The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1098: Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (45)

  Chapter 1098 Campus Little Sweet Wen blackened female supporting role (45)

  There is a lot of content on the smart agriculture platform, in addition to some agricultural news from around the world, there are also agricultural drone operation tutorials.

Although the village head doesn't understand computers, there are young people in the village committee. After he wrote down the website address and account password, he said with a sigh: "I saw some villages spraying pesticides with drones on TV before, and I was quite envious. , It turns out that there are teachings on the Internet. Then can we try it in our village in the future?"


  When Xu Yin left, the villagers all spontaneously came to see him off, and enthusiastically presented the special products of the village.

  Xu Yin waved her hand away, and the villagers rushed to put her in the car.

   They are all watermelons, cantaloupe, and various vegetables and dried vegetables grown by themselves.

  After getting in the car, Xu Yin logged on to the online shopping platform and placed an order for an agricultural plant protection drone. The delivery address was changed to the village committee. I also sent a message to my boyfriend, asking him when the Xiatian robot will be promoted to the countryside.

  Jiang Youjin just solved a bug, poured water in the tea room to drink, and immediately called back when he received the message.

   "You need it now? I'll transfer one to you."

Xu Yin hurriedly said: "It's not in such a hurry. It's just that during the process of going to the field, I suddenly felt that it would be much more convenient to have a robot partner like 'Love Labor'. I don't need to check the slices. I am exhausted after walking for two days. Next time If there is another chance to go abroad, I will bring 'Love Labor' out."

   "No, I'll get you a new one."

  “Love labor” is a different existence in his heart.

  In fact, Xu Yin also felt the same way, so when she graduated, she would rather sponsor a brand new one for the college than leave "Love Labor" in her alma mater.

   "When will you be back? I'll pick you up."

  He missed her.

  Xu Yin glanced at the itinerary: "Not yet, I'll tell you when the ticket is booked."


  Shen Jianzhou listened to Xu Yin's phone call with his ears upright, and asked tentatively, "Boyfriend?"

  Xu Yin nodded with a smile.

  Shen Jianzhou's heart was half cold, didn't he say he just graduated this year? Is this a famous flower with a master?

  Reluctance to ask: "Does your boyfriend do business?"

  Xu Yin smiled: "No."

  She pretended to be tired, leaned on the back seat and closed her eyes to rest, and said nothing more.

  Shen Jianzhou couldn't ask any more questions.

   Arriving at the unit, Xu Yin distributed some of the fruits and vegetables given by the villagers to colleagues at the grassroots level.

   "Thank you Xiao Xu!"

   "Thank you, sister Xu!"

  Everyone thanked each other.

  There was a freshman who had just registered for the job, and was taken aback when he saw Xu Yin: "Hey, are you the young lady from the Agricultural University?"

   "You know me?" Xu Yin gave her a melon.

"I know! Of course I know!" The girl jumped up excitedly, "I still have a video of the robot going to the field, just the one where you and your boyfriend kissed on the field ridge... Hehe, I often look it up, the interaction between you two is really great Sweet."

   "What video? Xiao Zhao, didn't you graduate from Nantah University? How did you know Xiao Xu?" A big sister next to him came over curiously.

Zhao Yiwen sent the video saved in his phone to the department group of his unit, and gave them popular science: "This video was even popular at the beginning! My sister's boyfriend is a top student in the Department of Computer Science of Huada University. This is his freshman year." The robot I designed was to assist my little sister to go to the fields.”

   "Wow! So romantic!"

   "Invented a robot in freshman year? That's amazing!"

   "What about now? Xiao Xu, where is your boyfriend?"

   Before Xu Yin could speak, Zhao Yiwen raised her hand to answer: "I know, I know!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  You know again?

  Zhao Yiwen chuckled: "It's been on the hot search! Many netizens know that the young lady is admitted to the public examination and her boyfriend is in graduate school! Netizens all say that being a schoolmaster and falling in love is so inspiring."

  Shen Jianzhou watched even the video, and heard what Zhao Yiwen said, and he completely lost the idea of ​​having a romantic relationship with Xu Yin by taking advantage of his work.

  If her boyfriend is in sales or business, he is confident that he can still compete.

  He thinks he is good-looking. He graduated from 211 and is a civil servant. Although the salary is not very high, he has a stable job. What's more, the family is local. Last year, the family mortgaged a commercial house near the work for him. After working for two years, he has a house and a car, and the mortgage pressure is not too great. The conditions are better than most of his peers.

  You can see her boyfriend's appearance, he is autistic!

   He also heard that he was a top student in the Department of Computer Science of Huada University, and he was sent to the research institute of the school, so he turned off the fire in an instant.

  He is so handsome and outstanding, what can he use to compete with others?

   Fortunately, he hasn't confessed yet, otherwise he would be ashamed.

   In the next two days, Shen Jianzhou, who wanted to save face, excused that he was in a hurry with the work at hand, so he didn't show up again. Instead, Zhao Yiwen accompanied Xu Yin to run around to get the final finishing touches.

  When returning to the capital, Zhao Yiwen and Xu Yin not only exchanged WeChat, but also closed the scarves with each other, and made an appointment to see each other next time they go to the capital or Fengzhou.

  Xu Yin returned to the capital with the harvest of her first overseas lecture.

  Other expatriate preachers have returned long ago. The director read the reports and data they submitted, and called Director Jin: "Who did your department send to the grassroots to preach? Haven't you come back yet? It's been a few days?"

Director Jin looked embarrassed: "It's Xiao Xu, the newcomer, and Xu Yin, who has the first interview and overall score. I originally planned to arrange for an older comrade to go, but she volunteered and insisted on going, and said that the university The major she studied here often goes to the field, and she has a solid grasp of seed observation and cultivation, and she has no choice but to go."

   Speaking of this, he spread his hands: "The young man is ignorant, and he rushed to go out when he felt free. This time, he was reluctant to come back. Alas, there is really no way."

  The director frowned, and was about to say something when the phone rang.

He picked it up to answer: "Hello? Yes, it's me. Xu Yin? The preacher sent by our bureau? Oh, yes, yes, she just graduated this year, and she was sent to Fengzhou to give a speech last week. What's the matter?" ?...Oh, that’s it, well, well, well, there are a lot of them!”

  Director Jin thought it was the grassroots who called to complain, and was secretly happy to say something, when the director hung up the phone, clapped his hands, and laughed heartily: "Haha! Good job!"

  Director Jin's heart skipped a beat: "Leader, what's wrong with Xu Yin? I haven't come back for so many days, is there something wrong?"

"Hey, it's okay! She is very dedicated. As you said, she went to the countryside to work in the field and helped the village solve two difficult problems. Today, the comrades at the grassroots level sent her to the airport to catch the plane, and also assisted the Civil Aviation Administration to catch a holding The gangster who committed the murder with a knife, did not assist the police to make a record and missed the flight, and had to be delayed in Fengzhou for a day, the Civil Aviation Administration called to cooperate with the police to present Comrade Xiao Xu with an award for his bravery."

Speaking of this, the bureau chief stood up abruptly: "This kind of good person and good deed must be publicized! In addition, she has been praised by the local grassroots for her overseas missions, and our bureau will also hold a commendation meeting for her! I will go to the Propaganda Department to see It’s better to publicize and commend in that way. Lao Jin, you go back! Your department has a good comrade!”

  Director Jin: "..."

  Why is this direction different from what he imagined?

  (end of this chapter)

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