The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 37 - The Mother

Sitting across Baroness Regina Parson was indeed something. The old woman was with grace and she was smart and very wise. Kenzo watched his wife leave as he smiled at the old woman.

"Kenzo, do you want a position in the company?"

"I currently have an office job. I'm sorry but to turn it down, Ma'am."

"Hmm," Regina looked at the beautiful orchids in different types. "Why are you turning me down?" She asked.

"Well, I'll be very busy, Ma'am. Firstly, Victoria needs more care than I do. Secondly, my job won't earn that much but, it will give me enough time to be with her. And working in your company would be much an insult to the employees who are working hard for promotions or people who have climbed harder to get there."

Regina never thought that Kenzo would answer her in such a thing.

"I was only trying to help."

"Yes, I know, Ma'am. But I will give your granddaughter a grandiose living, more than luxury as this."

Regina smiled and titled his head.

"You are really something, Kenzo. You looked true and sure of your words. Then, I have to keep it and wait."

Kenzo smiled.

"I love your granddaughter. She's the only one who gives me warmth for my years in the cold." He said sincerely as his heart fluttered everything he spoke about his wife.

"How can you love someone so easily and so fast?" Regina raised her chin to show her confidence. Kenzo chuckled as he remembered Victoria saying that no one would ever bully him but her. He remembered her standing for him when he was first bullied in her family.

"She's not hard to love. Days with her were filled with~~let's say oddness because she's unique and mostly, I feel home. My mother told me that if you love someone right now and you are living in a shabby house, you won't feel it to be shabby at all. You'll feel like you are living in a castle as a King and a Queen. You'll get through all of the problems, financially or other things because of happiness, contentment, and love"

Regina seemed to remember something about that as she looked away from him and turned to her flowers. Perhaps, she remembered her husband from it.

"Go to Victoria and help her." She told him. Kenzo stood and bowed to her with respect. Then, Regina watched the man enter the house. She stood and followed the boy who asked for the servants on where Victoria's room was located.


As soon as Victoria entered the room, she took the signature luggage bag and took out the dress that she bought using the card that she's using now. She will have to sell it although it's limited edition and brand new. She was surprised when her mother was standing in front of her walk-in closet.

"Hi, mom." She greeted as she continued packing.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm packing up the clothes, shoes, and bag that I bought with that credit card that I'm paying."

It seemed like her mother's nose flared suddenly.

"Did you distribute your sister's video?" Dana asked.

"What video?" She asked unaware of it and then, she thought of the video that Stacey filmed.

"The one that your friend took!" She scolded. "Handed it over and all of the copies."

"I don't have it." Victoria creased her brows. "Why? Are you afraid that grandma would know?" She smirked. Dana frowned at her.

"You are a very ungrateful child. I should have never raised you." Dana said. Victoria stopped packing and it's good that her back was from her so she wouldn't see her mother's disgust looking towards her.

Her knees felt like they wobbled but she held herself back and lifted her chin to send back the tears that clouded her eyes.

"Do you know how much I'll have sleepless nights because I have to take care of you? Now, you are even trying to ruin your sister's reputation?"

Victoria turned around to face Dana.

"What do you mean by 'I should have never raised you'?" She asked. Dana shut up and panicked at the moment. But she kept herself cool.

"Hand me the video, now." She demanded.

"No," Victoria answered. Dana sneered at her as she walked toward Victoria.

"Hand it to me or I'll make your life more miserable?"

It's the first time that Victoria heard this threat from her mother. Or, was she even her real daughter? She doesn't know anymore. Her mind was filled with questions and she was nearly going to break.

Dana scooped her chin hard. Her eyes were wide and angry.

"Give it to me, now." She hissed.

"No." Victoria gritted and Dana slapped her hard on her left cheek and did it again on the other harder as she got out of balance and fell on the floor.

"Dana!" Baroness Regina shouted as Dana stepped backward. Kenzo entered quickly and pulled Victoria from the floor. Both of her cheeks are red and swollen. His heartache as tears started rolling down her cheek but she's still trying to ignore the pain. She's still trying hard to tell herself that it's okay… it doesn't hurt. Kenzo knew that inside, Victoria was more broken than he was.

Kenzo wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

"Love, I'm here. Sorry, I'm late." He smiled at her softly. Victoria tugged at his shirt and stopped herself from releasing any sobbed.

"Just what are you doing to her?"

"Mother, I'm just lecturing her. She got married to someone useless as her."

"She's not useless." Kenzo hugged Victoria. "I know that you are her mother, but Victoria is now my wife. I'm her legal guardian now and, please, don't ever lay a hand on her."

"She's my daughter! I can do whatever I want, you trash!"

"Shut up!" Regina raised her voice. "You think you are doing good?"

"You are spoiling her, mother," Dana exclaimed. "She took a private video of Katarina. Who knows where she would sell it to make money?"

Kenzo hugged Victoria protectively as his jaws tightened.

"Private video?"

"Yes, she and Stacey entered Katarina's room to take a video of her naked while she's changing." Dana exhaled. "I am doing this to protect our family."

"Hmm," Regina looked at Victoria. "My dear, what else hurts?" Regina asked softly. "Come here." She called when Victoria didn't respond. Kenzo gently pulled her outside the walk-in closet to Regina. She checked her swollen cheek. "Where's the video that Stacey took?" She asked.

"I don't have the copy," Victoria said.

"Okay, can you ask Stacey to send it to me and delete it from her?"

Victoria sniffled and nodded.

"Mother, you don't have to see it," Dana said. "I'll deal with it."

"This family problem that you are talking about is serious that you have to hurt your daughter. You are insane, Dana. You are always one-sided."

The Butler came quickly.

"Get an ice and escort Dana out of Victoria's room," Regina commanded. Dana exhaled and stormed outside Victoria's room.

Victoria bit her lip hard not to cry in front of anyone. She never does. She always cries all by herself. Because if she cries, she'll show weakness instead. A made came up with a tray and two ice bags and an ice bucket. Kenzo took the ice bags and put them on her cheek.

"My dear, ignore your mother. I'm sure that she forgot to drink her medicine." Baroness Regina sounded sarcastic and angry toward Dana. She exhaled and told the maids to pack the expensive bags that still had a cover and her clothes that were also covered with an anti-dust cover.

"Grandma, am I not her daughter?" She asked suddenly. Regina's expression changed quickly and she smiled at her.

"What are you talking about, dear?"

"We knew well how much they were spoiling Katarina and I was just aside… She mentioned that she should have never raised me… I'm confused."

"Don't mind about it. Okay? You and Kenzo should be here for my party. The two of you are my special guest."

There was a long silence as Regina watched how Kenzo was loving toward her granddaughter.

"I'm going to make a cake. What is your favorite one, grandma?" Kenzo asked. Regina felt warm by just hearing the word 'grandma' from Kenzo. She smiled at him.

"I love a mango ice cream cake so much." She said. "But it's our little secret."

Kenzo smiled and nodded as he damps the ice to Victoria's cheeks.

"Then, I should make one," Kenzo said. Victoria smiled and kept her right hand to Kenzo's shirt, who was now crumpled.

"What do you want to eat, dear?" Regina asked Victoria as she caressed her hair.

"I'm fine, grandma. I wasn't hungry. Kenzo and our friends cooked a lot of seafood and it was all good. I think I'm still full until now."

"I'll visit your house by the weekend, I need to see what Kenzo could do else," Regina said cheerfully.

"You are most welcome, grandma. I'll cook everything you wanted. Just text Victoria of the foods you wanted me to cook, then, I'll cook it."

"Great, we have a deal then."

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