The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 81 - Leaving His Love

Maverick watched as the girls were having their tea and talked a lot about tea. Then, they decided that since Harriet was a tea expert, they would make a comic that would akin to her personality. They spoke more about the plot that they are making. It was a long talk and Maverick asked them if they wanted to have a slumber party or anything. 

"How about at my house?" Victoria suggested. "My hubby will be working late again." 

"That's great!" Everyone agreed. Maverick sighed and they bought food. Then finally went to Victoria's house. To Kenzo's surprise, he quickly stood and greeted them. Then, he gathered the papers. 

"We are having a slumber party, Kenz. Is it alright?" 

"Yes, love. Of course." He said. 

"Hello, Kenzo!" Harriet waved. 

Once the girls settled in the living room, Kenzo used his wife's study room and Maverick sat across from him. 

"Bidding has been moved in three months," Kenzo said. "Led by Welch. Since they probably scared off a few businesses." 

"Hmm," Maverick sighed. "So, Kenzo. About this lawyer?" 

"He's protected by Etrama." He answered. 

"Do I know him?" he asked again. 

Kenzo took out the file of the lawyer. 

"Did the face ring?" He asked. 

"Yes, my grandmother spoke to this lawyer many times when I was in her house back in Westeria." 

"Then, that's good." Kenzo smiled. "Also, our work will be a little tight. Once you take over your company that has been held by a distant relative, you'll face more people than you expected." 

"I'm ready for that." 

Maverick learned and studied all his life even after he escaped the hellish house. 

"I suddenly miss archery," Maverick said as he thought about it. 

At that moment, a memory flashed inside his head. The thing that he could never forget. 

"Mave, that night where my parents were murdered, you were there." 

Maverick titled his head. 

"The thing you said that I shot the guy's wrist with my arrow?" 

"Yes," Kenzo nodded. "What are you doing there?" 

"I always go hunting at night when everyone is sleeping," Maverick said. "But odd thing, Kenz. I know that you didn't die. However, in the news, it says that you are dead. Your assassin knows well that you are alive. Then, after a few nights, my butler sneaked me out of the house." 

"That's indeed odd." Kenzo chewed his lower lip. "The current crown prince got ill and had an accident. Then, the next Crown Prince, which is me, got murdered." 

"The Royal is connected to Belmont," Maverick said. "My mother's blood came from the Duke and the King. Distant cousin. And so, it was passed to my father… they could choose an heir in Belmont if you were dead." 

"You are right. Even though your mother married an Earl." 

"So, for short, the murderers are in my family. Or are there any people who were included?" Maverick started connecting the dots. 

"I have to get through our family tree. To check on possible people." Kenzo hadn't thought about it until Maverick opened it up. 

"It's good that I go hunting after that party." Maverick pressed his lips. "Or else, it'll be too late for the sole heir." 

"Yes, I owe my life to you." Kenzo smiled. 

"Nah, you already pay me well." He shrugged. "You and Caleb. I got through all these years, because of the two of you." 


It was like time had passed and his days were over. Maverick packed up his clothes and looked at Stacey who was also leaving the house for work. 

"You gave me fun nights and days. I was happy beyond imagination." She said, 

Maverick approached her and scooped her face. 

"I can't be with you." He said softly. "You are my gem and I can't risk you too, Stacey." 

Tears started rolling down her cheek. 

"Please, don't cry." He wiped it quickly. 

"You can just stay…" She sobbed. "I love you, Mave…" She hugged him tightly, not going to let him go. 

"Hey, go to work." He kissed her forehead. 

"Why do you have to make me happy for the rest of the days and nights then leave me like this?" She started crying like a little girl. 

He patted her head. Stacey is his weakness. He shouldn't have a weakness, but he met her. He hugged her tightly and kissed her top head as he felt a tear roll down his cheek. He quickly wiped it and he gently pushed her and wiped her tears. He kissed her lips. 

"Keep living for me. Always eat your meal. Okay?" He patted her. She sniffled and nodded. 

"But can we see each other again?" 

"Maybe…" He didn't want her hopes to get high. He took out his handkerchief that he always kept with him. The one with his name embroidered to it by his grandmother. He wiped it to her tears and gave it to her. 

I heard a car outside. He took his bag and left a few clothes in the room that he used. Maverick put his cap on and went to the door. He bit his lips as Stacey's cry could be heard. He wiped his tears quickly and comforted himself before he went through the gate. 

Outside was the latest car. The door was opened for him as Kenzo was waiting inside. They took his bag and he sat beside Kenzo. 

"Are you crying, bro?" He asked. 

"Stacey's crying." He mumbled as he looked at Stacey's house and the car ran. 

"Oh," Kenzo sighed. "You could have just taken her with you." 

"I can't do that." 

They soon reached the Etrama Building. On the 50th floor, the last floor, the man is waiting and he recognized him. He removed his cap as the man stood and stared at him. More like gawking at him. Kenzo sat down as Maverick sat beside him. The man bowed down. 

"Lord Maverick!" The man exclaimed, almost in cry. 

"Sit down," Maverick said. The man's eyes looked like he's about to cry. "Why are you teary?" He suddenly asked. Why is everyone crying? He sighed and thought about Stacey again. 

"I'm so sorry sir. This is the first time that I saw you after a long time." 

Maverick waved it off while Kenzo was grinning. The man asked for the seal as he took it off from his neck and showed it to him. The man smiled and pressed the key on the briefcase. It opened as the files were there. 

"Do you need privacy?" Kenzo asked. 

"No. It's good that you are here." 

"Here are the assets that your mother owns. Including the mansion in the Westeria, also villas and manor in a few places. Plus, the Company that was currently held by one of your mother's trusted people. They are waiting for you, sir." 

"A question, Lawyer Lucas, right?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"How am I sure that they are trusted? When my father isn't a trusted one?" 

"Well, see it for yourself, Lord Mave." He read the testament in front of him. All of the assets and trillions of money from his grandmother will be put to him if he's alive until he turned eighteen. And since he's alive, he'll have it all. 

"Few of it was claimed by your father. But according to the testament, he can't hold any business from your family's mother side except to the one that was joined by both families." 

"Hmm, then it's time to take it back?" Maverick asked. The Lawyer smirked. 

"Certainly, Lord Maverick." 

"Well, Mave? You got all of the calls." Kenzo grinned. 

"First, you have to fly with me to Iroland, where the headquarters of the family business is." 

"Don't worry. I'll have bodyguards with you." Kenzo winked. 

"Thank you, Kenzo." 

"And I'll go back to work." Kenzo stood. Kenzo's trusted bodyguards even stayed with Maverick as the lawyer gave the seal back to him for safekeeping. Their plane will be waiting too, which was set up by Kenzo. 

At the moment, Kenzo went to the Golden Palace Hotel and dialed his wife to go to Stacey who couldn't make it to work after Maverick left. Victoria also had lots of questions about Maverick. However, at the moment, he had to face someone for the final business. He already had everything handled and he got less time for his wife. He also understood his wife's anxiety. 

He remembered that night that he came home late.

She was lying on the bed and he changed his clothes and washed up. He kissed her shoulders but she seemed to be moving away from him. She didn't like it and so he stopped. But suddenly, she turned to him. 

"Do you want it now?" Sadness is in her eyes. He looked at her softly. 

"Love, if you are not in the mood, it's okay. How about cuddling?" He suggested. 

  She sat up and stared at him for a while as her eyes started becoming cloudy. 

"You were always late, these days. Where do you stay after office hours? Are you seeing someone else? Don't you love me anymore?" Those questions made him understand what she's suffering now. 

But he wanted her not to worry, yet he couldn't stop her. He smiled and patted her head. It's all because of hormonal imbalance that also causes her anxiety and depression. He was more understanding to his wife because it was needed. 

"I always love you and no one would ever have me but you. There might be women around me, but it was always you whom I love, whom I'll kiss, hug, and make love with. My wife…" He answered. 

  The look in her eyes was close to broken. She hugged him and told him about her worries that she's not having a lot of income from the novel that she's writing and there are bad comments. She felt insecure. She's afraid that she'll be a burden. 

"I will give you a grand life…" he whispered.

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