The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1049: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a blessed girl from the farm (44)

  Chapter 1049 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (44)

  "Is there any difficulty? Being criticized by the teacher? Being excluded by classmates? No money to eat? Or..."

   "Puff puff..."

  The boy lay on her shoulder, spitting bubbles at Cui Jikang.

  Xu Yin wiped his mouth with a handkerchief helplessly. This kid has recently started to grow teeth, and he secretes a lot of saliva, and he likes to spit bubbles at every turn.

   "No sister-in-law." Cui Jikang blushed and hurriedly waved his hands to explain, "It's the new emperor enthroned and Guangkai Enke, and all the seniors plan to sign up for the provincial examination, I..."

"Kai Enke? That's a good thing! If you don't take the exam, you won't take the exam. Of course you will! What if you pass the exam. It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam. You are still young, only fourteen. Don't worry, but one more chance is always worth it." It is good."

Without saying a word, Xu Yin took out a money bag and stuffed it into his hand: "Take it, I'll give it to you as money. That's all if it's enough, save some money. My sister-in-law's family is planning to build a house after the autumn harvest, and I'll leave you a money bag later. You can go to prepare for the exam at ease, according to me, don’t go home for the time being when you are nervous about your studies, the mother-in-law in the field is too busy, I will hire a few people to help her.”

   "Thank you sister-in-law."

   "Thank you!"

  As long as the mother-in-law doesn't always scold her for being a meat hob behind her back, it's fine if she thinks she has spoiled the eldest and youngest sons in the family.

  Xu Yin waved her hands and strode home with her son in her arms.

  She just went to Huzi's house and ordered a plate of tofu and two catties of tofu puffs.

  The autumn harvest is coming, and her natal family will definitely come to help her family collect food.

   "Don't nibble on your mother's shoulders, kid, is it dirty?"

  When I got home, I fed my son a few sips of water, stuffed him with a homemade molar biscuit, and Cui Mengjin came back.

  He just went to the dry land to look around, seeing that sorghum and soybeans will be harvested in a few days.

   After a short break, I went to the field by the lotus pond to break corn and plan taro.

  In the past three years, the couple have opened up all the land around the lotus pond and fertilized it into paddy fields, ranging from high-grade to medium-grade.

  Bought a lake and pond with so many fertile fields, the villagers were so envious, they wanted to buy a lake and pond too. Planting lotus root in the lake to raise fish, and opening paddy fields by the lake, how wonderful!

  However, since the establishment of collective lotus ponds in Xiaowa Village three years ago, it is not easy to sell the lakes and ponds in the village. Everyone looks at the only private lotus pond of Cui Mengjin’s family, and they are really envious!

But I can only be envious, no one dares to make irresponsible remarks behind my back, firstly, the collective lotus ponds allow every family to earn more money than going to the town to do part-time jobs, and secondly, the new fertilization method allows them to increase crop production and eat more food. Cooked rice. Even if they disregarded this favor, they wouldn't dare to make trouble even with Meng Jin's daughter-in-law's fierce skill in kicking an adult wild boar away.

  So, Xu Yin's family has been living comfortably for the past few years.

   "My face is red from the sun."

  Seeing the man enter the door, Xu Yin poured him a glass of water distressedly.

   Every winter, it is hard to cover up the white face. After two rounds of busy farming in summer and autumn, it will definitely turn back to black.

  It’s okay to be dark, the main reason is to worry about getting sunburned, and I really want to put a layer of sunscreen on his face.

  Cui Mengjin almost choked on herbal tea when she looked at the lady's loving eyes.

  He could guess what she was thinking just by looking at her little expression—it was because he thought he was tanned.

   Calmly rolled up the sleeves, exposing the white upper arms with bulging biceps.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Lowered his head to tease his son: "Your father has convulsions again."

"By the way, I just met my third brother on the road. He said that the new emperor enthroned Enke, and he will be able to sign up for the provincial examination this year. Seeing his embarrassing appearance, he is probably worried that my mother will not want to spend money, so I let you go to me earlier. I gave him the purse here, and there should be twenty or thirty taels in it. The third brother has a talent for reading, so he needs to cultivate it well."

   Speaking of this, she couldn't help but want to complain: "Mother has received a lot of money in her purse in recent years, why are you still so picky?"

  Cui Mengjin turned her head to look at her: "Give him the purse too?"

   "Ah, what's the matter? There are only a few silver ingots in it, nothing else."


   It's nothing else, but she gave him the purse, so how can she give it to someone else so easily? Not even his own brother.

  He is upset.

   Having been married for many years, Xu Yin understood his emotions at a glance.

   After tasting what I just said, there is nothing wrong with it.

   "Do you think I paid more or less?" She asked tentatively, "Going to the state capital to take the exam, twenty or thirty taels is not enough for the expenses?"

  Cui Mengjin looked at her helplessly and said, "The expenses are enough."

   "Then what are you upset about?"



   "That's what you sent me."


  Xu Yin remembered!

  When I took him to the county town to treat his legs, I bought several embroidered purses on the county street, and one of them was a sky-blue one embroidered with green bamboo and filled with broken silver for him as pocket money.

   It’s been so many years, and I haven’t seen him change the purse when it’s worn out. I thought he didn’t care about the old and the new, and co-authored it because it was a gift from her?

She rubbed her forehead: "It was just bought for odds and ends, and it's not a serious gift... In this way, don't go to the third brother to ask for it, lest he think that we have repented and don't want to help him take the exam and want to get the money back. I will give it to you later." You alone, this time I will do it myself, and I will sew you a purse in the color you like, okay?"

   This is how to coax this guy.

   After the end of the rest, Cui Mengjin went to the ground again.

  Nowadays, even if they have a lot of money, they seldom hire helpers. They only invite Xu Yin’s natal cousins ​​to come and help for a few days when the farming season is busy.

  After the man left, Xu Yin coaxed her son to sleep, and turned soybeans and dried vegetables in the yard.

  The county magistrate and his wife came to her house in a carriage.


  Why do you come every time when you pick the autumn harvest?

  Sister really has no time to entertain.

  The county magistrate's wife got off the carriage and walked into the house with her arm in her arm: "Sister Yin, hurry up, take a bath, burn incense, and kneel down to welcome the imperial edict."


  Xu Yin was at a loss.

   "It's too late! Sister Bai will take you to take a bath and change clothes, master, let someone prepare the incense burner."

   "Sister Yin, where is your husband? Still in the field? Ouch, master, you call someone to call my brother-in-law, so don't delay the auspicious time for reading the imperial decree."


  Imperial decree?

"That's right." The county magistrate's wife said as she arranged clothes for her to wear later, "Did you know that the crown prince held a grand enthronement ceremony a few days ago? Of course you will be rewarded for meritorious deeds after enthronement. You have put in a lot of effort." , of course I will reward you."

   "When did I make a big effort?"

  Why doesn't she know?

"Ah? Didn't the master tell you? His Royal Highness... Oh, look at my mouth, I can't change it," the county magistrate's wife lightly slapped her own mouth, "It's your majesty, the reason why your majesty is so highly regarded by the emperor is thanks to you The high-yield grains presented, the castor bean cake dregs fertilized, and other good ideas such as collective lotus ponds and circular farming... Ouch, I can't tell. The auspicious time waits for no one. Tell you in detail."


  (end of this chapter)

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