The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1115: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (8)

  Chapter 1115 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (8)

  For the second bait, Xu Yin adjusted the bait formula and added a small whitebait from New Zealand.

   Lived up to expectations, this time I caught a golden yellow croaker, weighed it with my hand, it weighed about three catties.

  It’s nothing to put it in a farmed large yellow croaker, but this is a wild yellow croaker. The meat is super fresh and tender, and it should be able to sell for a good price.

  After ten minutes of sea fishing, two kings in their respective schools were caught. Xu Yin gained confidence. She rubbed her hands and threw out the third rod.

   After waiting for this rod for a long time, it felt like there were schools of fish competing for the bait under the sea, and the sea water was muddy.

  Finally, the float pulled down and a fish bit the rod.

  Xu Yin stood still and observed the buoy quietly until the buoy sank again. This time it was obviously shorter and stronger than before, so Xu Yin quickly raised the pole without hesitation.

Yo! Quite heavy!

  Xu Yin stared at the direction of the hook with great interest, wondering what kind of fish? It's so heavy!

  The giant hairtail just now didn't make any movement.

   Fortunately, my sister has permanent supernatural power.

  Xu Yin collected the fishing line calmly, and when the fish came out of the water, she took a closer look:

   Good guy! She called out a good guy!

   It turned out to be tuna!

   It’s still bluefin! !

   According to visual inspection, the length of this supreme tuna is far longer than hers. In terms of weight, it is estimated to be three times that of ordinary middle-aged men.

  Such a big guy is disturbing the world and snatching delicious fish food, can it be quiet?

  Fortunately, I changed the fishing rod exchanged in the system mall, both in terms of load bearing and toughness, otherwise the rod would definitely break.

  After throwing on the fishing boat, the fishing boat sank several centimeters.

  The fish is so big that a fishing boat cannot hold it.

  Thanks to the fact that tuna, like hairtail, died due to lack of oxygen after coming out of the water. Otherwise, the small fishing boat would not capsize after being splashed by it a few times.

  With this big harvest, Xu Yin immediately decided to go home.

   She bled the tuna.

  It is said that the price of fish with blood drained and fish without blood drained is as high as the sky and lower. Because tuna is extremely perishable, it is more likely to breed bacteria if it is not bled.

  Drained the blood, Xu Yin put the tuna into the system warehouse, started the fishing boat, and drove back.

After passing through the water area where the shrimp pots were put in, use the fishing rod to hook the shrimp pots and pull them back to the fishing boat. I don’t care about how much harvest there is in the shrimp pots, and continue to drive back until the second shrimp pots are also fished into the boat. Da Da went straight to the pier of Xingzhou Island.

  When she was about to reach the pier, she released the bluefin tuna.

   Hairtail and yellow croaker will not be taken out.

   After catching three king fishes in such a short period of time, anyone would doubt her.

   This supreme tuna alone is enough to sell for a good price.

Old man Sun was still sitting in front of his house, chatting with acquaintances on the pier, seeing Xu Yin returning from the sea in less than an hour, holding a teacup and jokingly saying: "Is it too hot to bear? Come, come to my house and have a cup of herbal tea!" "

"Old Sun, you guessed wrong!" The fisherman squatting on the dock smoking waited for Xu Yin's fishing boat to approach, and he caught sight of the big guy on the boat. He almost missed the cigarette with his fingers, and stood up in surprise and joy, "This girl It's better than you and me, and I caught a Supreme Bluefin in such a short time!"


Old man Sun stood up abruptly, forgetting that the gout hadn't healed yet, and the redness and swelling on his big toe hadn't subsided yet, so he screamed in pain immediately, but even so, his curiosity still drove him limping towards Xu Yin's fishing boat.

  After seeing the big guy on the boat, he couldn't believe his eyes: "This, this is really what you caught? This is bigger than the one that was auctioned off by the gangsters of the port city at the beginning of the month!"

  The fishermen working on the pier gathered around and discussed:

   "Good boy! Is this the king tuna?"

  "I have lived to this age, and this is the first time I have seen such a big tuna."

   "I'm afraid this one weighs four hundred catties."

   "More than that!" Old man Sun said, "How long can I not know the cabin of this boat? Judging by the length of this fish, the weight is definitely more than 400 catties. I guess it may be 600 catties."

   "What are you fighting about? Who caught a good thing?"

   While talking, He Xue's elder brother He Zhengyi came over.

  Old man Sun slapped his thigh: "Zhengyi, you came at the right time! Yin girl caught a bluefin tuna, you can ask your mother-in-law's relatives, can you eat it?"

   "How old is it?"

   He Zhengyi asked.

Recently, schools of tuna have migrated to the local waters. There are indeed fishermen who have been lucky enough to catch or catch them. The hotel where his wife’s third cousin is a shareholder received a bluefin tuna weighing more than 100 catties last week. The purchase price alone was nearly 30,000. piece. And at the beginning of the month, a bluefin tuna king with a body length of 1.6 meters and a weight of 350 catties sent by the Dongfeng Sea Fishing Group was auctioned off by a wealthy family in Hong Kong for a high price of one million.

   It can be seen that bluefin tuna with a weight of more than 100 catties will cost one more catty. If the fish king breaks through 300 catties, it will be auctioned.

  Although the price has been raised so high, the supply is still in short supply.

  The main reason is that bluefin tuna is rare, and there are fewer bluefin tuna migrating to this sea area. After catching them, they are sent directly to the kitchen of the hotel.

  So if it’s more than 100 catties of tuna, you don’t need to ask your cousin, he can make the decision. Even if my cousin doesn't want the hotel, there are plenty of interesting restaurants and hotels in the city.

  However, He Zhengyi was startled when Xu Yin jumped onto the pier from the fishing boat holding the Supreme Blue Fin, which was much larger than her.

   "This, so big? It must be five hundred catties!"

  If there was such a huge tuna at the beginning of the month, would the 350 tuna still dare to be called the "fish king"? Only worthy of being this little brother, right?

   Such a big tuna is still bluefin, so he can't eat it!

"Yinyin, don't come up here! What are you doing here! We don't have an incubator that can hold such a big fish. We have to take advantage of it's freshness to sell it at a good price. What a waste of time! Hurry up! , turn around and go to the main island! I’ll take you to my wife’s third cousin! He has the contact information of those gluttonous bigwigs and is also familiar with the auction process.”

  Xu Yin made sense when she heard it! Xingzhou Island doesn't have that many customers.

  So, she jumped back into the fishing boat, started it up, took the giant tuna and Brother He, and headed straight to the resort hotel on the main island.

  Old man Sun regretted not being able to read the following: "If I didn't have gout, I would have followed them to join in the fun, and see with my own eyes who got such a big blue fin."

   "What's the matter! Let your youngest son carry you!"

  A few fishermen happened to be going to the main island to deliver seafood, and they drove much faster than before. When they caught up with Xu Yin, they might still be able to see the excitement.

  Old man Sun's toes were swollen, he struggled to walk a step, and couldn't go anywhere. He watched with envy that the fishing boat they were driving was so small that it became a sesame seed, and then sat back in the Taishi chair, intending to wait here to hear first-hand news.

  His youngest son came out of the house: "Dad, aren't you bored sitting here all the time? Let's go! I'll help you in to listen to opera and take a nap!"

   "Get out of here! I'll get angry when I see you!"


what happened again!

   It is said that old men and women in menopause are explosive and irritable, but his father is almost seventy years old, why is he so uncertain? Taking the wrong medicine?

  Sun Zhijie stared at his father's gouty foot several times.

   "What are you looking at?"


  He said why his father’s gout hasn’t healed after so many days? You can't really take the wrong medicine, can you?

  Thinking of this, he turned pale, turned around and ran into the house to look at his father's medicine box.

  Old man Sun: "..."

  What kind of nerve? I took the wrong medicine!

  (end of this chapter)

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