The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 61 - Bastard Of Parson

Mave was holding Caleb's lunch as they went to his office. They hopped into the elevator and continued chatting. 

"The defense that Kenzo gave you is good. If you somehow lost the pen." 

"I am practicing it every day." She said. "But I am not good at it. Still, I will do my best." 

"That's good. How about this weekend? Maybe after partying in the bar, I could teach you more defenses with Stacey." 

"Oh, I like that." She smirked. "I'm going to kick his balls, whoever that bastard is." 

Mave liked Victoria so much. This is why Stacey and Victoria are best friends. He could be her best friend too like he, Kenzo, and Caleb are. They entered Caleb's office and Victoria hugged him as Caleb kissed her cheeks. Then, Caleb also hugged Mave and when Mave knew the moves, it's too late when he dodged Caleb from his kiss on his cheek. 

"Fuck off, dude! Stop kissing me." He hissed. Caleb snickered. 

"What? You were kissing my cousin but I can't kiss you?" He smirked as Victoria laughed. 

Mave felt embarrassed, but there. They knew that he had something with Stacey and they are cool about it. Anyway, the deed has been done… but not completely. 

"We have to leave," Victoria said. "We'll visit you next week if we aren't busy." 

"The two of you are lifesavers." He winked. "I owe you guys so much." 

"It's me who owes you so much," Mave said. 

"Oh," Caleb put his hand over his chest where his heart is located making a puppy eyes toward Mave. "I love you too, bro." 

Mave was used with Caleb harassing him like this. So, Victoria and Mave left Caleb's office, giggling. Mave bowed his head down feeling embarrassed. They reached the parking lot just outside the building. 

"I will think of other healthy dishes for tomorrow," Victoria said. She clicked her car as it unlocked. Then, Mave opened the car door in the driver's seat for her.

"Wow, I can't believe that you have another chaperon." Victoria turned her head to the familiar voice as the woman in a beautiful red dress smirked at her. "Or is he the same from yesterday?" 

Victoria scoffed at her sister. 

"Please, I don't have the energy to bicker with you," Victoria said coldly.

"Just how many men do you sleep with?" Katarina asked as she raised her brows.

Mave creased his brows. 

"Miss, if you keep harassing Lady Victoria, I don't have a choice but to tell this to her husband." 

"What could her husband possibly do?" Katarina asked, challenging Mave. 

"Everything," Mave smirked behind the face mask. He stepped forward and removed his face mask showing the fake face that he put on. 

"You don't know anything about Kenzo, do you? You just know him as a low-paid employee." 

Katarina was taken aback and she stepped back from Mave's threat. 

"If you want to know how many times she slept with someone, you should ask yourself about that. Or ask about your boyfriend, the one who kept on harassing Lady Victoria." 

"Mave, let's go. She's not worth it." 

Mave smirked at her as he put his face mask on and he walked around to the passenger seat. 


Katarina came home as she threw her bag to the maid in an annoyed face. 

"Just what happened?" Lady Dana asked. 

"Victoria is a slut!" She said. "I met her today and threatened me with that dirty chaperon from yesterday!" She said, sounding more irritated and angry. "Mom, what should I do? What if she took Jason away from me?" She asked, pleading to her mother like a poor little child. 

"Ahw," Dana pulled her into a hug and caressed her long beautiful brown hair. "Don't worry sweetie, everything will be alright. I'll deal with that slut." 

Katarina smirked and hugged her mother back. Her mother won't let it slide. 

"Why won't we go in the garden for some tea." Lady Dana said and she looked hurt seeing her daughter annoyed over the bastard bitch of the family. "Bring us the best tea to the garden." She told the maids as she caressed her daughter's face. 

"Yes, milady." The maids said. 

They went to the garden, the spot that she claimed to be hers. Katarina sat down on the bench as she sighed. 

"I'm so tired right now." She mumbled. "Jason was suddenly cold toward me." 

"Don't worry, dear. Everything will be alright." Dana comforted her. 

"Still, I have to pursue dad to help Jason on the bidding on the land in Marduque." She said. "That piece of land was surrounded by a casino, hotel, resort, mall, bars. It's good for business. It's good for a penthouse." 

"So, when will the bidding be?" Dana asked as their maids came with a tray of finger foods and tea. 

"It'll be in six months. He's been busy with all of it. And since it's the land and building of Etrama it'll cost a lot. Plus, they are screening for good proposals. I heard that the Welch group was one of the top candidates." She smiled. 

"If your father could help him with this screening then, it'll be a big win-win situation," Dana smirked. "Your father would pamper you more. Plus, your grandmother will be so proud of you. It's a good thing that Jason dumps your sister." Dana sounded bitter by saying the word 'sister' she knew well that the little bastard of the family isn't her daughter's sister. And, she'll make sure that she won't even get a little amount of money from Lady Regina's inheritance. And one thing that she wanted was the piece of land. An island with good resources. She'll make sure that her daughter would have. 

"Father is the parliament. Is there a possibility that father could help Jason get the bidding?" Katarina asked. She still feels a little bit anxious. 

"Yes, I am so sure of that," Dana promised her. "I'll speak to your dad." 

"Thank you, mommy," Katarina said. "I'll call Jason. I'll make sure that he will stop seeing my slut sister." 

Katarina knew that Jason wasn't seeing her sister. In fact, Jason hasn't moved on from her sister. Since he hasn't got a chance to sleep with her. That's because Katarina does everything to make him drown into her. From sex to foreplay. She even invited a few girls to please him. She did everything to ruin their perfect relationship. The man was easily swayed. The man wanted dirty stuff and so, she's giving him something dirty. 

Katarina stood when Jason answered the call. She went away from her mother as she smirked. 

"Jay, babe…" 

"Hey, I'm quite busy at the moment." 

"I'll speak to dad to help you get the bidding on that Etrama Building." 

"You~~Are you sure, babe?" He sounds excited. 

"Yes, of course. How about you pick me up later and we'll go to our usual? I'll book for our little pleasure hours…" Just thinking about it made her hormones rage. She missed that foreplay. She missed being dominant over those poor boys. 

"Oh, fuck…" he mumbled huskily. "I can't wait. I'll pick you up after work." 

"Okay!" She chimed happily. She faced her mother with a beautiful smile. Dana was happy about her daughter's smart idea. However, she didn't know what games Katarina was playing behind the curtains with Jason and a few other people. 

She hung up and approached her mother. 

"All is well! I am sure that he'll forget her." She sighed. "I just don't understand why he would come after her." 

"Why won't you let Jason?" She smirked. "I am sure that he just wanted to fuck her since he hasn't done it to her, right?" 

She thought about it. No. She didn't want Jason to betray her and with her sister? She can't accept such a thing. 

"No, mom. I have a good idea." She smirked. "I heard that she had a stalker. Probably the one from her work. She filed a complaint and I am sure that her husband was about to catch them. But she gets rid of the man~~" 

"Then, how are you going to show her husband what she was?" Dana asked. 

"I need men. To prove to him." She laughed. "Soon, she won't ever have a child. I'll get rid of both of her ovaries. Eventually, her husband will dump her." Katarina smirked in a sinister way. 

"Oh, you bad girl." Dana laughed. "Don't worry. I cover you up. I already pay for her doctor." 

"Everything is going smoothly," Katarina said as she raised her chamomile tea to her lips. 

"Make sure that you are beautiful in front of Jason. I'll help you pick a dress for tonight." 

Katarina squealed. 

"By the way, dad called for her in our family gathering." 

"It's for scolding." She smirked. "Your dad knows how she seduced Jason. She's just like someone I know." Dana said as she remembered Victoria's real mother. On how the slut seduced her husband. 

"You mean, like her mother?" She asked. Katarina knew well that she's just a half-sister. She scoffed. "She's indeed like her mother." 

"I am glad that she's dead," Dana said. "It's probably one of her lovers who killed her," Dana said as she squinted.. She could do the same for the sake of her daughter.

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