The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 227 - Growth

Mila never expected that a man would respect her like this. It's already morning and the man beside her was sleeping peacefully and didn't even touch a single strand of her hair. Maybe it was because he knows her darkest secret. That she got a miscarriage and was used by his cousin's ex-fiancé. He might have thought that she's been used by many men and that she was dirty. 

But no matter what she thought, he didn't treat her like trash. He was gentle and was always a gentleman. She slipped off from the bed and went to the bathroom. She washed her face and used his face wash. She also used a new toothbrush that he gave to her. Renzel Parson. She thought that all Parson's are annoying and they are arrogant but this man never showed any arrogance to anyone. 

She spits the foam and washed her mouth.. Then, she wiped her face and looked at the door. She came out and stared at the man who was sleeping peacefully. She sighed and gathered her clothes but the man woke up and he rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning," She smiled at him. "Do you want coffee?" 

"Hmm, morning, Mila. Feel at home." He said and lazily shoved his face to the pillows. 

Mila left the room to make coffee. 

However, Renzel sat up and looked down at his lower part. Morning boner. He hates it. He rushed to the bathroom so he wouldn't scare off the woman. After he calmed down, he washed his face, brushed his teeth, and went outside to find his phone. He wanted to check on Victoria. But he received a message from an unexpected person. 

Rebecca: Hi, Renz. I saw you two nights ago. How are you? 

Renzel stared at it and didn't know what to do. He was panicking a little because half of him still loves her and half of him hate her for aborting their baby. But he knew that career was her passion. 

"Hey, coffee?" 

He turned around and accepted the mug that Mila gave. 

"Thank you." 

She went to the full-length glass wall window and opened the curtains. 

"You got a beautiful view here." She said, 

"Enjoy." He said and sipped on the coffee. Not that bitter and not that sweet. He likes it. He then called Kenzo who answered after three rings. 

"Good Morning, Bro," Kenzo said in a sleepy voice. 

"Didn't you sleep?" Renzel asked. 

"I did. A little. I was worried about Victoria but it seemed like she's sleeping peacefully and snoring a little." 

Renzel laughed. 

"I was checking on her." 

"She doesn't have a fever," Kenzo said. "But she'll be fine. I'll tell her to call you." 

"Thank you. You need to sleep well, Kenz. You will get her worried." 

Kenzo laughed and sighed. 

"I will." 

"Goodbye." He hung up and sipped on the coffee. Momentarily, he forgot about his ex's message. 

"It's beautiful here. Can I stay here?" She asked. 

Renzel shrugged. He doesn't mind at all. 

"Sure, I will set up the guest room for you." 

"Thank you." She sipped on her coffee. 

"I have a meeting. I will leave the code to you." 


He went back to his room and took the access card to the penthouse and the note for the code. He approached her and gave it to her. 

"There's the number for security and enjoy your stay." 

"Thanks." She smiled. "Do you want breakfast? How about bacon and egg? How do you like your egg to be beaten?" 

He laughed and patted her. 

"I'll eat anything." He checked his phone. 

Mila watched him walk back to his room. She was puzzled. He's adorable when he laughs or smiles. But she knew that he can't be hers although they were both nobles. She turned back and went to the beautiful kitchen. She started preparing breakfast. She's a woman and her mother taught her how to please a husband by preparing food. She knew basic house chores too. 

She set up the table for both of them. Then, he came, handsomely dressed in his navy blue suit. 

"Where to?" She asked. 

"Office," he answered and sat down. He looked at the food. "Amazing, you cooked in a short time." 

"Most of them are fried." She sat down gracefully. 

They ate quietly as Mila didn't want to interrupt him. He finished everything on his plate as he wiped his lips and stood. 

"I'm running late. Thank you for the food." 

"Sure." Mila watched him rush as his phone started ringing like crazy. 

Mila sighed and she took her phone to check her apartment. It was cleared. She doesn't want to go back. Maybe she'll shop online first and put it under Renzel's name and to her credit card. She took her phone and called a shop. Since she knew the address it would be easy. She needs to get out of Jason's eyes or else, her plan of ruining his mind wouldn't work. 


Victoria called Renzel after she woke up and spoke to her shortly. They chatted for a few minutes and she said goodbye since her husband was nagging about medicines and breakfast. Breakfast in bed was sweet since her husband was the one prepared for it. 

"Wow, it's beautiful." She said and he took the soup and stirred it. "Love, you prepared so much." She pouted at him. 

"Of course, so you wouldn't think of drinking tea only and eating less." 

She opened her mouth as he carefully fed her with the soup. 

"Hmm." She bounced her head and sighed. "That's amazing, love." 

"Wait for lunch. I will give you all of the best." 

"I hope that it wasn't just soup." 

"Of course not. These weren't just soup. You have sunny side up egg and fruits, and pancakes." 

"Yeah." She bounced her head. "But I want something else later." 

"Sure," he grinned and caressed her hair. "Sexy or old fashion? I can wear my apron without anything else. You can watch me in our private kitchen." 

"Love," she laughed and held her stomach. "Not that. There's a camera in that kitchen." 

"Oh," he shook his head. "Let's scratch it out then." He fed her more soup until she finished everything in the bowl. Then, she started with eating fruits, mixing it to the pancake with maple syrup." The couple ate happily as always even though she was sick. 

Then, after that. He took her to the sunroom. She sighed and looked up at her husband. 

"I don't want to get sick anymore." She said as she reached his hand. "I want to be healthy and have babies with you." 

"I know." He smiled at her. "I want that too." He caressed her hair as he bent down and kissed it. "I will do everything to keep you healthy, my love." He whispered. 

"I will start my daily exercise again after I am not that lazy to exercise." She told him and smiled. 

"Alright," He caressed her hair lovingly. 

"So, if I get a little fat, don't search for someone sexier than me." 

"Fat is sexy too." He grinned at her. "There's no woman sexier in my eyes but you." 

"Good." She grinned at him. "You can go back and work, my love. I don't want you to work overtime because I took your time from working." 

"I took an off day." 

"Really?" Her eyes widened. "Just a day. I need a break too." He hugged her and kissed her forehead. "How about let's walk around the castle? I know that wearing a face mask is harsh to walk around in." 

"I'm not sneezing a lot like yesterday. It's all gone now." She told him. "But I might also sleep all day and all afternoon." 

"That's fine. You need to sweat a little." 

The couple started strolling through the wide halls and there were things that she hadn't noticed. Beautiful places and spots. She only walked by it and she didn't have time to go to a few places because she was busy focusing on being perfect for her husband by cooking delicious foods and baking, and also by checking the inventory of the castle. 

"I never thought that there were pretty places here." 

"Yes, there are." He put his hand over her waist as they walked slowly. "There are also secret places only meant for us." 

She looked up at her with bright eyes. 

"It will remain a secret." He kissed her temple lightly and they continued walking until they walked past the guardian statues. They stopped in front of the goddess statue as they looked at each side and since there's no camera focusing in that area, Kenzo pulled his wife gently and pressed the wall as it opened a little and then it closed. 

Victoria wasn't used to the super dark area. Kenzo pulled out his phone and turned the flashlight on. Victoria sneezed before could even see the dust. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered. She took her facemask on as the dry and dusty place entered her nostrils. "Let's go back. I shouldn't have brought you here." 

"It's fine. It seems that you like an adventure." She grinned at him. They hold each other's hands. "So, where is the way out?" She asked. 

"Something beautiful." 

They kept walking and walking. Then, he finally opened the wall as it rotated and they came out. She was blinded by the brightness of the outside. But her eyes dilated. 

"Wow." She removed her face mask and smelled fresh air although it was a little cold. 

"This is my mother's secret garden. It's just around the corner, probably hidden from the fences and trees. But it's also a way to escape. This is yours now." 

She shook her head. 

"Ours," She smiled up at him and kissed his hand.

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