The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 70 - Mysterious Husband

Just as Victoria promised, she cleaned the house and cooked breakfast for them. Kenzo was working in her study room. She wants him to concentrate on the work. She made tea and snacks and delivered them to his study room. But it seemed like he's arguing with someone over the phone. 

"Gather every employee. We can't let this off. Millions have been lost." He mumbled. 

Victoria was confused. Just how much Kenzo knows about business and accounting? Well, after they got married, Kenzo was holding the budget and cut things that weren't needed. 

She placed the tray on the coffee table as Kenzo turned to her. 

"Yes, tomorrow. We'll meet tomorrow." He hung up. "Wifey, you must be tired. Let's eat outside for dinner." 

"I'm fine. Let's have tea first." 

He put away his phone and grinned at her. He could easily change his expression to a beast and a loving husband. 

Victoria wanted to ask so many questions to her husband but she kept quiet. He said that he'll tell her everything. Just how long is he going to keep this up? But she then decided to be patient and wait. She sipped on her tea and winced. 

"It's still hot," Kenzo said. She put down her tea and pressed her lips with her hand. "Love, what's going on?" He finally asked when he noticed her worry. 

"Well, how long will I have to wait for you to tell me everything about you?" She asked. "You were handling a business and, yesterday, your fist wasn't because of the fly. You hit someone. Did you?" 

Kenzo put down his teacup and looked straight at her. 

"I hit the men who almost rape you." He said in a low voice. "I can't sit down and do nothing." 

"You~~" Victoria's eyes softened. "You don't have to hit them with your fist." 

"Victoria, my wife. You are my precious and those men should pay ten folds on what they did to you." Kenzo looked angry. He even clenched his jaw as his eyes became murderous. This is the first time that Victoria saw him angry. Not just angry, but it was mixed with vengeance. She stood from her seat and walked around to his side. She sat down and hugged him tightly. 

"Still, I don't want to see you with bruises." She said softly. 

Kenzo softened quickly and he wrapped his big arms around his wife. He squeezed her a bit and kissed her top head. 


Golden Palace Hotel,

Hardin was frowning at the coats that his sister bought. It's not his usual style but it will do. However, the main problem is the style. It's too plain for him. 

"Plain is good. That's what Victoria told me." Harriet said. "Also, you can put some nice tie on it," She grinned as she sipped on her tea. 

"I can't believe that you escaped your bodyguards to replace the coat that you ruined." He mumbled. "Why didn't you go to our shop?" He put it on and it wasn't bad at all. 

"There were elite women there and also, they might recognize me." She hummed on the tea that she's sipping. It's one of the best. 

"Hmm, next time, if you escape, make sure that no one recognizes you. Do you understand me? Or else, I'll be doomed to father and mother." He sighed and chose one of his ties.

"What's the fuss of dressing up?" She asked. "You aren't showing to the media, are you?" 

"No." He smirked. "But there's a possibility. I mean, the media has never had a scoop on our family for years. It's because dad was overprotective of mom. I am just here to hook up." He smirked. 

"Okay, make sure to bring a condom, always." Harriet reminded. 

"Hmm," Hardin sighed. "So, when can I meet your friends?" He asked. 

"Uh~," She thought for a while. "I don't know." She shrugged. "But," She smirked and raised her phone. "I'll show you the beautiful Victoria and beautiful Stacey." 

Hardin wasn't interested since she claimed that the two of the girls she met were already committed to someone else. 

"Okay, they are beautiful." He said by only glancing and facing the mirror. "I'm leaving, baby sister." He smirked. "And I just wished that Mom and Dad had enough time for their honeymoon while we are away." 

"Do you perhaps want another sibling?" She asked, sounding confused. 

"Well, yes." He grinned. "However, it's impossible for mom to have a baby." 

"Yeah, how is it impossible?" Harriet asked. Hardin kept forgetting that his sister was just a newborn when their stepped mother came in.

He was still young as he watched their stepmother become a wet nurse for her after her first wet nurse gets sick. The woman was singing to her and never leaving her alone and even sleeping with her. Then, sometimes, he would notice her crying in her sleep. The pain that their stepmother held was unbearable. But, she is happy now in their family and he doesn't want her to ever leave. 

"Mom had an accident." He said. "That's enough, chit-chat. Don't come out." 

"Whatever." Harriet waved him off. 

Hardin used the ordinary elevator. It's at least ten in the morning and it's Monday. They plan to leave later in the afternoon. But first, he wanted to roam around the Lwazi to check on their shops in the malls. Lwazi is the center of income when it comes to Business. Lots of towering buildings were ten of which are owned by Etrama including the Golden Palace Hotel. Then, they have at least fifteen branches of shops in Lwazi. Small and big. However, he had to go undercover to check it himself. 

Once the elevator dings to the ground floor. A tall man with sandy hair and bright blue eyes. He stepped out of the elevator and momentarily stopped. He turned to the blue-eyed man who was as tall as him. He looked formal and at the same time casual. 

"Have I seen him somewhere?" he mumbled. He walked to the lobby and still thought of the guy. He must have seen him somewhere! 


In the elevator, Kenzo made sure that he was holding the briefcase tightly. It has the most important files. Plus, he will need to discuss lots of things with his grandfather. He reached the presidential suites and entered the main entrance. Secretary Bryan bowed together with Kaisley Bolton. He nodded his head and strode fast to his grandfather who was enjoying his tea. 

"Grandpa," he bowed at him and then placed the briefcase over the table. 

"Oh, wow. You are wearing a new suit, huh." His grandfather teased. Since he usually saw him in almost the same coat with different color inner clothes. 

"Yeah, my wife bought it." He placed his hand over it and then tapped his code. Then, he took out the papers. "I have to retrieve the funds. No project has been finished." 

"Do whatever you need to do. I wanted to relax and at least meet your wife." 

"Grandpa, that's not it." Kenzo sighed. "Even my wife was asking lots of things. I have to work quickly." 

"That's why I am giving you authority." 

"Giving me an authority with your name printed on all documents?" 

"Right." The old man winked. "Where could that little lady be?" He mumbled. 

"She's on her way to the grocery store, alone, your grace," Kenzo mumbled. 

Kenzo creased his brows. His grandfather's hobby was to disguise and sneakily stalk his wife. 

"Grandpa," Kenzo said frustratingly. 

"Bring Kaisley with you," Philip told as he put his golf cap on and stood. 

"Why are you dressed like a beggar?" Kenzo asked. 

"What? Can't I dress handsomely?" The old man laughed and patted him then approached the door. Secretary Bryan followed the old man. 

Kenzo pressed his lips. 

"Grandpa, hurting my wife is not a choice." Kenzo threatened. 

"Don't be absurd. Why would I hurt a beautiful lady? He, he, he…" His grandfather teased. 

Kenzo sighed and waved at Kaisley. She pulled a chair and sat down. 

"K, we need to retrieve the fund." 

"Yes sir." Kaisley nodded. "But, before that, we have to gather evidence for each employee." 

"We can't run an investigation right away. I don't trust the security much." Kenzo leaned. "The only thing to do is to get into that company as a hard-working employee. I should start right away." 

Kaisley took her briefcase and gave him the files. 

"Here's your new identity sir." 

"And I'll be working with someone." He smirked. "I am sure that he could provide me with a good company spy." 

"Working together at the same time?" Kaisley creased her brows. 

"Yes. We'll be in different departments." 

"That's a good idea. I'll get everything ready. Including the prosecutor. We should finish it within the month." Kaisley mumbled. "Or as soon as possible. If they resigned before we even caught them, we'd be a little doomed." 

"Right, I'll start tomorrow. Set it up." Kenzo winked at her. Kaisley nodded as she took out other papers and sorted their plan. Kenzo pulled out his phone and dialed his wife's number. 

After a few rings, his wife answered. 

"Hey, love. Can you buy me some cheap office clothes on your way home?" 

"Sure and can I ask what for?" 

"Just for work, love. I'll be home before you know it." 

"Will do. Love you!" 

"Love you too." 

Kenzo put down his phone. 


"Why won't you ask someone else to buy your clothes?" Kaisley asked. 

"That's because my wife has a good eye for fashion.." He answered.

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