The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1077: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (24)

  Chapter 1077 Campus sweet text blackened female supporting role (24)

  Therefore, Father Xu and Jiang Linshigao continued for another three years.

  When Jiang Zuoyu heard the news, he jumped three feet high excitedly: "That's great! I still hope to eat Uncle Xu's dishes!"

  Jiang Youjin: "That also depends on you passing the exam."

   "..." Jiang Zuoyu looked angry, "Brother, can't you say something encouraging? I really suspect that your EQ is inversely proportional to your IQ."


   "By the way, sister Yinyin didn't get so angry that you wanted to beat you up?"

   "No." Jiang Youjin answered quickly this time, "She said it's good to be myself."


  Jiang Zuoyu covered his cheeks, his teeth were sore.

  He turned his face away, he would rather read a boring English book than chat with his brother.

   To be honest, apart from his grades and that face, he really doesn't see anything good about him, so many girls like him.

   It's fine for other girls, I guess they all look at their faces, but he thinks that sister Yinyin is not the one who looks at faces, so why is she being so nice to his brother?

   "By the way, brother, have you got your estimated scores? Have you decided which university to apply for?"

  Jiang Zuoyu suddenly remembered that after this summer vacation, his brother was going to go to another place to study at university. The reason why he was so sure was to go to another place, because there was no decent university here. With his brother's grades, he should be able to enter Huada.

   "It's just that if you apply to Huada, what will Sister Yinyin do?"

   A second ago, she was complaining about whether Xu Yin had bad eyesight, but at this moment, she was worried that the two of them would not be able to go to the same university.

Although he has never been in a relationship, there are several couples in the class who fall in love with each other early. The head teacher always uses real examples to persuade them earnestly, saying that very few of the romances in junior high school can last to university; . If his brother and sister Yinyin didn't get into the same school, wouldn't it be game over?

Jiang Youjin gave him a strange look: "What should I do? I applied to Huada University, and she applied to Huanong. They are both in the capital. The east campus of Huanong is two kilometers away from Huada University, and the west campus is a little farther, no more than five kilometers away. I usually ride They all start at five kilometers."

   Implicit, what is this distance?

  Jiang Zuoyu was dumbfounded: "Huh? Sister Yinyin plans to apply for Huanong? Is it an agricultural university? What major can I study here? What will I do after graduation? Go back to the countryside to farm?"

   "..." Jiang Youjin didn't bother to continue talking with him, picked up her schoolbag and said, "You should study hard, you will be greeted by the eighth final exam, not the college entrance examination, so don't worry about adults."


  Jiang Zuoyu gritted his teeth: You are amazing at eighteen!

  Jiang Youjin went out to meet Xu Yin, the two went to the county library together, and went to the movies and dinner later.

   It may not be the peak season. There is no one else in the reading room of the library except the two of them. The two found a few books that they were interested in.

  Jiang Youjin is very interested in artificial intelligence. He volunteered to fill in software engineering, but he has a plan to study artificial intelligence as a second degree.

  Xu Yin chose a few books related to agronomy.

   Seeing the book in her hand, Jiang Youjin smiled: "Xiaoyu just asked me what you can do after studying your major in the Agricultural University. He thought he would go back to the countryside to farm."

  Xu Yin laughed: "He knows a lot. The major I chose is actually similar to farming."

Seed science and engineering, as the name suggests, is the teaching related to seeds. Later, you will enter the laboratory and go to the field to practice. Through experiments and practice, you will learn how to obtain seeds from fruits, process seeds, cultivate seeds, and track the planting of seeds. Record.

The reason why Xu Yin chose this major was because she had cultivated the field for so long, and she had always practiced to gain true knowledge, and the seed cultivation of the best among the best was also harvested through fumbling and fumbling. When it comes to theoretical knowledge, it is really not serious. Eight classics learned.

  Her estimated score is not enough to enter the top two prestigious schools, but Huanong is no problem, so she can choose a major related to seed cultivation, which may come in handy in the future.

  Speaking of which, Huanong can also be regarded as her alma mater—half of the tasks of a small world were completed in Huanong. It's just that I was majoring in brewing that time, and I basically lived in the East Campus in class, but this time I mostly lived in the West Campus.

  Jiang Youjin saw that she spoke clearly and logically, and thought that she really liked this major, so she didn't ask any more questions.

Xu Yin did have something to say to him: "When we go to the capital to go to university in September, you can let Xiaoyu live in my house, and I will give him the room. You must not worry about him being at home alone, and my parents I’m just a child, I go to school in other places, and they will definitely be lost in the early stage. It’s lonely without children, so I let Xiaoyu accompany them for me. Besides, he is now in a critical period of growth and development. You can live in my house and eat. Of course you don’t have to worry about it, but he lives alone, and it’s difficult to guarantee three meals. Occasionally, if he wakes up late, he may go to school without breakfast, and it’s not good for his stomach after a long time.”

  Jiang Youjin pursed her lips: "I understand your kindness, but won't that bother uncle and aunt too much?"

  He has really been thinking about his younger brother's life these days.

  Fourteen-year-old boy, he is still a half-grown child after all, but the only relatives in the county are the uncle and his family. The uncle has always been thinking about the compensation of his parents, and asked him to take out the money more than once to borrow his cousin to buy a wedding house.

  But it is said that it is borrowed, and nine times out of ten, there will be no return.

  He didn't agree, so the aunt and cousin brainwashed Xiaoyu every day, saying that he wanted to monopolize his parents' inheritance or something.

  So the uncle's family is unreliable at all, handing Xiaoyu over to them is equivalent to sending a sheep to a tiger's mouth.

   But apart from this, there are no other relatives in the city.

   Now Xu Yin's proposal has touched his heart.

  He can live with her parents, of course he is relieved.

   It seems that there is no better arrangement than this.

"Then I will hand over Xiaoyu's living expenses to my uncle and aunt, and I will trouble them for the next three years. Except for three meals, I don't have to worry about anything else. He can wash the clothes by himself, and let him tidy up the room by himself. Feel free to assign any housework. If he does, treat him as his own child, you're welcome."

  Xu Yin smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, my parents know how to do it."

  Before she came, she asked her parents for their opinions, and they agreed without saying a word, and said to reassure Jiang Youjin that they would take care of his younger brother as their own son, and let him just go to Huada to study with peace of mind.

  Jiang Zuoyu didn't know that luck was about to come to him. He finished a final simulation paper, logged on to the computer, and searched what Huanong taught, and what he would do after graduation. After checking, he was even more dumbfounded:

  What majors does Huanong offer?

   Agronomy? Lin Mu? Livestock? Aquaculture? Cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables?

  The direction to work after graduation—flower garden, farm, forest farm, animal quarantine, breeding farm, veterinary station...

  Jiang Zuoyu: "..."

  Is Sister Yin too reluctant?

  He felt aggrieved for her 650+ evaluation score.

  (end of this chapter)

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