family. He survived for their family. 

"I love you, Victoria.." He hugged her and gently squeezed her in his arms.

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