The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1052: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (47)

  Chapter 1052 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (47)

  I don’t know whether it’s because the effect of papaya is really powerful, or because the emperor said “this thing can whiten skin”, which made the queen and other harem concubines have preconceived ideas.

  In addition, it was rewarded by His Majesty, so I stewed it every day and ate it every meal. After three days of stewing in a papaya cup, I touched my face in front of the mirror, and it seemed that it was indeed a little whiter and smoother.

  A concubine among them was diagnosed as pregnant with a dragon fetus after eating papaya. Seeing that the papaya seeds were dense and dense, she was so happy that she regarded papaya as an auspicious fruit with many children and many blessings.

  So, papaya became famous in the palace.

  Xu Yin's family of three visited the capital for two days, and were about to leave Beijing to return home, when they were called into the palace again.

   Knowing the reason, Xu Yin almost emo: "..."

   Does this count as throwing a rock at your own foot?

  What kind of gift is not good to bring, but papaya?

   Why did you choose its whitening and beautifying effect when you said that the effect is not good?

   Now it's all right, today's queen, tomorrow's concubine... the concubines in the harem called her to be their guest one after another.

  Ask her how papayas are grown, what the trees look like, and the key is if there are other ways to eat...

   Also, it’s good to eat steamed papaya for a few days without vomiting.

  The first few questions are easy to answer, which is how to eat papaya...Xu Yin has no choice—she can’t offend any of these people, so she has to rack her brains to help them think of papaya-based delicacies:

   Try breaking the pulp into pieces and stewing it with fresh milk and rock sugar, or steaming it and mashing it into a puree, and eating it with honey and almond milk... Anyway, it can’t be wrong to make a dessert.

   In this way, the empress, concubine and others were even more reluctant to let her go. Just like Mother Jia loved Grandma Liu, they also liked Xu Yin.

  A married woman with children in the countryside who has no background, looks plain, and speaks honestly and wittily is not a threat to them at all. On the contrary, it can add a little fun to their boring harem life.

  Therefore, the queen and others repeatedly persuaded her to settle down in the capital. For this reason, the queen rewarded her with a Zhuangzi, which is not far from Huangzhuang. Although it is not big, it has a hot spring.

   "Ah Jin, if I don't go home again, I feel that I will be corrupted by the prosperity and luxury of the capital."

  That night, the passion faded, and Xu Yin gasped as she lay on the man's body.

  Hot spring Zhuangzi, this is indeed quite attractive to her.

  How come no natural hot springs have been found in Dawa Village?

  Cui Mengjin laughed softly, playing with her soft long hair and asked: "Does the lady want to go back or stay?"

   "Let's go back!" Xu Yin said after serious thinking, "Compared to being rich and honored, I prefer a free life."

  Thinking about the past few days, she was summoned by different people every day, saluted and kowtowed all the way, it was tiring and even more tiring.

"Then go back." Cui Mengjin hugged her up and gently pecked at the corner of her lips, "I will ask His Majesty to allow us to return home tomorrow. No need to make any extra excuses, just say that winter is coming, The ground needs to be fertilized with basal fertilizer, otherwise it will affect the next year's production. His Majesty attaches great importance to farming, so he will not make things difficult for us."

  The emperor did not embarrass them, although he also hoped that they would stay. Their simplicity, optimism, kindness and unique insights into farming deeply touched him. Every time he chats with the couple, his mood becomes particularly good, it is a joy from the heart.

  But he also knows that Dawa Village is their home, where there are their parents, elders, neighbors and folks, and forcing them to stay is not the beauty of adults but the beauty of others.

  The emperor opened the golden mouth, and the concubines in the harem had no choice but to let him go.

  Xu Yin's family hurriedly withdrew before the emperor changed his mind.

  The house and property bestowed by the emperor were left untouched. What if Cui Jikang or their children passed the exams and came to the capital to develop in the future, at least there is a foothold here, right?

  Cui Qiaoqiao has been hesitating these days whether to go to the eldest brother.

I learned from the sixth prince that Mrs. Xu is not only favored by His Majesty, but also very popular with ladies in the harem. Although she doesn't know where she got those seeds from the Western Regions, she successfully planted them like a blind cat met a dead mouse, not only He was awarded the title of eighth-rank Si Nong, and he also received a lot of rewards. It would be great if the one who was awarded the title was the eldest brother, but it happened to be that vicious woman.

  Cui Qiaoqiao didn't want to have anything to do with the eldest brother's family before, so she didn't tell the sixth prince that it was her sister-in-law who was awarded the eighth-rank Sinonong by His Majesty. Now...

  She hesitated again and again, and decided to go to her eldest brother.

  She seems to have been protected and pampered by the sixth prince all these years, and she seems to have infinite beauty, but there are many people who secretly look down on her and say that she is not worthy of the sixth prince, and say that the concubine the sixth prince will marry in the future must come from a famous family. No matter how lucky she is, she is just a concubine who can't get on the table in the Sixth Prince's mansion. He was kept outside as an outer room.

  If it was in the past, Cui Qiaoqiao would have endured it, but now the elder brother and his wife are highly valued by His Majesty, if he can keep them in the capital, wouldn't he have an extra backer?

  Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, and decided to find her elder brother to win over the sibling relationship.

   Unexpectedly, she was greeted by a closed door. After inquiring, her elder brother's family bid farewell to His Majesty and went back to Dawa Village.


  Cui Qiaoqiao was puzzled: How come there are still people who don’t live in the mansion, and would rather go back to live in thatched cottages or adobe houses?

  Xu Yin felt more at ease as she got farther away from the capital.

   It’s better to stay away from the power vortex in the capital, so you don’t have to worry about being summoned by this one and that summoned by another.

  The more she experiences, the more she likes the peaceful rural life, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, working from sunrise to sunset, although the days are not so luxurious and exquisite, but the peace of mind is my hometown.

   "I'll build a beautiful courtyard house with green bricks and tiles when I go back!" She clasped her claws and waved her arms.

   "Puff puff..."

  The brat spat a string of bubbles at her.

   "Do you understand? Silly boy!" Xu Yin wiped her son's mouth with a smile.

   "How about, mother will arrange a practice room for you? When you can walk and run, mother will teach you the horse step?"

   "Puff puff..."

  Cui Mengjin squeezed the nib of her son's pen and said with a smile: "I thought my wife would want to decorate a study room, and give him enlightenment when he starts babbling."

   "The study room needs to be arranged, and the practice room should also be arranged. Wen can cultivate one's character, martial arts can strengthen one's body, and a good man is good at both civil and military skills! We must grasp both civil and military skills, and we must be strong with both hands! Right, Brother Chen?"

   "Puff puff..."

  Cui Mengjin raised the corners of her lips, and watched the two girls interact with each other with a warm smile.

  Silly boy, he didn't even know he was sold by his mother.

  The carriage gradually drifted away, and the occasional chatter and laughter in the carriage gradually faded away with the clatter of horseshoes.

   Jin Wuxi sinks.

  In the cool late autumn, the clouds are blushing like drunk.

  Tomorrow will be another sunny day...

  (end of this chapter)

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