The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1064: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (11)

  Chapter 1064 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (11)

  Finally, the two came to the tea shop opposite the school gate. Xu Yin ordered a cup of the cheapest lemon tea, and Jiang Youjin ordered the same cup as hers.

   Sipping an iced drink, walking on the green road.

  Jiang Youjin commented: "It's not as good as the mint lemon tea sold by your house."

  Xu Yin frowned, with a little pride on her expression: "Of course."

  The lemons and mints in her family are not only planted by herself, but also enjoyed the nourishment of Lingquan Lingwu Linghu Lake during the planting process. Can they not taste good?

   "The sour plum soup sold by your family is also delicious, but I was only lucky enough to taste it once."

   Xu Yin didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "Didn't you get it? I'll bring it for you next time."

  Jiang Youjin was slightly taken aback.

  Her answer reminded him of his best friend's phrase "sacrifice your beauty", and his ears suddenly turned red.

   Conscience of heaven and earth! His original intention was simply to praise the taste of her cold drink, absolutely nothing else.

   "My house is here!"

  Xu Yin drank the last sip of lemon tea, threw the deflated cup into the roadside trash can, and waved to him:

   "Thank you for inviting me to drink, and I'll bring you something I made myself."

  Jiang Youjin wanted to say no, he treated guests because he felt sorry.

  Although no one was intentional when they collided at the door of the classroom, there is a difference in height and body type between men and women. The moment they collided, his ribs felt a little numb, let alone her.

   But I was too embarrassed to ask directly, so I wanted to see if she was injured by using the pretext of asking her to eat.

   It's fine.

   She should have declined her request.

  But for some reason, when she smiled at him and told him to bring him a cold drink made by herself next time, Jiang Youjin felt an inexplicable and unexplainable joy in her heart.

  For the first time, he didn't refuse the girl's advance.

  The end of the three-mode exam, it happened to be Saturday, the school showed mercy and gave them a two-day vacation for the high school dogs, the teacher corrected the papers, and the students recovered their blood.

  Xu Yin is working on the second summer limited drink at home - lotus leaf osmanthus tea.

  It is made of lotus leaf, green tea, and osmanthus. Needless to say, it can refresh the mind. It also has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, relieving heat and reducing fire. If you have toothache, sore throat and other symptoms of fire, drinking this tea can relieve and treat it.

  She saw that his eyes were a little bloodshot that day, presumably because he was tired from studying for days and got angry. Drinking this tea is good for him.

  On Monday morning, Chen Yan came in with a strange expression, carrying a brand new fat belly kettle, and put it on Jiang Youjin's desk.

   "Huh?" Jiang Youjin looked at him puzzled.

   "Cough, chubby class 9...Xu Yin asked me to hand it over to you, she said you know."

  Chen Yan sat down opposite him gossipingly: "Since when did you two get along so well? I was in the same class as her in high school for a year and she didn't send me off, but she actually sent you off..."

  When Jiang Youjin heard that Xu Yin asked him to bring it, she put away the kettle without saying a word, and took a sip before putting it into the desk hole.

   "..." Chen Yan looked at him with a complicated expression, "Old Jiang, you never accepted gifts from girls before, you and her..."

"Freeze said."


  What nonsense did he say?

   There is really no silver three hundred taels here!


   "I'm going to die! Parents' meeting will be held after the three-model model, and the red list is posted on the bulletin board! It's over, it's over! When my mother saw that my name was not on the red list, she knew that I had regressed, and she couldn't hide it if she wanted to."

  Man Junhao rushed into the classroom roaring and howling, and brought back a piece of news that was not friendly to most people.

  Xiao Yueping sighed, and turned to look at Xu Yin: "You are still good, uncles and aunts are in school every day, and the results must be known after the exam, right? The parents' meeting is just a formality, without our troubles."

   "My parents never asked about my grades."

  Xu Yin said.

  She was lowering her head to analyze the wrong questions in this mock test, mainly because of the part of knowledge that relied on memory.

  No way, after such a long time, I have almost forgotten it, and I have to continue picking up this part of the content in the next month.

   "They didn't ask you about your mock test scores and rankings?"



  Xiao Yueping was so envious, she lay on the desk and wailed: "Good parents belong to other people."

   "A good child belongs to someone else's family."

  Man Junhao walked past her and answered.

"go away!"

   "Hey, I can't get out, I changed seats, I was transferred to your front row by the old class. We are in the same rank, so don't laugh at the elder brother, if you want to envy, envy the student **** who dominates the grade."

   "Jiang Youjin's status as the first brother has not been shaken for three years! I'm surprised that it wasn't him first."

  Xu Yin stared at the clear eyes of the notebook thoughtfully: Comrade Xiao Jin was the first in grade, but she didn't even make it to the red list. This gap is not ordinary!

On the other side, Chen Yan was also telling Jiang Youjin about the red list: "The top 30 in the grade, our experimental class has reserved 20 seats. This result, Lao Huo is definitely not satisfied. Look, the last team class You must be nagging for a long time, and you don't want to grab the food in the small cafeteria. I said, you and Xu Yin have such a good friendship, and she has given you limited tea, so I can't say hello to her and ask her to give it to my brother. The two keep a share of food, and if you want to eat less, you have to grab it..."

  Jiang Youjin turned the pen in his hand and ignored him.

  Chen Yan didn't feel that he was making fun of himself, and said to himself: "Speaking of which, Xu Yin's grades don't seem to be very good. I didn't find her name on the red list."

  Jianglin Experiment has posted a list of the top 300 students after the three models over the years, allowing students to measure their academic level.

  For example, there is a line under the fifth place, which represents the two top universities with a high probability of top five;

   There is a line under the top 60, which means that the top 60 is expected to reach 985, 211;

  …and so on.

  In short, the 300 places on the red list are approximately equal to the undergraduate enrollment rate of our school.

  Of course, this is only for the ranking level of the three models, and ultimately depends on the performance of the college entrance examination.

   But no matter what, if you can be on the red list, everyone will have more confidence.

  Jiang Youjin learned that Xu Yin was not on the red list, so in the two self-study classes in the afternoon, he didn't brush up the questions and kept sorting out his notes.

  As soon as the school bell rang, he went to class 9 with a water bottle that had been drunk and washed, and a stack of notes.

  Xu Yin was packing her schoolbag, when she saw him appearing at the door of the classroom, she guessed that he was looking for her.

   Quickly stuffed the homework and study materials into the schoolbag, and walked out with one hand: "Looking for me?"

   "Well, return the kettle, thank you for the tea. There are also these... the notes I organized myself, you can see if you need them."

  Xu Yin took it and saw that it was exactly what she needed.

   "Thank you! I'm about to tidy up."

  Jiang Youjin heard the words, the corners of her mouth rose slightly: "It's just as long as you can use it."

   "Of course it is useful! You have done me a great favor, how can I thank you?" Xu Yin tilted her head and looked at him with a smile, "Would you like to drink this tea tomorrow?"

   "Will it be too much trouble for you?"

   "No, I want to drink myself."

   "Okay, thank you."

   "I also want to thank you."

   The two said goodbye happily.

  (end of this chapter)

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