The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 218 - Tresspass

Stacey was laughing so hard after watching the videos from the Royal Palace and there were uncut videos of Victoria with King Edgar as he spoke about his wife and then there's the response of Prince Philip to his brother that he lacked the charm that's why the Queen doesn't fancy him that much. 

"I can't believe that granddads are like this." She told her husband who was currently busy with his work. 

"Yeah, it's like a parody." He commented and focused on his work. Stacey noticed that he's too focused and so she didn't interrupt him again. She loved working with him even though both of them are doing different jobs. 

For now, Stacey was busy illustrating the children's books that Victoria currently wrote. She read it many times and so they discussed how it's going to be illustrated. She smiled while she's running her pencil through the canvas. She's excited to launch this book. The door opened as Secretary Morgan entered with delicious foods. She dropped her pencil and eyed Secretary Morgan who set up the cart full of food on the table. She licked her lips while gaping at the food. 

On the other hand, it also distracts him momentarily. He grinned while watching his wife was licking her lips and swallow hard. 

"Babe, if you are hungry just go and eat." Maverick laughed as Stacey glared at him. 

"Eat with me." She stood and sanitized her hands. 

He stood and took a break and joined his wife on the table. 

"Join us," Stacey told Secretary Morgan. 

"Your Grace, I~~" 

"Please, I insist," Stacey said and Secretary Morgan sat down to dine with them. Stacey was happy eating and she even hummed. "This is so delicious." She told her and sniffled. 

"Why are you getting emotional toward the food?" he asked. Stacey reached the table napkin and wiped her tears. 

"It's just so delicious." She told him. 

Secretary Morgan smiled at her gently. 

"I will also cook dinner. So please, enjoy your food, your grace." 

"Thank you." She pouted and sniffled. "Damn, why am I crying over food." She said and continued eating. 

Maverick was bewildered by her crazy emotions. She would cry for a very small reason. Still, Maverick found it very, very adorable. 

After eating, they walked outside to take a break from working. He helped Secretary Morgan on cleaning up the dishes but she only then put it on the dishwasher and let it that way. 

"I'm sleepy," Stacey said and rubbed her tummy. "Baby's sleepy." 

"Okay," He spoiled her nonstop. 

He took her to bed as she changed her clothes into a sleeping one. He closed the window with the remote control and increased the humidity of the room. 

"You okay on your own here?" He asked and caressed her hair. 

"Yes. I will just take a nap." She said softly. He kissed her lips and carefully caressed her hair until she fell asleep. 

He finally stood and went back to his office as Secretary Morgan bowed her head. 

"Is it ready?" He asked. 

"Yes, your grace." 

He sat down on his swivel chair and bowed his head. 

"Greetings, your highnesses." 

"Mave, can you control the robots for me?" Kenzo asked. "I am currently reading documents about the Gazen. I found a lead somehow." 

"That's good." Caleb nodded his head. 

"Don't worry, I will handle that." 

"You can give me half of your work if you want." Caleb shrugged. "I mean all of the ministers, especially the board directors of the Etrama." 

Kenzo and Maverick laughed. 

"Can you then facilitate my residence?" Kenzo asked. 

"Mine too." 

"Wow." Caleb shrugged. "I can't believe that I have to fly away from my wife's mansion to yours." He shook his head. "But I will start with Westeria for a day and Marduque for another day." 

"Thank you." Kenzo and Maverick said at the same time. 

"By the way, wherein hell are you, Mave?" Caleb creased his brows. 

"I'm at the vacation house. It's a secret." He grinned at them. "Anyway," he took out the controller and connected it to his computer. "What's the IP address of the robots?" 

Kenzo typed fast. 

"Sent." He said. 

He copied the IP address and put the password to relocate it and controlled it. He was controlling it like he was in games as he put his headset on. 

"By the way, what's this case that you are working on, Kenz?" Mave asked. 

"It's about the Gazen. I will tell you all of the details when I get there." 

"The Gazens?" Caleb asked. "And what did Victoria inform me about the ball? That someone hooked up on you?" 

Kenzo laughed so loud. 

"Indeed. Victoria had dined with the lady. She gets along with Princess Amber." 

"But I have a feeling that this woman has something to do with that case from whatever Victoria said." Caleb shrugged. "Your wife doesn't keep secrets from us." 

"Ohh," Kenzo was silent for a while as Maverick grinned. "How about sex? Did she tell you about that?" 

Caleb nearly choked from his own saliva. 

"Dude! She's shy about that! Why? Why did you suddenly ask?" 

Kenzo was relieved as he sighed. 


"Oh, this is something fishy," Caleb said as he wiggled his brows. 

Maverick nodded as Secretary Morgan left his office. 


After Secretary Morgan closed the door. She took the tablet and checked the house. Few doors were opened and all of the cameras had facial detection. She then looked at the Duchess's room. She tapped the knife at the side of her thighs as she started walking directly to the Duchess's room. She slowly opened it, as she entered. Then she took out a knife from her pocket and threw it directly at the dark curtains. 

The knife was steady on the curtains which means that there was someone in there. Then, she approached the Duchess and reached her face, and checked if she was breathing. Shortly, that someone died immediately. She carefully used the remote to open the curtains and the assassin was dead from a single hit of a knife. It was also directed to the head. 

"I will take care of the body." Butler Paul said as she stayed with the Duchess who was still asleep. 

She didn't wake her up as she watched Butler Paul wrapped up the body and removed the poisonous knife. He wrapped up the head so the blood won't spill on the carpet. She already sent a message to the Duke and shortly, the Duke came and he carefully scooped Stacey from the bed and took her to the study room. 

"What about the tongue?" Secretary Morgan asked as she approached the body and checked the tongue. She took out a device to check the man's body if there are metals. "There are few of them. So then, let's take him to the basement." 

The robot came as it cleaned up the room quickly and the other two took the body. 

Butler Paul and Secretary Morgan undressed the assassin and the mark of the Gazen showed up. 

"Just how did they know?" Morgan asked. 

"Who else knows the location of this villa?" 

"I and you." She said, "And the Princess." 

Butler Paul took out the metal devices and there's no tracking. Every tracking device could be disabled by the radio waves just from the boundaries. But this man still entered without any certainty. 

"How is the Duchess?" He asked. 

"She's untouched. I think I had arrived earlier than he expected." 

They took photos of the man's tattoos as Secretary Morgan took a blood sample. They clean up the devices and put them on the tray. Then while Butler Paul preserved the body in the basement, Secretary Morgan went to the Duke's office. He's currently working while his wife is sleeping on the sofa beside him. He was silent. 

She bowed and placed the devices on his desk. 

"Thank you." He whispered and continued working.

She then went back to the Duke and Duchess's room and the robots found devices that were planted. It was destroyed immediately and the curtains are new and everything is clean. There's no bloody air. If they were in Marduque right now, there's a possibility that they would get into the Duchess. There's a possibility that the Duchess might be dead right now and so was the baby. 

"Not in this life." She mumbled and looked down at the device in her hand. "Not in the next life, Gazen. You will never win over Etrama." She gritted her teeth. Her anger toward the Gazen was extreme. Because she remembered her past life while she was held as a mistress of the King of Gazen. That was a hundred years ago. That is why she did everything to serve the Etrama and their bloodline. 

"Secretary Morgan." Butler Paul called through the earpiece that she was wearing. "Secretary Morgan, I think you need to see this one." 

"I'll be there." 

She went downstairs where Butler Paul already opened up the body and then he showed that the tongue was removed. 

"There's also a device planted inside their body." 

She didn't puke as she had seen a lot of sights like this. 

"Hmm, it was probably the Gazen. I hope that they rot in hell." She whispered. 

Butler Paul only shrugged.

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