The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1081: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (28)

  Chapter 1081 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (28)

  He held his head up and straightened his chest, staring straight ahead without daring to wander: "Let me declare first, I didn't trouble him, it was him..."

   "I know." Xu Yin said with a smile, "I have to trouble you to cooperate for a while, and I will stay for a piece of birthday cake later."


   What the **** is his dignified brother Ming's appearance fee only worth a broken birthday cake?

   No matter what, two yuan is enough!

  Jiang Youjin hurried to the address sent by her younger brother for location, and looked up to see that it was a relatively high-end KTV.

  Before, some students in the class group were asking to sing or something. They posted photos of this KTV, saying that although the consumption here is high, the environment, service, and sound quality are nothing to say.

   On the night of the graduation dinner, many students were still unsatisfied. After the dinner, they also said that they would come here to sing and play all night.

  He didn't come, it's not that he doesn't like singing, on the contrary, he likes it quite a lot. Chen Yan even often teased him, saying that his good grades in cultural subjects hindered his development in the entertainment industry.

  He simply felt that the consumption here was too high, and it was not a suitable place for him as a student.

   "Brother! Brother, I'm here!" Jiang Zuoyu yelled and walked towards the box with Ming Gela.

  Jiang Youjin frowned handsomely, and chased in.

  Seeing his younger brother being dragged into a box by Brother Ming, he had no time to think, and quickly chased after him and pushed open the door of the box.

   "Xiao Yu—"


   "Happy Eighteen!"

   "Happy birthday!"


  The firework tube exploded above his head, and the glittering colored stripes and sequins fluttered down.

  Everyone in the box had bright smiles on their faces and shouted birthday wishes to him.

  He knows all these people, there are classmates in the experimental class with whom he has a good relationship, there are kind neighbors who watched him grow up, there are junior high school teachers who continue to encourage him after his parents passed away, and care about him...

  Brother Ming, whose younger brother stopped him and pulled him, also stood awkwardly in the corner, and someone stuffed a bunch of sunflowers in his hand.

  What else does Jiang Youjin not understand?

  He was moved and amused, met Xu Yin's smiling bright eyes, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Why all of a sudden..."

   "Of course there must be a birthday surprise!"

  Xu Yin said, handing him carefully prepared flowers, her smiling eyes intertwined with his watery eyes: "Congratulations on becoming an adult!"

   "Come on everyone! Send us gifts! Then sing birthday song to our birthday star today! After singing, blow out the candles and share the cake! The red velvet cake made by Xu Yin is so beautiful, it makes me hungry!"

   "It's not just cakes, the side dishes, braised noodles, and longevity noodles she brought are all very appetizing!"

   "I want to taste the fruit wine she made herself. It smells so fragrant and intoxicating."

   "Then what are you waiting for! Start building! Comrades!"

   "Singing while eating! Haha..."


  The next day, sitting on the flight to the capital, Jiang Youjin was still replaying the scene of everyone celebrating his birthday last night in his mind.

   There are cakes, candles, gifts, and someone sings happy birthday together...

   This is the first time to have such a lively birthday celebration after my parents left.

   No, exactly, the first birthday in nearly four years.

  In the past few years, in order to save money, he only bought a cake on his younger brother’s birthday, and accompanied him to blow out candles and eat a piece of cake, even if his own birthday was over.

   Over time, even Jiang Zuoyu forgot when his brother's birthday was.

  If Xu Yin hadn't planned this birthday party without telling Jiang Youjin this time, Jiang Zuoyu still thought that his brother's birthday had something to do with him. Otherwise, how could the two brothers celebrate their birthdays on the same day?

   "What are you thinking?" Xu Yin noticed that he was distracted, and lightly touched him with her elbow.

  She sat with him, but Jiang Zuoyu sat in the front row chatting with Xu's father and Xu's mother. Foodies and cooks met together, and they had endless food topics.

  Jiang Youjin turned to look at her, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​stars hidden in the depths of her eyes: "I haven't thanked you for yesterday's arrangement."

   "Don't take it to heart, in fact, everyone is taking advantage of your birthday party to get together. The next time we gather so many people, we don't know when we will have to wait."

   "Well, so thank you."

"you are welcome!"

  He looked at her upturned eyelashes, his eyes serious: "You celebrate my eighteenth birthday, and I celebrate your twenty!"

  Xu Yin looked at him with a smile and snorted softly: "What? You don't plan to celebrate my nineteenth birthday?"


  He tilted his head and smiled: "Yes!"

  Not only at the age of nineteen or twenty, he will celebrate her every birthday from now on.


  According to the itinerary arranged by Jiang Youjin, after the group arrived in the capital, they stayed in a three-star hotel with the highest cost performance in the surrounding area next to Huanong.

   After settling down, Xu Yin and Jiang Youjin took everyone to play in the capital city.

   Except for Xu Yin, they have been to the capital more than once in other small worlds, and everyone else is here for the first time.

  Everything is new to see, and everything is fun to play. Every time I go to a scenic spot, group photos are indispensable. After a few days, the photo album space in Xu Yin's mobile phone is almost full.

  After arriving at the hotel at night, she uploaded the photos to the computer for storage.

  Jiang Zuoyu saw it, and complained: "Sister Yinyin, is the memory of your mobile phone too small? Just like my brother, I am reluctant to buy expensive ones."

   "You know a lot!" Jiang Youjin dragged him to the next door, "It's your turn to do the laundry, hurry up, you'll have to do the laundry later."

  Xu Yin smiled as she watched the interaction between the two brothers.

  This mobile phone is a coming-of-age gift from Xu's father and Xu's mother.

They don't know much about the brand of mobile phones. They see that this brand often appears in TV commercials. The interface of the mobile phone is good-looking and the price is affordable. It is much more fashionable than the old man's mobile phone. So they took time to buy it on the day before her birthday during the two days of her college entrance examination. Come out and give it to her.

  However, she doesn't need a mobile phone much, as long as she can check information and contact her, the memory is a little smaller but it doesn't have much impact.

The alma mater had a big hit this year, and the principal was so happy that he not only gave Jiang Youjin a big red envelope, but also a dark horse scholarship of 30,000 yuan for her. In addition to inviting her parents to the capital, she could also buy a laptop , when it is full, it will be saved on the computer.

  Uploaded most of the photos to the computer. By the way, I contacted a local photo printing shop on the Internet. I picked some satisfactory photos and sent them to the hotel. I left the address of the hotel, washed them and sent them to the hotel.

   Anyway, they still have to play here for a few days, just receive it before they leave.

   In this way, one or two scenic spots every day, after seven days, I almost visited several famous scenic spots in the capital city. Mother Xu said, "Is it too early? There are still a few days before registration."

  Xu Yin and Jiang Youjin looked at each other and smiled: "What's the hurry, there is still a place I didn't take you to play!"

  They also arranged a three-day trip to the grassland.

  Since we are here, we hope that our family will have fun and eat well.

On the grassland, they experienced horseback riding, grass skiing, living in tents, and at night they roasted a whole sheep around the bonfire to watch the stars. satisfy.

  (end of this chapter)

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