The Bullied Husband's Club

Chapter 83 - Miscarriage

Caleb's eyes shine seeing the woman that he ever wished to see. His heart was beating like crazy as her stomach flipped. This is the feeling that he had when he wanted to tell his love for her. Her eyes were red and she looked thinner than her usual body figure. 

"Kai…" He whispered. 


He looked at her from head to toe. She didn't look well. She looked pale and so thin. The last time they saw each other, she at least had flesh. 

"Why~~" He mumbled as his heart broke by seeing her like that. "Didn't your rich husband feed you?" He asked with creased brows. She hugged herself and stepped back. 

"That's none of your business now, Caleb." She looked away. 

"I'll treat you to food." 

"No." She shook her head. "I have my own money." 

"Then, why aren't you eating well?" He clenched his fist. 

"Caleb, we are no longer together." 

"I don't care…" He mumbled. "Fine." He turned his back to her. 

He took two heavy steps and then he stopped and turned to her. However, when he turned to her she was also frozen and staring at her husband with a woman in his arms. She clenched her fist and rushed to them. 

"Bastard!" She hit her husband but the husband stopped her. Then, the woman with her was her step-sister who slapped her hard. She stepped away to protect herself as she laughed. "I knew it." She smirked. "That time you left with my half-sister from that room." She chuckled. 


"I'm pregnant, Pio." 

"How can you be pregnant when I'm sterile?" 

She laughed. 

"Really? How are you sterile when you impregnate me? And probably impregnate my sister too if she's not using a pill." She chuckled. 

She showed her pregnancy test that she took from her purse and threw it at him. 

"There, I'm finally pregnant after your mother tells me that I'm fruitless. When, in fact, I had spoken to your doctor that you only have a low sperm count at the moment." 

The man was laughing. 

"You were the one who was always leaving." Pio scoffed. 

"Because I'm working." She shouted. She sighed and stared at her half-sister. "I'm so tired of everything Pio." 

Pio stepped forward and scooped her neck, squeezing it hard. Caleb quickly stepped forward and punched Pio on the stomach as he let go of Kaisley. He was about to punch him again but Kaisley told him to stop. Caleb stopped as his eyes were murderous toward Pio. Pio gritted his teeth. 

"Oh, your ex. Don't tell me that you fuck your ex and claim that~~" 

"This is my first time meeting her, you bastard." Caleb gritted. Caleb was aware that people were watching. 

"Caleb, this is my problem," Kaisley said as she shook her head feeling dizzy. 

"Problem? Didn't you see that it nearly killed you?" 

Kaisley looked so tired at the moment as she gazed at her half-sister who was glaring at her and then slapped her. Lina stepped back immediately

"Lina, aren't you happy?" Kaisley asked. "My father already disowned me for you. My husband fucked you anywhere you both feel. He even booked a hotel for you? Then, you dare slap me?" She laughed. The sister stepped forward and slapped her again. 

"There," She smirked. Kaisley got out of balance and fell. Her sister hit her again with her bag as Caleb pulled the girl away from Kaisley. 

Kaisley reached her stomach as she felt the excruciating pain. She screamed and looked at her blood. Police quickly came after one of the people called the Police. 

"My baby…" Kaisley mumbled. 

Pio's face was horror, also her half-sister's face turned pale as the police caught them. 

"That's my wife!" Pio said and was about to go to her but the people said that he tried to kill her. 

Caleb was panicking as he carefully carried her. 

"Caleb…" Kaisley was tearing. It tears him up too. 


Caleb was pacing back and forth while she's in the operation room. The police approached him and he explained to him everything that happened to meet her there while he was running and then, the couple came. He told the truth and even the police asked the netizens about the video. The doctor came and asked about the father. 

"I'm her friend. I'm the one who took her here." 

"Sir, badly beaten in the body and stressed… The baby couldn't make it. She's unconscious and she'll fall ill. She needed rest and full recovery." 

"Badly beaten?" The police asked. 

Secretary Bryan came and the police bowed his head. 

"Secretary Loren!" 

Caleb was surprised. 

"Miss Bolton is the Acting Chairwoman of the company, how is she?" 

Just as the doctor said, it's domestic abuse and Caleb explained to him what happened and to the police. After a while, Kenzo and Victoria came in a rush. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Kenzo asked as they settled on the bench. 

"I already reported about her husband's abuse and infidelity and also about her half-sister, Lina Bolton. I am sure that soon, her mother-in-law will visit but we'll put tight security." Secretary Loren said. 

Victoria creased her brows. 

"I want to see that bastard and bald him." She mumbled. 

Victoria noticed the bloodstains on Caleb's pants and sleeve. 

"What's with the blood? Was she shot?" Victoria asked. Caleb shook his head. 

"She was pregnant and with bruises, stress and was hit by her sister… she lost it." He said as his hands were shaking. 

"I'm sorry…" Victoria mumbled. Kenzo rubbed her arm. 

"Damn this… I should have protected her well." Caleb mumbled. 

The nurse came to tell them that she was put in the VIP room. They followed the maid as Kenzo looked at the bruises on her body after her clothes were removed.  The doctor came and bowed her head. 

"This is serious." Secretary Loren said. 

"There are also bruises in her inner thighs, sir." The Doctor told them. "She was a force to sex… and it'll be hard for her to get pregnant again after losing one." 

"I'll make her husband miserable," Caleb mumbled. 

"Okay, uh, why won't you go home, Caleb. We'll take care of her." Victoria suggested. 

Caleb looked at himself. He nodded and moved closer to Kaisley. He wanted to kiss her but Kaisley is a married woman. 

"We'll keep monitoring her. For now, she needs to stay in bed." She told Secretary Loren who nodded and escorted the doctor outside. 

Caleb bent down and gently kissed Kaisley's hand. He still loves her and he didn't care if Kaisley didn't love him anymore. He will still protect her. He left the hospital and took a taxi back home. He took a quick shower and took a few clothes that Kaisley left to his house. Even underwear. He kept it clean and he washed it at least every five months so it wouldn't smell bad. 

He buys fruits nearby and a few foods from the convenience store since the supermarket is closing. When he reached the hospital, he had everything in his hands. 

Kenzo was on the sofa, sleeping over his wife's lap while Secretary Loren was outside her room speaking to people on what to do. 

I settled the fruits on the table and her clothes on the cabinet. 

"V, you and Kenzo can go now. I will stay with her." 

"Are you sure?" Victoria asked. 


"Okay, I already called Stacey." She said, "She'll be here later." 

"Thank you." 

Victoria woke up Kenzo who was taking a nap. After a few moments, the couple left. 

Caleb sat on the chair beside her bed and held her hands. Her hands got even slender than the last time that they were together. He gently bent down and kissed it. He claimed that his love for Kaisley will never fade and even though she loved someone else. Even though she married someone else. He should be happy for her when she's happy, but seeing that tragedy in the park was even more painful. 

Just how~~why? He should've run after her and stopped the wedding. If he did, she wouldn't have to suffer like this. The door opened as Secretary Bryan entered. 

"Will you be okay staying here with Miss?" 

"Yes, Secretary Loren. I want to stay here." 

"Then, no one can enter but you, Lord Kenzo, Lady Victoria, and Lady Stacey. I already set up the list and even if her father, sister, or relatives come, they won't be able to get in. Unless she says so." 

"Thank you." Caleb pursed his lips. 

"I will send up more food for you. She also needs it when she wakes up." 

Secretary Loren bowed his head and left. Caleb turned to Kaisley and placed her hand on his cheek. He kissed her palm like he used to. 

He gently checked her bruises inside her and his heart clenched even more. He didn't expect that tears would roll down his cheek. He didn't expect that he would cry for her pain. Just how many times did she suffer from this? He swears that he'll make everyone hurt her pay. Something started vibrating and he eyed the purse.

He gently placed her hand down and answered the call. 

"What did you do to my son! You bitch!" The voice of an angry woman said. 

He checked if it was recorded and indeed. Kaisley was smart enough to even record it automatically when the call was answered. 

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to fucking kill you!" 

Caleb hung up as he chuckled. Kaisley, won't fight without evidence. He bent down and kissed her forehead. 

"I'll fight with you this time."

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