The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 232 - Caviar Man

After Travis heard that the Duchess was once again sick, he had someone gather the expensive herbs to give them to her. He doesn't like how Kenzo neglects the Duchess. But at least that's what he thought. So, when he arrived in Westeria, he thought that the Duke was working his ass off while his wife was sick but then, it was said that the Duke stayed with his wife although he was working at the same time. 

"Count Gordon, what brought you here?" Kenzo asked as he went downstairs. 

"I heard the Duchess was sick again, your grace. So, I have good herbs here, and ginseng shipped from another country." 

"Thank you for your concern, I will take that," Kenzo said. "But really, I started getting curious as to why you are always giving my wife such gifts. I know that I am getting the wrong idea. Or maybe my instinct is right." 

Travis was speechless. 

"I admired the Duchess," Travis said. "She's my savior, that's why I cared so much about her." 

"If you say so." Kenzo shrugged. "Sorry, but I can't let you see my wife. She's sick because her body is still adjusting to the cold temperature of Westeria." 

"It's alright, your grace. These herbs will help the Duchess." 

"That's too much." Kenzo looked at the boxes. 

"I know," Travis bowed his head. "It's a gift for your family." 

"Thank you." Kenzo doesn't like someone pursuing his wife but with these expensive gifts, Victoria would think that they will have fewer expenses for the herbs since someone already donated. He smiled at that thought. He knew his wife so well. "I will tell my wife about these gifts." 

Travis bowed his head. He was disappointed that he didn't get to see the Duchess but at least he visited him. 

"Love," A low voice called and Travis looked up to see Victoria in her thick robe. 

Kenzo looked up and frowned. 

"Victoria, I told you not to come out." 

"It's fine. I've been in my room for like three days now." She said. She waved at Travis. "Hello, Travis." 

"Duchess," Travis bent over to bow at her. "I hope you get well." 

"Thank you." She waved at Kenzo who seemed to be frowning. 

"Then, thank you for your gift," Kenzo told him as he went upstairs and carefully scooped his wife to carry her back. 

"Kenz, I want to go to the sunroom." 

"No," Kenzo said, almost scolding her. "You aren't well, for god's sake." 

"Are you angry?" Victoria reached his cheek. "I'm sorry. I just don't want you to leave me for a while." She hugged his neck. 

He entered the room and put her back down on the bed. She leaned on the pillows. He covered her with the duvet. 

"I'm really fine now." She whispered. 

"You aren't." 

"Look, I am sweating already." She showed her chest which was full of sweat. He stared at it and momentarily smacked his head in his mind. Her duchess was still seductive even when she's sick. 

The maids entered with the gifts that made her frown. 

"Did we just scam Count Travis again?" Victoria giggled. 

"Yeah, that's a year of herbs for you." 

"We can give the maids and your guards with those herbs. I think it's too much for me. Mama, even different herbs for my cold." She looked at the containers of dried herbs that her mother provided. She was drinking it every day, that's why she got better than expected. 

"If that's what you want." He took the towel and wiped her neck and chest. "Do you want to try the herbs that he bought for you?" 

"Sure, let me see it." 

Kenzo stood and let the maids leave. He opened it and showed it to her one by one. She smelled each of them and nodded. 

"I want to try ginseng." 


Victoria watched as her husband boiled the ginseng in their single electric induction stove. She felt sorry that she's interrupting his work all the time but she wanted to be with him always. It's the first time that she got sick and there's someone taking care of her. Back then, in the mansion, only the maids cared for her. 

"Love, drink it with me," Victoria suggested. 

"Yes, I will." 

Kenzo poured the boiled ginseng into the mug as he approached her with the tray and placed it on the side table. 

"It smells good." 

"That's a good thing." He caressed her hair. 

"If I am better, I will surely take care of you too." 

"I will wait for that." He bent down and kissed her hand. 

"You should drink herbs with me plus the herbs that grandpa gave for our fertility." 

Kenzo nodded his head and massaged her hands. It's a good thing that her cold was gone and she wasn't coughing. She only had a fever and it wasn't at the maximum heat. Just a few days ago, she couldn't get up and she was unconscious so the doctor had to put dextrose on her and he had to put diapers on her. He took care of her and never left her side because he's afraid that one day, she'll be gone. He doesn't want anyone that he loves to leave him. 

"I will be better. My head was aching a little." 

"Good then." 

He will buy all of the herbs that would boost her immunity even though it will cost him a lot. Because for him, her health was all he cared about. They promised each other to be healthy and to have lots of babies. Kenzo wouldn't let anything at risk when it comes to her health. The couple drank the ginseng and she sighed and smiled. 

"This is amazing. It's delicious." 

"I put honey on it while it's boiling." He smiled. "I will leave the ginseng with us while the others will be distributed." 

"Yes, do that, love. In this cold season, I think they need to boost their immunity while doing their job in the castle." 

She fell asleep again after drinking the ginseng, that's when he went to the kitchen just nearby his study room and prepared the soup and fruits for his wife. He was up last night to fix all of the details in his work as a Duke. He sent other reports earlier than before so he could spare time to be with his wife. He sleeps on the sofa bed near his wife since they can't share the same bed when she's sick. 

"Your grace," Secretary Bryan entered and bowed. "I received a message from Duke Maverick about the report from Spania." 

He stopped from chopping the fruits and turned to him. Secretary Bryan closed the door as he approached him. 

"They found the base but it was empty." He whispered and showed him the photos. "However, we found few traces. They left a map of the Empire Castle, it also includes the secret ways." 

"Of course," Kenzo whispered. "It was originally from Gazen but before the Gazen, the Eron Empire was the one who built it and was renovated by the Gazen. We need to renovate the castle. I will speak to Maverick and Caleb about this." 

"Yes, sir." Secretary Bryan pulled the tablet gently. "How's the Duchess?" He asked. 

"She's doing fine and sweating a lot. Sooner or later she could go out and have fun. That's what the doctor said." 

"That's good to hear. Some people have already heard about the Duchess's health. If they keep going on like this, they might present concubines for you." 

Kenzo scoffed and laughed. 

"That won't happen. The Doctor said that she's adjusting to our climate. Sooner or later, she will be good as new." He said confidently. 

Yet he is still worried. His wife loses a lot of weight. Three kilos just in two days. But he will feed her a lot and make sure that she ate a lot of vegetables and fruits. She also started drinking herbs and it will help her on her health. Just as the Doctor also said that she's been tired so, Kenzo set up a new schedule for her so she would have time to rest. 

He set up the tray for their dinner and he went back to their room and he set it on the table. Victoria was already awake and she smiled at him. She slipped off from the bed and wiped her sweats. 

"Love, I would like to take a hot bath first." 


"Don't worry. I'll take a shower so you won't have to prepare the tub for me." 

Kenzo waited and looked at the open door. He was worried that she might collapse in the shower that's why he was watchful. Shortly, she came out with a towel wrapped around her head. She walked casually to put some clothes on. 

"Let's talk, my love." He approached her and she sat down on the dresser and let him blow dry her hair. "I set up your new schedule. You have more time to exercise and to rest." 

"Can we have a rest at the same time?" She asked. 

"You can visit me anytime." He put away the hair blower and kissed her cheeks. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine now, my head hurts just a little bit." 


"Thank you for your warm love, my hubby." 

Kenzo smiled and hugged her from behind.

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