The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1073: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (20)

   On the other side, Teacher Yan who received the shredded chicken with lotus fragrance was also happy for Xu Yin's progress.

The teacher who sat and ate with him took a piece of shredded chicken with chopsticks and tasted it: "It tastes really good! Lao Yan, you have a good taste. There was a student who opened a cake shop at home in the class you led last year. When there is a school celebration or some other event, the cakes sponsored by her family made the class you lead a lot of limelight. This year, there is another parent contracting a small canteen, I really envy you."

  Mr. Yan was helpless and funny: "What is there to envy? I am also envious of the average score of your class!"

   "It's okay if you don't mention it, but if I mention it, I will be sad. This time, the average scores of our two classes are not far apart, and your class is starting to move forward. Maybe your class will catch up with us in the college entrance examination."

Teacher Yan sighed: "I hope so too. But in fact, after pulling out Xu Yin's grades, the average class score is not much different from before. It can be seen that this time she has raised a lot of points for our class by herself. "

   Teacher Huo, the head teacher of the experimental class sitting behind the two, couldn't tell what it was like.

  She was fireproof, antitheft, and Jiang Youjin fell in love. Even if she didn't say it or show it on the face, she was always worried, fearing that Xu Yin, who was in the parallel class, would lead her to a decline in grades.

Unexpectedly, not only did Jiang Youjin's grades not regress, but she still firmly dominated the first place in the grade, leaving the second place by more than 20 points; Xu Yin was on the red list, and even broke into the top 30 .

   This is what she didn't expect.

  If it is said that when two people fall in love, what they bring to each other is progress, improvement, and aggressiveness, so what reason does she have to object?

  She is not really exterminating Shitai—unfeeling and unrequited love.

  Wang Yiling stared at the red list for a long time, so long that her classmates went to the cafeteria to have lunch, and came back after eating, she was still standing in front of the bulletin board.

   This time, she is still second in the four models, although Jiang Youjin still dumped her by more than 20 points as before.

  But Xu Yin, who squeezed into the top 30, was only 10.5 points behind her, the second place.

  Although half a score in the college entrance examination should not be bad, and a half score may separate hundreds of thousands of candidates, but she still feels flustered for no reason.

  How much time did Jiang Youjin sacrifice to make up lessons for Xu Yin?

   Does he even know that he's wasting his time doing this?

  Obviously he can do better in the exam, after all, he still doesn't have a full score, and with his strength, he can definitely get a full score in the exam.

  But for Xu Yin, he actually wasted time sorting out those knowledge points that couldn't be more basic, and once saw him sorting out the basic wrong questions in the first year of high school.

   Wang Yiling was worried about wasting such precious time before the exam on such things.

   When school was over that day, she blocked Xu Yin at the stairs.

   "Do you know that you are wasting other people's lives."


  Xu Yin was dumbfounded.

Wang Yiling said angrily: "Don't act like you don't know anything, I don't believe you don't know how much precious time Jiang Youjin spent on sorting out the materials for you. For him, it is obvious that he can read more additional information. The question type is familiar with the touch, but it is wasted on you."

  Xu Yin pondered for a moment and said: "You are right!"


that's all?

  Wang Yiling stared blankly at Xu Yin waving her hands, flung her schoolbag on her shoulders chicly, and went downstairs with ease.

   She reacted, ran back to the corridor, and looked down downstairs.

  Xu Yin and Jiang Youjin met in the courtyard and walked side by side to the school gate.

  The wind of early summer faintly blew the dialogue between the two:

   "Next, you don't need to sort out the common exam questions for me... I have almost completed the basics. Let's do some challenging questions together."


  Wang Yiling: "..."

how so?


  Xu Yin and Jiang Youjin made an appointment to go to his home to review together on weekends, so that they can discuss with each other when they encounter difficulties.

  I heard that Jiang Zuoyu likes to eat the beef sauce she boiled. On Saturday, after school, I passed by the vegetable market and bought a piece of fresh yellow beef, and weighed a few pieces of dried fragrant.

  Although there are many beefs of better quality than this in the system warehouse, but the appearance is always done, and you can’t just buy nothing, and you have everything when you get home. So seeing that the yellow beef in the vegetable market looked okay, I bought two catties.

   I don’t buy shiitake mushrooms and peanuts.

  The shiitake mushrooms sold in the vegetable market are all grown in greenhouses, and there is not much shiitake mushroom flavor;

   There are still some peanuts left after frying last time, so I don’t need to fry them this time.

  The ingredients were ready, and she cooked the beef sauce before dinner, filled three cans, kept two cans for her own food, and took one can as a souvenir tomorrow.

  Thinking that the two brothers lost their parents, life is not easy. When they go out, they put a box of vacuumed double-yellow salted duck eggs and a box of preserved eggs in their schoolbags.

   It looks like she bought it, but she actually made it herself in the last small world, and even the duck eggs were laid by her own ducks.

  Whether it is the nutritional quality or taste of eggs, there is absolutely nothing better than this on the market.

Xu's father and Xu's mother learned that she went to a classmate's home to do homework and would not come back to eat at noon, so without a word, she packed a box of beef tendon, tripe, beef tendon meat platter and a bag of steamed hot food for her Miscellaneous grain buns.

  In order to go with the steamed corn bread, Xu's father also specially fried a serving of shredded pork with pickled cabbage, edamame, wild rice, and white to eat with the steamed corn bread.

  It seems simple, but the main food is meat and vegetables, and the fruit is a box of home-grown tomatoes.

  Mother Xu carefully tied the bag for her, and weighed it in her hand: "Is it enough? Is it enough for your dad to make some food?"

   "Enough is enough."

  Xu Yin hurriedly changed her shoes and went out, worried that if she dragged on, Father Xu would go to the kitchen to cook food for her again.

  When they arrived at Jiang Youjin's house, the two brothers had just washed and dried their school uniforms and sneakers, and were preparing to have breakfast.

  Xu Yin's arrival surprised Jiang Zuoyu, not all because she had saved him and the food she brought.

   "You guys just had breakfast? Do you want to try the steamed buns?" Xu Yin untied the bag, "My dad fried the side dishes before I went out, and steamed steamed stuffed buns in the morning, but it's not very hot now."

   "It's okay, it's okay, the bun is still warm, I can eat it even if it's cold." Jiang Zuoyu thanked, wrapped the bun with side dishes between chopsticks and ate it, "Good time! Good time..."

  Jiang Youjin was a little ashamed, pulled a chair and asked Xu Yin to sit down: "Come here, why bring vegetables, I went to buy vegetables in the morning, let's cook shrimp for lunch?"

   "Anything is fine." Xu Yin took out the beef sauce, salted duck eggs, etc. from her schoolbag, "Put the meat sauce in the refrigerator, and keep the rest at room temperature."

   "Ah! My brother also bought this meat sauce, it's always delicious! One spoonful can kill a bowl of noodles." Jiang Zuoyu chewed the steamed bun, staring at the meat sauce that Xu Yin just took out.

  Unfortunately, after eating, his brother refused to buy it for him again, no matter how much he begged, it was useless.

  Jiang Youjin touched his nose and explained to Xu Yin: "I was worried that he knew you made it, so he had the cheek to ask you for it, so he always thought he bought it and I didn't deny it."

   "Ah? Miss sister made this by herself? Didn't she buy it?" Jiang Zuoyu's eyes were dull, and he realized that he hit the snake with the stick and smiled at Xu Yin, "Sister, do you lack a brother?"

   "Pfft..." Xu Yin laughed, "You like eating so much?"

   "Yeah!" Jiang Zuoyu nodded like a pounding garlic, "It's really delicious and goes well with rice! Especially the noodles, it's super delicious."

   "Okay, come to me if you want to eat in the future, and I will make it for you when I have time."

   "Thank you sister!" (End of this chapter)

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