The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 67 - Royal Platinum Card

Victoria looked at her husband who was busy driving. 

"Why should I go shopping?" 

"Buy me suits and things that I need in the office." He said. 


She had the money for it. Besides, her husband gave her money. 

"Buy everything you like." He said. "The card has no limit." 

"What card?" She asked. He only smiled at her. 

"I will have to go to the station to deal with those bastards. Okay?" He reached her head and patted it. 

"Okay… don't you want me to come with you?" She asked as she held his hand. 

"No, love. Stay with Stacey and Maverick. Also, Caleb set up a bodyguard." 

"Hmm, why?" She asked again. He reached her hand and squeezed it gently. 

"Love, the thing that happened to you last night is serious. There's a mastermind behind it." He brought her hand to his lips. 

They reached the mall where Maverick and Stacey are. Kenzo escorted her to the first and gave her a mouthful of kisses. 

"Are you sure that you are well?" Stacey asked as she gave her the bottle of detox that Secretary Bryan gave. 

"Oh, you have this." She smiled. She already loves the detox drink that Secretary Bryan gave. She sipped on it and looked at her husband. 

"Have fun and buy me the office clothes." He told and she nodded at him. 

"Okay." She smiled and they kissed again. Kenzo left and Stacey sighed. 

"That's so dreamy. You have a very handsome and doting husband. I want some too." She exclaimed. Victoria cleared her throat and pointed to Maverick. Stacey looked at him for a while and hugged him tightly. "Yeah, I almost forgot." She giggled. 

"Oh, don't make me jealous with all of your lovey-dovey. My husband is not here… understand?" 

"Okay," Stacey said and looked up at Maverick with heart eyes. 

Maverick looked down at her, removed his mask and kissed her lips, and put it back again. 

"Ugh," Victoria complained. 

They started roaming around and went to the suits section for males. Stacey and Maverick only stay behind her as she checks the prices of the suits. She flinched. But at least, she had to give him one good suit. She chose the one that has a good quality, and in blue navy color. It will perfectly suit his blue eyes. She takes another different blue color and then some slacks and shirts. She's very accurate with his size. 

She somehow bumped into someone and she apologized as the beautiful lady apologized too. The beautiful lady giggled. 

"Sorry, I was searching for my brother's suit." She said. 

"Oh," Victoria giggled. 

"I haven't done shopping for men, but I accidentally messed with his coat." She even spoke like she's from the eastern side of Grievania. She wore black shades and her hair is the color amber. It's long and beautiful. She already liked the girl. "It seems like you are shopping a lot." She noticed the coats. 


"Can you help me? I mean, the sales ladies are busy with the girls over there." She pointed to the group of girls. Victoria flinched seeing Jason with Katarina, her cousin Kaira and Franklin, Kaira's boyfriend. The girl was wearing a simple dress and it looked like she's hiding from someone. 

"Sure, it's my pleasure. I'm Victoria." She extended her free hand. 

"I'm Harriet." She smiled beautifully. 

Victoria called for Mave as Mave and Stacey approached Victoria. 

"Let me take that, V." Stacey took the suit. 

"Okay, so is your brother his size?" She asked Harriet who gaped at Maverick although she was wearing a mask.

"Yes." She giggled. "He looked handsome behind the mask." 

"Okay, girl. This is my man." Stacey said possessively. Harriet giggled. 

"Sorry, but it's true. I didn't mean to snatch him." 

"Yeah, bitch." Stacey grinned and extended her hand. "I'm Stacey." 

"Harriet." Harriet shook hands with her. "So, let's try clothes for your man first, if it's alright? My brother was quite picky." 

"Sure," Stacey smiled. 

Victoria never thought that the Harriet girl was kind of cheerful. She wasn't friendly until someone approached her. Then a sales lady approached them. The one who just came out from the dressing room to fix things. 

"Oh, look who's here." Katarina approached Victoria as she only looked away to ignore her. "You are here shopping for your man?" She chuckled. "Which man are you shopping for?" 

"Oh, please. It's none of your f-king business!" Stacey exclaimed as Harriet hid a little behind her black shades. 

"Stace, please." Victoria held Stacey. "Let's just check the suits." She glanced at Jason who had burning eyes toward her. She shuddered and faced the saleslady. "I'll pay for the suits now." 

She went to the counter but then Katarina put Jason's suits on the counter and pushed hers away. She took out her golden card and gave it to the cashier. 

"Here, Ma'am." The other cashier helped her take the suits from the other side. She rummaged through her bag, took out her wallet and her eyes widened on the cash as the cashier told her the big price. 

"What? Are you short of cash?" Katarina asked with a laughing face. 

Harriet and Stacey were about to step forward but Victoria smiled at the cashier. 

"I think I ran out of cash." She said and took out the card. She stared at it. Platinum? And it has the World Bank sign. Platinum has unlimited and only five people on the card. Even the cashier was surprised. "Uh, here." It even had her name on it. 

"All in here, Ma'am." Yes. Victoria said, a little bit nervous since she's too surprised with the card in her bag. She's not the one who had her purse but her husband. 

They gave the card back to her. 

"It will take a little time to pack all these, ma'am. Please take a seat in the waiting room." 

Katarina, Keira, Jason, and Franklin were shut by that card. She went to the sofa with Stacey and Harriet. 

"What the hell? How did you get such a card?" Stacey asked. 

"It's Kenz's card." She whispered. 

"Oh, dear. I could only get a gold card." Harriet said. "Dad was very strict with finances." 

"Yeah, you should. But didn't you see from their faces?" Stacey laughed. "Okay, let me check my man. I'll make sure that the suit will suit your brother's liking." 

"Thank you, Stace," Harriet said cheerfully like they were already friends. "So," Harriet turned to her. "They are still staring at you." 

"Yeah, the other one is my sister and cousin then, my ex-fiance and my cousin's boyfriend." 

Harriet covered her mouth. 

"What?" Harriet mumbled. 

"Let's have tea. Bubble tea?" Victoria asked. 

"I love bubble tea," Harriet exclaimed. It's good that Harriet was covered from the post that they wouldn't recognize her. 

"That's good." 

"So, you are shopping for your boyfriend?" 

"Uh, ~~" 

"If you don't have a boyfriend, I have an utterly handsome brother." 

"No." Victoria shook her head. "I'm married." 

"Oh," Harriet was surprised. "But we are at the same age. Right?" 

"Yes, I guess." 

Maverick and Stacey came with the suit. 

"The suit is ready," Stacey told Harriet. Harriet stood and turned back from that group of people. 

"Wait for me." She said quickly as she went to the counter and paid for it. Katarina and Jason were too busy to think about the card that Victoria was holding. None of them have it. Not even the richest businessman in the whole Great Greivania. Only Royals and close to Royals could have it. 

The saleswoman approached Victoria as Victoria stood. 

"They are packed well as you wish matches with every suit and shirt." The saleslady said. 

"Thank you." She smiled politely as she gave the other box to Mave. He was puzzled. "That's yours. Kenzo told me to buy this for you. He said that it's for the meeting and you choose that." 

"Meeting?" Maverick mumbled as he smirked behind his face mask. 

"Yay." Stacey hugged Maverick as Maverick looked down at Stacey. He couldn't smile at the moment. It means that he had to leave her. 

"Guys, I'm done," Harriet said, holding a big paper bag with a box inside it. 

"Let me hold that for you girls." He said. Victoria gave him the paper bag as the girls held hands together like they were immediate besties. 

They went to the bubble tea shop as Maverick settled the box on the comfortable sofa. 

"So, I'll pay for the orders. Just order as you wish." Victoria said happily. 

She's happy that Kenzo finally had a good job and she's wasting the money. But, he said that she has to waste it. 

Her phone chimed while they were pointing at the menus. 

"Victoria, are you sure that you are going to pay? I mean, I ask for your help and I should pay for our food." 

"It's fine, Harriet." Victoria smiled at her. 

"Then, I'll treat you guys somewhere next time." Harriet decided. "Let me have your number." She gave her phone to Victoria. Victoria tapped her number and then, she gave it to Stacey. Then, Harriet saved the girl's number without taking Maverick's number. 

"Aren't you going to ask for my number?" Maverick asked. Stacey glared at him while Harriet laughed. 

"Bro, you are already taken and it means that I am not interested in you." 

Maverick laughed. 

"I'm just kidding.." He waved it off.

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