The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 34 - Belmont's Real Heir

Caleb shook his head as he watched Maverick and Stacey laughing over some videos. He became a loner at the time and he disliked that Kenzo and Victoria were gone for thirty minutes. He thought that the two wouldn't come out. But then, they arrived with a sleeping mat and blanket. At the moment, they are waiting for their drinks to get cold since the ice came late. He joined Kenzo and Victoria on the big sleeping mat after the two set it down while sneering toward Maverick and Stacey who were discussing a few things.

Victoria pillowed over Kenzo's left chest while Caleb does the same to Kenzo's right chest. Victoria pushed Caleb's head away.

"Get away from my man." She demanded.

"Hey, if it wasn't for me. The two of you wouldn't get married that night."

Victoria thought about it and Caleb indeed pushed Kenzo toward her.

"And by the way, I am willing to lend a tuxedo for Kenzo on your grandma's birthday."

It's also frustrating that the birthday will be next week. She doesn't have a gift yet. She's sure that her family would flaunt expensive gifts for her grandmother. It was always like that. She always bought gifts for her, using the money from her job, not from her parents. She would give her cheap gifts since it's the only thing that she could afford.

"So, what does your grandma like? Does she have specific collections?" Kenzo asked.

"She had everything in this world. I don't know what she likes since she doesn't say."

"Let me find it out then," Kenzo said and kissed her forehead.

"Awww…" Stacey and Maverick reacted while Caleb snorted and moved away. Stacey and Maverick laughed and threw sand toward Caleb.

"Why won't you date that crazy woman… her name is Samara right?" Stacey asked. Just hearing that woman's name, Caleb shivers. He rubbed his arms and went beside Maverick as Maverick hugged him and rubbed him.

"That woman is crazy!" He cried at Maverick.

Victoria laughed.

"That woman is Jason's cousin. I guess they are both crazy." Stacey shrugged. "So, are you into boys now? You know that you can't rent Maverick."

"Maverick is my man here, you should move away from him and stop him feeding with hentai details! He's just a kid!" Caleb bickered back.

Kenzo chuckled as he caressed his wife's soft hair.

"So, you and Samara never slept together, right?" Kenzo asked.

"We~~I think we did but she got crazy over it and claimed to be pregnant which she wasn't. I found it out soon. It was a fuzzy night and I don't remember fucking her or something." Caleb snuggled more to Maverick. "She's scary!"

"They are from a rich family that's why his father is pushing him to that girl," Stacey explained to Kenzo.

"Then, how about that girl from your past?" Maverick asked. "You talk highly of her."

Caleb stopped and sighed depressingly.

"She recently got married to a rich guy." He mumbled.

"What's the reason why you guys got separated again?" Victoria slid her hand to her husband's crotch behind the micro fabric blanket over them. Kenzo inserted his hand inside the blanket and put her hand to his chest.

"Well, she caught me kissing Samara." Caleb sighed. "I swear that I was framed up…"

"You explain to her?"

"I didn't get to explain it. She just left."

"Oh, poor you." Stacey clicked her tongue as she shook her head.

"But I heard that she's doing fine, so," Caleb shrugged. Maverick patted him to comfort him. "Let's not talk about it." He said and grinned.

Maverick and Kenzo knew well that the girl was his first love and he wanted to marry her at that time too. But, unfortunate things happened.

"Let's drink our beers!"

Maverick stood as he opened the cooler and distributed the beers. He sat between Stacey and Maverick while the lovers were cuddling each other. Victoria drank a lot of beers and she's already tipsy. She had the lowest alcohol tolerance of all of them.

Kenzo's phone from the sleeping mat. He reached it and stared at the unregistered number. Yet, he recognizes the first numbers that are equal to a name. He stood to move and walked away from them as he answered it.


"Good evening, Lord Ivan." The familiar voice of a man called.

"Why are you calling now?" Kenzo asked as he remained calm and cool. Although, this family abandoned him. He stayed in that cold place where kids were being whipped once they made a mistake.

"I'm calling you now because your grandfather is sick."


"Please, don't be cold, Lord Ivan. But we are doing this to protect you."

Kenzo exhaled and massaged his forehead.

"What's with that boat far from us?"

"That's your protection."

"So, you are spying on us, Secretary Loren?"

"We are simply protecting you. The Belmont is searching for the real heir. This time it's to end him although they were family. I believe that he's close to you and once that they find out who you are, we will be damned."

"Belmont?" Kenzo turned to his friends and the first thing that comes into his mind is Maverick.

"Remember the boy who saved you that night?"


"That's him."

Kenzo stopped and stared at Maverick for a while. He looked away and exhaled slowly.

"Where's grandpa?"

"He's in the bed. Already sleeping." Secretary Loren answered. "Let's meet tomorrow at the Golden Palace Hotel in Lwazi City."

"Alright." He hung up and walked back to them. He sat beside Victoria and caressed her hair.

"Who was it?" She asked.

"Loren," he answered and kissed her cheeks. He didn't want to lie to her. She only nodded and sipped on her cold beer. He bent closer to her and kissed her shoulders. All of his sufferings will end soon. And so his wife's sufferings.

"Who's Loren?" She asked again.

"He's the guy from my childhood. You'll meet him soon."

"Okay…" She smiled.

"I'll get the laptop so Maverick and I could discuss how to operate the new software." He said softly.

"Okay." She nodded at him and he kissed her shoulder. Kenzo signed Maverick as the guy nodded.

They went back to their cottage as Kenzo removed the laptop that he charged. Then, he went to Maverick's cottage which is just next to his. He knocked and entered.

"Come in, bro." Maverick waves and he sets up the old laptop that Stacey lent to him. He opened the laptop that Victoria gave to her and then he opened it. "So, I just found out that their software evolved. Then, I research the top software."

"I only need the spreadsheet and PowerPoint presentation."

Maverick started discussing how to use it. It's easy to do it. They started with basics and Maverick explained to him about the other things. He takes note of it using the computer that he's using. Kenzo's phone started ringing and he pulled it out to answer his wife's call.

"Hey, love."

"Where are you?"

"I'm in Mave's cottage."

"Can you do it here?"

"Yeah, we'll be there."

Victoria hung up and Kenzo looked at Maverick.

"I think we should go back," Kenzo said. Maverick only shrugged.

"Your wife is the boss." Maverick grinned.

"Let's discuss this tomorrow," Kenzo told him.


They went back to their bonfire and put more wood. He sat beside Victoria and hugged her.

"We discuss software."

"Discuss it with him tomorrow, I'll let you be with him." She pouted. "For now, you are mine."

He chuckled and patted her head. He glanced at her phone that kept on blinking for notification.

"So, you guys are planning for babies?" Caleb asked.

"We are up for babies," Kenzo answered and rubbed her stomach.

"Guys, let's keep drinking." Caleb stood. They at least finished twenty bottles now and Caleb mostly drank all of it. Maverick helped him and escorted him to the cottage.

"We are leaving too," Victoria told Stacey and winked at her.

"Then, I'll finish the rest of the beers," Stacey said.

"Don't drink too much," Victoria told her. Kenzo took her phone and carried her in his arms. One thing that he didn't do on their first night. Victoria looked lonely.

"What's wrong?"

"The bank notified just today about the payments." She sighed. "If I don't pay it by Monday, the interest will increase…"

Kenzo smiled at her.

"Let me handle that for you, okay?"


"Don't ask how. I'm a man full of solutions."

"Okay, then I trust you." She sighed. "Didn't I tell you that the bank was from Jason's family corporation too?"

"Hmm, how dare he bully you over such things."

"I will just take out money from my savings to pay for it."

He laid her down and helped her remove her clothes. Then, she ran to the bathroom to do her business. He reached her phone and checked the messages of that bastard Jacob. And that bastard Jason.

Jason: Do you want me to lend you money this time?

Jason: You know that you can always visit my penthouse and I'll pay handsomely.

He frowned and put it away. He'll keep his mood cool for Victoria since it's their honey and later, he'll deal with that bastard.

"I'm ready!" Victoria came out naked. "Is the medicine working?" She asked.

Now, it seemed like more than one hour had passed and the medicine was kicking out ready for her.

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