The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 50 - Respected Person

She wanted to look presentable for her grandmother but her grandmother came out to be very casual. They welcome her to their house. She's with her handmaiden and Kenzo served her the snacks first and her favorite tea.

"I'll set up the table, stay with your grandma," Kenzo told her. She nodded as she joined her grandmother on the little snacks while Kenzo went to the kitchen.

"I was offering Kenzo a job in the company but he declined me." She told her.

"Well, Kenzo didn't reach college but he's good at business stuff," Victoria said. "And whatever Kenzo wanted, I'm up for it."

"It's such a waste. Wouldn't he enroll in school to finish a course?"

"I haven't asked him about it."

"You should." Lady Regina said as she sipped on her cup of tea. "And what about you? Are you going to stay in your job?"

"Yeah… I was thinking of quitting may be in the right time and staying home to have online work instead."

"You can have any position in the company as you wanted. How about COO?" She asked what made Victoria creased.

"Isn't COO in the position of Rome?"

"Your cousin Rome isn't good at handling things besides screwing every woman in the office."

She didn't know that her cousin would be like that.

"I'm sorry grandma, but I have to turn it down." Although Victoria could handle a COO with a very good income, she didn't want to get bashed more by her family just because she's close to her grandmother.

"Are you worried that they'll come after you?" Regina asked.

"Well, grandma. I am no longer the Miss of the family." She shrugged. "Besides, I am happy with the peace that I have right now. With my husband."

"You can easily get satisfied, aren't you?" She scoffed. "You are one of the heiresses of the family. You should fight for what you deserve."

"I don't want to fight such a thing now, grandma. I prefer living like this. Although, money isn't easy. Still, I am happy."

Victoria was indeed happy with her life with her husband. However, as days passed by, she wasn't happy with her job anymore. Even in her job, there are a lot of people who are stressing her because she's going to get a high position. Then, after what happened to the man that harassed her, a few more grew eager to get that position.

"Hmm, if that's what you want," Regina said. "But always come to me when you need something."

Victoria smiled.

"Thank you, grandma. I will."

"Table is ready," Kenzo called and she helped her grandmother to the table. Her grandmother looked happy with the food on the table.

"Oh, tacos!" The old woman exclaimed.

"I made it special for you," Kenzo said. "And it's very healthy."

The old woman ate it first as she hummed. Kenzo and Victoria smiled. It's good that she loved it. Even the handmaiden was there to join them since Victoria insisted. They eat happily at the table. Victoria never thought that she'd eat well in front of her family. The real family. After many years of living in that mansion, she never enjoyed the food that she ate. She'll always get indigestion whenever her father and mother spoke so highly of her sister while they see every mistake and imperfection on her.

After dinner, she would go to her room to throw out everything she ate. Then, in the middle of the night, she'll starve and sneak to the kitchen to get some food and eat alone instead. But this time is different. She helped her husband prepare everything on the table and they have a good laugh and she's eating more than she expected even her grandmother.

"I had tasted everything," Regina said. "But where is that cake that you are talking about?"

Victoria grinned at her husband. Kenzo smiled at the old woman and glanced at his wife. He stood and went to the freezer as he took out the cake. He took it out from the protective box as Victoria clapped her hands.

"Love you can only have a tiny slice of this," Kenzo said as he took the cake slicer and sliced it carefully. He put it on the small plates and distributed it. First to Regina and then to the handmaiden. He sliced a very thin slice for his wife but she's pouting so he added a thicker slice and gave it to her. He sliced for himself and sat down as they tasted it. Her grandmother hummed as she did.

"This is the best cake that I ever tasted!" Regina exclaimed. Even the handmaiden agreed to her.

Victoria ate another after another. Kenzo was worried about her diet but it's just once, so he let her eat whatever she wanted. It's like she's enjoying the food. They talk a lot at the table and that next time, Regina would invite them to the villa that she purchased under Victoria's name. She was surprised about it. She doesn't want to accept it but she said that it's for her and her husband as her wedding gift.

"Don't worry dear. It's just a simple two-story villa. It's wide with a beautiful garden, infinity pool, and land for golfing." Regina said. "Besides, your parents never purchased you such a thing. Shame them for only focusing on one daughter."

Kenzo looked at her wife's expression. She didn't show much of it.

"Consider it as a place for a honeymoon." She said with a chuckle. "Besides, it has great internet access in that area."

"Thank you, grandma."

They escorted their grandmother to the car outside and watched her left with bodyguards. Then, they went inside to clean up everything. Victoria knew how to clean up the dishes and others. Kenzo has never been happy. He didn't marry a spoiled brat. Well, there are times that she's a lady because of a sudden change of mood. But overall, Victoria is the greatest person that he ever met in his life. He hugged her from behind while she's rinsing the dishes before putting them on the dishwasher machine.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asked.


"Your grandma said that she never saw you happy while eating. What does that mean?"

"Uh, it's nothing. It's just because the food we made is good."

"Hmm, I know that you aren't telling me about it."

"Love, let's not talk about it. How about after this, I'll get ready for bed while you are waiting for your package? Then, I'll ready three packets of condoms just in case." She grinned. He laughed and kissed her cheek.


Kenzo let her go upstairs to rest before their lovemaking. Then, he finished wrapping up their leftovers and put them on the fridge. His phone rang and answered it.

"I'm outside your house, sir."

He went outside to greet Loren. He let him in until to the living room. He showed him the papers. Then, he registered his handprint over the screen of the briefcase.

"These are confidential files. You'll see it right away if there's a mistake. I read the files every day to your grandfather before he signed the papers. Some wanted him to step down from his position and give it to someone from the noble." He mumbled.

Kenzo opened the briefcase with his handprint. Then, he took out another device with the Duke's signature and seal. It needed a retina scan and thumbprint. He looked at the seal of their family perfectly lying on the foam surrounding it together with his grandfather's signature.

"We'll only accept papers with your signature beside your grandpa's."

"I understand."

"That's all, sir. Do you need anything else?"

"I'll call when I have further questions." He said. He put it all back in the case as he heard footsteps from the staircase. "Love, you there?" He called. "Mr. Loren is here."

Victoria walked downstairs wearing her robe. She looked at Kenzo and then to Secretary Loren who stood from his seat and bow at her.

"Lady Victoria." He acknowledged her name.

"Love, this is Secretary Bryan Loren." Kenzo stood to introduce them formally.

Victoria approached them and extended her hand to him. Secretary Lewis accepted it with two hands and shook it. She smiled at him.

"I'm Jaya Victoria."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Victoria. I heard so much about you from LO~~ from Kenzo."

"Oh," VIctoria nodded as she glanced at her husband.

"Sorry to bother you this late night." He released her hand. "But, I should be going now."

"Are you sure? You don't want to drink some tea first or~~" Victoria said to be polite toward their guest.

"Thank you, Milady. But I have other things to take care of." He said formally.

"Alright, then you'll visit Kenzo again? Perhaps, I could serve some tea?"

"Yes, sure, Madam. I'll be going now."

He bowed at them. Kenzo escorted him outside while Victoria watched them from the door. The man bowed to him again and left. She's curious on why Secretary Loren gave so much respect to Kenzo. The man left in a fancy Roll Royce with escorts. Kenzo approached her and hugged her waist, lifting her and taking her inside.

"So, just how much respect does he owe you?" She asked him. Kenzo chuckled.

"Why won't we go upstairs?" He grinned. "Go there and I'll just lock the door."

"Hurry.." She pouted at him.

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