The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1061: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (8)

  Chapter 1061 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (8)

  She just roughly estimated a score in the middle and lower reaches of the class, which is both improved and not too conspicuous.

  After going through the second, third, and fourth won't be too surprising that she has made great progress in the college entrance examination.

  So in order to collect points, she chose to do a few big questions, and gave up on the other few questions that she knew she could do.

   Never expected that one of the random questions would stump 99% of the students in the grade...

  Xu Yin looked helplessly at the homeroom teacher, thinking that you are a biology teacher, why do you help analyze the math papers? What are you so worried about!

   This made her wonder whether to accept or let go of the next mock test.

After talking about the results, Teacher Yan chatted about the tea in the small cafeteria: "I heard that your parents only contracted it for three years? Then when you go to another city for the college entrance examination, your parents will not work in our school anymore? Then I won’t be able to drink your cheap and high-quality tea.”

  Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Mr. Yan, lemon mint tea is really simple. Soak dried lemon slices in warm water, or replace them with fresh lemon slices. After the water cools down, add a few mint leaves."

   "I know, Mr. Chen from the next class has tried it, but he can't make the lemon mint tea that is fresh and refreshing."

  Xu Yin thought about it, could it be because her lemon slices and mint leaves were grown by herself?

Although the tea was not mixed with Linghu water, the water for planting was indeed mixed with Lingquan, Lingwu or Linghu water. The spirit energy locked the freshness of flowers, plants and fruits, and even if it was dried, it still retained its fragrance, thus creating her What makes home tea different?

  There is no way.

Although there are a lot of edible medicinal materials suitable for making tea in her system warehouse, such as dried lemon slices, dried grapefruit slices, ebony plums, tangerine peel, black dates, mint leaves, dried passion fruit, etc., they cannot be sold. There is no time, how to explain the source of goods?

   Let’s pretend that Xu’s mother has tea-making skills that no one else can learn.

  Because of the summer-limited ice mint plum soup and lemon mint tea, the business of the small cafeteria has been pretty good recently.

  Under Xu Yin's intentional or unintentional proposal, Xu's canteen no longer only serves stir-fried vegetables.

   Recently launched several staple foods suitable for hot weather, including cold noodle, cold noodles, hot and sour noodles...

  In addition to boiled chicken, husband and wife lung slices and other mixed dishes, the cold meat dishes also add a few dishes—seafood sauce and pork knuckle. Especially the white-cut pork knuckle, paired with **** and garlic sauce, delicious and appetizing, it is super delicious when eaten alone!

   Needless to say, teachers, they will go to the small cafeteria if they have dinner together.

  The students are more courageous than before—

   In the past, if there was a teacher eating in the small cafeteria on the second floor, even if the students wanted to order a small fried rice bowl, they would not dare to go up, for fear of being caught by the teacher they knew.

  Since tea was served in the small cafeteria, I went up and down more often, and it didn’t seem so embarrassing to go to the small cafeteria. When I met a teacher I knew, I said hello generously, and went straight to the window to order the meal I wanted.

  Seeing that the business is so good, Xu Yin will stay in the cafeteria to help out for a while at noon. Xu's father and Xu's mother disagreed at first, worried that it would affect her study.

  Xu Yin said that she had been sitting in the classroom for a long time and wanted to be active.

  Xu's mother asked her to help refill tea and serve dishes, but the back kitchen refused to let her in because it was too hot, for fear that she would suffer from heat stroke.

   There is an air conditioner in the cafeteria, but it only cools down the dining area. The coolness of the central air conditioner does not have any effect on the back kitchen, and the ventilation fan is still full of heat.

  Xu Yin remembered that she had asked the system mall for an automatic temperature regulator, but this was only suitable for personal use.

  She took the time to go to the system mall, spent energy points to scan it over and over again, and finally got a thermostat suitable for multi-person environments—it can keep the surrounding temperature at a constant temperature of 26 degrees regardless of the severe cold or heat.

This is good!

   But look at the power point, boy!

  A small thermostat that can be used within a range of 50 square meters requires 79900 energy points.

   And after swiping the system mall a few times, her balance is only 79950.

   This is the rhythm of clearing her balance!

   It’s hard to come up with a thermostat that’s needed right now, what a pity it’s not worth it?

   Think of buying a luxury item—although it is expensive, it is useful (it was spent wisely) and the after-sales service is good (produced by the system, so far no products with poor quality have been found).

   And this small world is over, can't you take it to the next small world and continue using it?

  Thinking about it this way, I don’t think it’s a waste!

  Buy, buy, buy!

  Xu Yin exchanged one on the spot.

  The balance of energy points was deducted to only 50 points.

  The thermostat is temporarily stored in the system warehouse after it is obtained.

  During her Sunday break, she took Mother Xu to the mall to buy a three-figure kitchen cooler.

  The salesman was boastful, but Xu Yin knew that the real cooling effect was not as good as advertised, but she just wanted a pretend cooler, and what really worked was the thermostat that emptied her energy point account.

  After the cooler was installed, she adjusted the thermostat to the light strip mode and installed it on the ceiling of the back kitchen.

  The room temperature in the kitchen dropped quickly.

"I didn't expect the cooling effect of Liangba to be so good!" Xu's mother was surprised, "I heard from Sister Wang that this is a gimmick, and the effect is only a bit better than the ventilation fan. Knowing that it is so cool after installing it, I bought it a long time ago." .”

  Father Xu also nodded happily: "Maybe there are bad brands, but the one Yinyin chose is good."

  Xu's mother muttered in confusion: "Yinyin didn't pick a lot, I think she seems to pick whichever is cheaper."

  Xu Yin smiled and said nothing, hiding her achievements and fame.

The kitchen is equipped with a thermostat, so cooking is not afraid of the heat. The room temperature of 26 degrees makes people feel comfortable doing anything. For Xu’s father and Xu’s mother who like to cook and are used to cooking, cooking in such an environment , it is really a kind of enjoyment.

Because the working environment is comfortable, Mother Xu spends her free time in the small cafeteria in the afternoon. There is sour plum soup on the stove and stewed stewed meat sold by Minger. What are you doing deliciously? Why are you two cooking so much lately? Yo! Are you cleaning again? I said you are too diligent, big girl, the dining room is brighter than the living room at home."

  Xu's mother smiled and said: "There is something stewing on the stove, and I can't go away, so I just clean it up. Yinyin said that if it is cleaned up and arranged neatly, business will be good even if it is not good."

   "That's true, but you guys are already pretty clean. After you wipe it like this, it's like new."

   "Hey, it's okay to be idle."

   "What delicious food is stewed on the stove?"

   "Beef offal. My dad went to the market this morning, and when he saw fresh offal, he wrapped it up. Beef tripe, beef tendon, beef louver, beef big bone, you can eat whatever you want when it's cooked."

   "Beef offal? I remember that you have marinated it before, it's not so fragrant!"

"It's probably the spice bag that Yin Yin bought." Xu's mother thought of the three-figure Liangba, and complained a few words, "This child only buys cheap ones for food, and picks expensive ones for food. I think that The spice pack is very high-end, and it’s not cheap to specify, and the little money earned from sour plum soup and lemon tea is probably spent again.”

   "Isn't that good? She didn't waste money, didn't she subsidize your own small cafeteria?"

  Mother Xu laughed from ear to ear, because she likes to hear others praise her daughter.

  (end of this chapter)

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