The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 43 - Stacey's Confession

Kenzo drove to the supermarket nearby to buy her pads. Maybe he needed to restock again for their grocery. His wife even gave him money for it. Soon, he'll stop depending on his wife on the finances. He'll provide for her and their family and he will make sure that she's pampered. He entered the grocery and checked his phone to see about the brand that she's using.

He connected his earpiece to call Secretary Bryan. After a few rings, he answered.

"Good day, Lord Kenzo."

"Sorry for bothering you. But, my wife had a problem recently. I need the best obstetrician to help her."

"I can settle that by tomorrow."

He took a basket and a basket cart as he went through the aisle.

"Thank you. We'll have to attend Lady Regina's birthday by tomorrow, so can it be settled for Sunday?"

"Yes, sir."

He went through the groceries and bought her pads. For daytime and nighttime. His other phone suddenly rang. So, he answered it before it rang for the second time.

"Yes, love?"

"Oh, love. I think it's just spotting. I already called my OB and set an appointment with her before we go for grandma's party."

"Okay, do you need anything else? I'm still here in the grocery store."

"Nothing at all. So, there's a notification that my credit has been settled?"

"Yes, it's all good now."

"Also, I have access to my savings account?"

"Hmm, that's good to hear." Kenzo smiled when she sounded so confused and a little happy.

"Let's talk when you get here. I have lots of questions."

Kenzo smiled like he's satisfied with the outcome.

" Great, I'll see you later." He waited for his wife to hang up.

"Drive safely, love you!"

"I love you too."

Victoria hung up as Kenzo took other things that they needed back home. Then, he went to the counter to find unexpected people. Jason and Katarina on the counter with condoms, lubricant, and other stuff. They are busy flirting with each other. So, he went around to another counter and he just wished that they didn't notice him because he had no energy to listen to their harsh words.

They packed the grocery that he bought as he paid it with cash. He was on his way to the parking lot when the couple deliberately bumped into him.

"I thought I was hallucinating by seeing you," Jason said with a grin. Katarina was clinging to his arm.

Kenzo sighed and turned back from them.

"It was you too that I saw in the Golden Palace Hotel every day. Am I right?"

Kenzo froze as he smirked. He knew well what the guy was up to. So, he turned to them.

"How can you even afford to go there?" Katarina asked with creased brows. "Oh, don't tell me that you have a sugar mommy? Then, during the night, you'll be with Victoria to please her? She even uses you as a maid to run for errands, am I right? Does Victoria know about this?"

"It's none of your business," Kenzo said to them coldly. "And what if I have a sugar mommy? What does it do with you? Or, do you still regret that Victoria found out about your relationship?" Kenzo smirked and turned to Jason. "Did you regret that you didn't get a chance to fuck her?"

Jason scoffed and Kenzo knew that he caught him off guard.

"Excuse me, my wife needs me." He turned back from him as he went to the motorcycle parking as put all of the groceries in the grocery bag.


Maverick stared at the amount of money that he received from Kenzo. He rubbed his eyes again to check on it. Is this his commission from the items that he sells? Stacey smacked his back and laughed.

"Don't move out of my house yet. I need a cook badly." Stacey said.

"I won't move out… yet," Maverick mumbled. "This is the first big money that I received from working hard."

"Those items' prices are high. And I think they cost at least one million since she has credit from the bank over a million. Poor, V. Her father is an asshole."

"By the way, I will go out for a late grocery," Stacey said. "Maybe I'll just buy it at the convenience store."

"Do you want me to come?"

"Nah, it's fine."

He watched as Stacey left. Then, he followed her until he left the house. He locked the door and then, he cleaned up the living room first before going to the kitchen to prepare for their simple dinner. He thought of the night that they would watch a movie together and there will be some rated stuff. Both of them will get awkward with each other and he will have to think over and over again on why he has to restrain himself from jumping on her. It's good that Stacey also has to restrain. Or else, he'll do the deed without caring.

He turned off the stove. He froze when the doorbell rang. Maybe it's Stacey. So, he went to the main door and opened it. An old couple, maybe at least at the age of fifties.

"Are you sure that this is Stacey's house?" The man asked his wife.


"Who are you? What are you doing to my daughter's house?"

Maverick was puzzled a bit.

"Please, come in." Maverick opened the door wide. "I'm her cook." He mumbled.

"Her cook?" The woman asked. From their clothes, he's sure that Stacey came from a wealthy family.

"Yes, she's currently buying her stuff in the convenience store."

They looked at him from head to toe as they entered the house since they noticed him wearing an apron. Maverick quickly pulled out his phone and texted Stacey that her parents arrived. He followed them into the living room.

"Uhm, what should I serve to you?" He asked. They looked up at him oddly.

"What's your name?" The man asked.

"It's Mave, sir."

"Mave, tell me the truth. Why are you at my daughter's house? Or do you want me to throw you in jail?" The man asked harshly.

Maverick's heart thumps loud. Does he need to call Caleb now? It's dangerous to stay in Stacey's house since her parents.

"Leave this house at this instant." Stacey's father said. He looked down on the floor, feeling embarrassed.

"Yes, sir." He mumbled as he went to his room to start packing. He removed his apron and called Caleb through the phone that Stacey lent. Caleb isn't answering at the moment. So, he just let it go. Maybe he needed to withdraw money and stay in a lodge for a while.

"Mave!" Stacey knocked on the door. He opened it and she hugged him. "Don't leave."

He froze by smelling her sweet enticing scent.

"I'll speak to my parents. Besides, this house is mine, not theirs."

Stacey dragged him out of the room and took him to the living room.

"He's not just my cook but he's my boyfriend."

The old man gritted his teeth.

"Dad, this is my house and I pay for everything here. You can't throw him out. Besides, we already did the deed so we are simply living together."

Maverick's eyes widened and looked down at her.

"Also, he's a good cook and he takes care of me like a nanny. And I like him so much." Stacey wrapped her arms around his muscular biceps.

"And what does he do? Don't tell me that you are paying for the expenses in the house and even feed him?" her mother crossed her arms. "Come back home. I find a suitable man for you!"

"I don't want anyone but him!" Stacey insisted.

Maverick didn't know what to feel. Whether to feel hurt for being broke, as what her mother said, or to feel happy because she's defending him.

"You useless child! There are lots of men out there that have a career. They could pamper you more and give you a better life than this!" His father scolded her.

"But, there's no one as handsome as my man," Stacey said. Her parents looked so disappointed. But Maverick feels down even though Stacey was defending him.

"Talk to me when you are tired of playing with this man." Her father said as they left the house.

Daggers. It felt like daggers kept on stabbing his chest. Was he a toy? Stacey unwrapped her arms from him as she showed her parents outside. He went back to his room to pack up. He had money, so maybe leaving her will be the best. Besides, he's in danger and so is Stacey.

"Mave!" Stacey burst into his room. "Hey, I didn't tell you to leave."

Maverick turned to her.

"Maybe, I have to."

"No!" She exhaled. "Look, ignore them. I want you here."

"Stace, I'll repay you for every kindness you gave."

"Mave," Stacey approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "Don't leave." Her voice sounds lonely and broken.

His heart aches by leaving her. He doesn't even want any man to go near her. Maverick unwrapped her arms from his waist and turned to her. He scooped her cheek and stared at her cloudy eyes as tears started forming.

"I'm sorry for what they said but, everything I told them is the truth. Well, except you as my boyfriend. But I like you."

Maverick held back. He can't accept it.. His body started betraying him.

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