The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1109: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (2)

   Straightening out the plot, Xu Yin took out her mobile phone and wanted to cancel the plastic surgery appointment, but found that there was no internet.

  I had no choice but to go home first, and take the neighbor's fishing boat to the main island early tomorrow morning.

  The main island has always been a popular tourist attraction in recent years. It has been developed very maturely. There are well-equipped five-star hotels and shopping malls. The key is full network coverage.

  The surrounding small islands, like the Xingzhou fishing village where the original family’s ancestors lived, have always said that they will cover the Internet, but they have not yet connected to the Internet.

  This is also the reason why the original body can't stay at home and always likes to run to the main island. Although the income of a shopping guide job is not stable, the basic salary is pitifully low, and the good income depends on commission, but the advantage lies in the freedom. You can surf the Internet wirelessly during working hours. This is still the 3G network era, and the main island has just covered fiber optics. The smooth network speed and gradually enriched network platforms are like opening up a new world for the original body who has only been to the city as far as the farthest.

   Right now, she has to pay back the money "borrowed" by the hostess first.

  The last rays of the setting sun fell into the sea level, and the afterglow closed its rays, and the clouds covered the evening glow. Some fishermen in Xingzhou fishing village sat in front of their homes and cleaned their fishing nets, and some made dinner with unsold catches.

  He Xue had just finished bathing his son, and sat with him on the mat to build building blocks. When he learned that Xu Yin came to pay her back, he was very surprised:

  "Yinyin, didn't you say you need it urgently? Why did you get it back? Are you worried about me? Don't worry! Although I borrowed the money from my elder brother, I also got it from my sister-in-law. Although she and my elder brother are going to buy a house in the city, they are already optimistic about the new real estate, but it will not open until March next year, so you don't need it urgently for the time being. You take it for an emergency. As long as it is all right before March next year, I won't rush you."

  Xu Yin sighed inwardly. The hostess’s family felt that Yuanshen was a good person, because when their daughter (sister) was dying of pain, they enlightened her, accompanied her, and brought her out of the haze. Therefore, as long as Yuanshen asked, she would definitely help. Even such a large sum of money was borrowed as soon as she asked, and she was not even asked to write an IOU.

  Where did they know that she took the money to go abroad for surgery, made her look like their daughter (sister), and wanted to rob their daughter (sister) of marriage and replace her to live a happy life.

   "It was an urgent matter, but now it has been resolved and there is no need for it. With such a large amount of cash on me, I don't think I can sleep well at night. It is more at ease to return it to my elder brother and sister-in-law."

  He Xue said with a smile: "I think you are usually very bold. You are not afraid to go to the city alone. Why are you timid when you encounter money?"

  Xu Yin had no choice but to say: "When I was the richest, I didn't have more than five figures. One hundred and fifty thousand yuan is like a hot potato in my hand. How can I not be nervous?"

  He Xue didn't say anything else, just when her sister-in-law came out and called the two of them to eat, so she handed the thick envelope to her sister-in-law.

  Although Aunt He was puzzled, she only borrowed the money in the afternoon and repaid it so soon? But she tactfully didn't say much, took the money and counted it on the spot, and made sure that one hundred and fifty thousand pieces were not missing, she smiled and left Xu Yin for dinner before leaving.

  Xu Yin hastily declined: "No, my mother is still waiting for me to cook, I'll go back first, and we will talk when I have time."

   "Okay then, bring Haohao to play when you have time." He Xue took his son's little hand and asked him to say goodbye to Xu Yin, "Goodbye to Aunt Yinyin."

  Xu Yin teased He Niansheng's little friend, and walked out of He's courtyard.

  Turn left, walk 20 meters along the narrow alley, and you will find Xu's house.

  Four-year-old Xu Hao looks about the same height as three-year-old He Niansheng, and his body is not as strong as He Niansheng. No wonder he pretends to be the hero's son, and he has no doubts. Too thin!

  The first time Xu Yin saw her nephew, she wanted to make him fatter.

   "Hao Hao!"

  Xu Hao was sitting on the threshold of the stone courtyard playing with a plastic Ultraman that was so dirty that he could hardly see its color. He raised his head when he heard the voice, and saw that it was Xu Yin. He stood up happily: "Auntie, you are gaining weight!"

  Xu Yin walked to the gate of the courtyard, bent down and scratched her little nephew's nose: "What are you playing with? My little face is dirty like a cat!"

  Xu Hao knew he was shy at a young age, wiped his face with his sleeve, raised his head and asked Xu Yin seriously: "Auntie, are you clean now?"

   "It's still a little dirty, let's go! Auntie will take you to wash your face."


  What would Yuan Bo say to this nephew? There are good times and bad times.

  When I have a lot of money, I am in a good mood. Seeing my nephew lost his father and ran away from his mother at a young age, I feel a little sympathetic to him, so I will take him to the canteen to buy some snacks or toys he likes. She bought the Ultraman in his hand.

   But when money is tight, the mood is not so good, and she doesn't even look good towards her little nephew, and even thinks he is a burden. Without him, she doesn't know how relaxed she will be.

   So much so that Xu Hao is afraid of this aunt but also likes it. He wants to get close to her but is afraid of her sudden attack.

  Until recently, the original body came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be He Xue to find Leng Zexun, and then wanted his nephew to pretend to be He Xue's son, so he became nice to his nephew again, and would bring him some gifts every time he came back from the main island or the city. They're actually cheap snack candies—the kind you get for free in the hotel lobby.

  The little guy who has tasted the sweetness feels that his aunt has treated him very well recently.

  Children are very forgetful, and gradually forget how bad my aunt was to him before, and only remember how good she is to him now. Therefore, every evening, I eagerly watch at the door of the house and wait for my aunt to come back.

  From the corner of Xu Yin's eyes, she saw the little guy peeking at her backpack, and knew what he was thinking. She reached into the backpack and took out a brand new Ultraman.

   This is what she used to coax her children all her life. She bought too many and stored them in the system warehouse. She didn't expect that it would be useful one day.

  The moment he saw Ultraman, Xu Hao's eyes were filled with light: "Ultraman!"

   "Yes! Because Haohao has performed very well recently and often helps grandma with housework, so this is to reward Haohao, do you like it?"


  The little guy insisted on washing his hands and face before picking it up. He took the Ultraman and cheered: "The new Ultraman! It's even newer than the star one! This one is the latest!"

   "Hao Hao? What are you yelling for? Is your aunt back?"

   "Mom, I'm back."

  Xu Yin asked her little nephew to put Altman in the room. After she poured out the washing water, she carried the washbasin into the room.

  It was dark in the room.

  Mother Xu experienced the pain of bereavement of her husband and son in succession, and her energy was very low. Although "crying and blinding" is an exaggeration, her eyes were indeed bad. When the light was brighter, she would shed tears, and her upper and lower eyelids became red, swollen, swollen, and had rashes. Therefore, the lights were not turned on until dark.

  Xu Yin took advantage of the dim light in the kitchen to set the washbasin, saw Xu's mother holding a bowl in front of the stove, and said, "Mom, let me take you to the city to see your eyes some time."

   "I won't go!" Xu's mother refused straight away, "If you have the money, send Haohao to kindergarten first. Xinxin, who is the same age as him, went to kindergarten last year and can already count from 1 to 20. We Haohao are still squatting at home and don't understand anything."

  Xu Yin choked, she won't take the blame.

  Mother Xu is still chanting: "I heard from your Aunt He that Shengsheng will go to kindergarten in the second half of the year, and other children will write their own names by then. We Haohao can't count, my poor Haohao... Your sister-in-law is quite conscientious and didn't take all the money left by your brother. You said you would keep it, but in the end she wouldn't even pay your nephew's tuition..."

  Xu Yin raised her hand to express her surrender: "Isn't it just kindergarten, I will send Haohao to report tomorrow."

   "Really?" Xu's mother showed a happy look, and turned to call her grandson: "Hao Hao! Hao Hao! Your aunt promised to send you to kindergarten tomorrow, and I still don't thank your aunt."

   "Thank you, aunt!" Hao Hao ran out of the room bouncing and hugging the new Ultraman who was reluctant to let go.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I suspect that you two are setting me up, but I have no proof.

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