The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1044: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (39)

  Chapter 1044 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (39)

  Lin Xiyun naturally has no objection.

  Since his mother drank a few pastes of the decoction that Xu Yin brought back from the old imperial doctor in the county, it completely cured the confinement disease.

   What's more, his family also has a field, and the main force is still him. The busy farming holiday is good for him.

  Competition, there are rewards to be motivated.

Xu Yin took out a sachet-sized seed bag, which contained several kinds of vegetable and fruit seeds that had never been seen in the local area: "These are the seeds of the Western Regions that I bought in Chunzhou Prefecture, and the top three reward seeds in the literacy competition .The first place can choose 50 seeds at will, the second place has 30 seeds, and the third place has 10 seeds."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's desire to compete was aroused, even Xu Sanqiu was eager to try.

Thinking of the melon seeds last time, the county magistrate visited their plum blossom village and drank a bowl of water at his house. If he can get the first place this time and pick fifty seeds from the Western Regions back, he might be able to stay in the county. Let the adults have a meal at his house. It is an honor to share a meal with the magistrate at the same table!

  It's a pity that Comrade Xiao Jin, who has an unforgettable memory, is there, so how can he be the first to leave others alone?

  Xu Yin deliberately mispronounced a few words, and gave up the remaining two reward places to other people.

  To everyone's surprise, the second place was Sanya, and the third place was Cui Jikang.

  The kids who didn’t win the prize were obviously very disappointed, but Xu Sanqiu was the most disappointed.

  In the past three days, when he went to the sandy ground to serve the melon fields, he never forgot to pick up a branch and gesticulate on the sandy ground to review the new characters. In the end, he still lost to the hardworking Erya and Cui Jikang, who also had a good memory.

"Ah! I'm so ashamed!" Xu Sanqiu drooped his shoulders and was frustrated, "I also told the elder brother who was guarding the melon field that day that if I won the seeds, I would give him a few seeds. That's it. , he will definitely ask me, how should I answer? Ahhh!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

   How ignorant are you of your own strength?

   "Third brother, how about I give you a few seeds?" Sanya clutched the seed bag, struggling.

   "Really? That's great!" Xu Sanqiu was about to jump up happily when County Magistrate Chen came.

  He received a letter from the fourth prince the day before yesterday, in which he praised him without hesitation, and said that capable people and strangers are among the people, so he must keep Cui Mengjin and his wife stable, and even respond to requests.

Although he didn't see at all that Cui Mengjin and his wife looked like capable people who lived in seclusion in the city, according to his inquiries, the two were born in Qinghe County, and their ancestors were farmers who planed food on the ground for generations, so they couldn't be migrating. The powerful offspring who have lived in seclusion so far.

If I had to say something, it would probably be Xu's amazing strength - he could lift a stone mill that would take three or four grown-up men to lift with one hand, he could kick an adult wild boar flying with one foot, and he had the ability to cultivate land. Quite a bit of unique insights.

   But it may also be because of her laziness. According to her mother-in-law Cui Shi’s evaluation of her, the new fertilization method she came up with, and driving ducks to weeding rice fields are all due to laziness.

   This made County Magistrate Chen twitch the corners of his mouth, speechless.

  But since the fourth prince said so, it can be seen that the suggestion mentioned in the letter he sent someone to send it quickly last time won the praise of His Majesty the fourth prince.

   County magistrate Chen couldn't help but feel happy for the fourth prince.

  They are diners, so it is natural that the master is good, and they are good!

   Keep Cui Mengjin and his wife steady, right? He would do the same without the Fourth Prince reminding him.

  After half a year of observation, he finally understood: this couple has no ambitions, and they are so happy to guard the 20-acre lotus pond.

  As long as they remain the same as they are now, and don't mess around, let him, a magistrate, respect them.

  Just after reading the letter from the fourth prince, he heard the report from the yamen servant who was on duty to guard the melon fields in Meihua Village. Only then did he realize that Cui Mengjin and his wife had other seeds from the Western Regions in their hands, so they rushed over from the county yamen.

  I wanted to exchange directly with Cui Mengjin and his wife so that they would not give out the seeds as prizes.

   It turned out that it was a step too late, and the prizes were already in the hands of the top three.

   "Everyone, can these seeds be given to me? I know that this is a reward for your literacy competition. I brought some pens, ink, paper and inkstones to exchange with you?"


   It’s not good or not!

  The other party is the county magistrate! It's not bad to exchange pens, inks, papers and inkstones with them instead of taking them away directly!

etc! What to exchange?

Paper, ink and pen?

  The Four Treasures of the Study?

   Oh, my mother! The Four Treasures of the Study!

  Of course it changed!

  So, the prizes of the literacy competition were smoothly changed from seeds to the Four Treasures of the Study!

  Cui Mengjin was sent a relatively high-end set of brushes, ink, paper and inkstones, while Xu Erya and Cui Jikang's were relatively inferior, but this did not hinder their happiness.

  This is not only a prize personally presented by the county magistrate, but also the Four Treasures of the Study that they never have a chance to touch!

  Xu Yin was quite speechless.

  She used the seeds as a reward, one is to encourage them to learn more words, and the other is to improve the dining table of the big guys.

   Throughout the year, I can’t eat meat a few times. It’s good to have a variety of vegetables and fruits.

  Besides, everyone has it, so it won't look weird if she eats it out.

  But what does the county magistrate want these for? Take it back for research?

County Magistrate Chen clenched his fists to cover his lips, and coughed softly: "Your Majesty's birthday is approaching, and I am worried about what gift to offer. I heard that this is the seed of my great prayer introduced from the Western Regions. Since His Majesty ascended the throne, he has always advocated farming as the foundation. This official wants to present these seeds to His Majesty by presenting flowers to the Buddha."

  Xu Yin blurted out: "A gift for His Majesty? Wouldn't it be most appropriate to send a bucket of Jiang Shan?"

  In many ancient texts, don’t the heroines who have ties to the royal family give the emperor a bucket of ginger?

   "Unify the country? How to send it?"


   Blame her for moving her mouth faster than her brain. Will magistrate Hu believe her mouth now?

  Magistrate Chen obviously didn't believe it, and even waited for her explanation with great interest.

  Xu Yin had no choice but to find the **** at home and put it in a wooden barrel: "Look, a barrel of ginger."


  Magistrate Chen was overwhelmed by her imagination.

   But think about it in retrospect: what a brilliant idea!

   Heralds that one day His Majesty will be able to regain Beiguan City and dominate the country!

  He couldn't wait to go back to the county government to send a letter to the fourth prince.

  Xu Yin looked at his expression and knew that he was very satisfied with the panacea gift that the time-traveling heroine came with as a standard, so she took the opportunity to ask: "Then do you still take these seeds away? In fact, the women don't know if they can grow them."

   "It's okay, I will find someone to try planting, and if I succeed, I will present it to Your Majesty. Don't worry, I will remember the credit of the two of you."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Miss is thinking about credit?

  Sister is thinking about the dishes on her own table!

  However, when she caught sight of Comrade Xiao Jin caressing the pen, ink, paper and inkstone in her hand from the corner of her eye... Forget it, take it away! Take them all away!

  The remaining seeds in the seed bag were also distributed in half to the county magistrate: "My lord, can these seeds be exchanged for another set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone?"

  Save it to make her Comrade Xiaojin happy in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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