The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1119: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (12)

  Chapter 1119 The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (12)

  Xu Yin cooperated with Xu's mother back home.

After entering the courtyard gate, Mother Xu let go of her hand and glared at her daughter angrily: "You are really big! Others caught valuable fish, and it was too late to hide them. Fortunately, you haven't come back yet. The news that Big Fish has made a lot of money has spread throughout Xingzhou Island! Maybe people on other islands have heard of it too."

  Xu Yin twitched the corners of her mouth, she was also very innocent.

   "It's not from me. I came back from fishing. There are so many people at the pier, and there is a knowledgeable grandpa. Can I hide it?"

   "Then you don't know the point of danger?"

   "I said it!"

   "I didn't hear that!"


  Ms. Xu, you are not talking about martial arts!


  The Li Aiqin family who walked in behind them laughed happily, thinking that these two girls are quite interesting.

  Xu's mother was very surprised: "These few..."

"Hello, big sister, we are here to thank you." Li Aiqin enthusiastically took Xu's mother's hand and said, "My granddaughter was swept away by the waves a few days ago and almost drowned. It was your daughter who saved her. I panicked at that time." I have no time to thank Yinyin, I happened to meet you today, so I came to your house brazenly. These are our little thoughts..."

   When Xu's mother heard this, there was nothing she didn't understand, and she slapped her daughter with a sharp knife.

  At first, when I saw the family following behind with big and small bags in their hands, I thought they were visiting relatives on the island, but I didn’t expect it was from my family to thank you.

  If the Li family were not still there, she would have stepped forward and twisted her daughter's ear and yelled: Damn girl! How many times have I told you not to do dangerous things, don't do dangerous things, but in the end you are fine, and something will happen in a while! And it's easy to lose your life! I really think I am a cat, I think I have nine lives!

  Xu Yin stared at the knife shot by Xu's mother, and explained bravely: "Well... I'm good at swimming, and I have great strength..."

   Xu's mother was expressionless: "Your father and your brother once said that."


  I can't talk anymore today.

  Xu Yin winked at her nephew.

  The little guy will feel sorry, rolled his eyes, stepped forward and hugged Xu's mother's leg: "Grandma, what are we having for lunch? Auntie caught a lot of fish, fish, shrimp, and shrimp. I want to eat that shrimp that can pee..."

   Xu's mother has always been responsive to her sensible grandson, let alone such a small condition: "What's the matter, let your aunt do it! Isn't she very patient!"

  Xu Yin rode a donkey downhill: "Yes, yes, leave it to me! I will cook today! Just report the name of the dish if you want to eat!"

   "Talk like you can do anything."

   "No, I can learn from you!"

  Xu Yin took the opportunity to coax Mother Xu.

  Sure enough, after wearing a few small worlds, the coaxing skills have been perfected. One sentence coaxed Xu's mother out of her temper. She watched her daughter pick up the shrimp pot and go to the backyard with a good laugh, and turned to greet Li Aiqin's family.

  Xu Yin's craftsmanship has also been tempered in several small worlds, and coupled with the unique secret recipe exchanged with the system mall, it is too good to say.

   Li Aiqin's family was full of praise for a light meal.

"I have eaten so many seafood meals on the main island, and some of them were cooked by hotel chefs, which is not as satisfying as today's meal!" Li Aiqin's daughter-in-law gave Xu Yin a thumbs up, "Yinyin, your cooking skills are amazing !"

"I think so too!" Li Aiqin's son picked his teeth with satisfaction, and said to Xu Yin, "Yinyin, if you want to open a restaurant someday, I'll invest in it! We will definitely kill those restaurants on the main island Do not stay behind!"

  Mother Xu only took them as polite compliments.

   After all, as long as seafood is fresh, it can be delicious in any way.

Recalling that when her wife was still there, she liked to go to the kitchen when she was free. The best thing was the assorted small seafood fried rice, which was fried with clams, razor clams, squid, small prawns, eggs, leeks, and mung bean sprouts that were not sold out in the morning. Feed her and the kids.

   I didn't see how much effort he had to make, and after a few stir-fries, it was a fragrant and fresh seafood fried rice.

  My daughter probably inherited her father's cooking skills, but I haven't seen her learn how to cook, and she can basically know how to cook.

  Mother Xu felt a little sad when she thought of her deceased husband.

  Seeing off the enthusiastic Li Aiqin family, she hid in the room, hugged the photo album, and looked at the few family photos again and again.

Xu Yin took her nephew to put away the gifts from Li Aiqin's family, handed the milk and a few snacks suitable for children to Haohao, and asked him to put them away by himself. I was so happy that I wanted to find my friend Xinxin to share my snacks.


  Xu Yin didn't stop him, but watched him enter the neighbor's door, and then knocked on Xu's mother's door with two bags of expensive supplements: "Mom, I'm coming in."

  Mother Xu quickly wiped the corners of her eyes, worried that her red eyes would be seen by her daughter, she pretended to tidy up the photo album, and asked in a low voice, "I'm tidying up, what's the matter?"

Xu Yin pretended not to see her wiping her tears, put the tonic on the chest of drawers, then took out a bank card, and handed it to Xu's mother: "Mom, the money for selling tuna in the morning is here. When do you see it?" Kong, let me take you to the city to have your eyes checked. Did you stay outside for a long time today? I see that your eyes are a little red and swollen."

  Mother Xu: "..."

  Beating to death does not admit that it is crying red and swollen.

   She wiped her hands and took the bank card: "How much did you sell? Are there really so many people talking?"

  Xu Yin raised a finger.

  Mother Xu guessed: "Ten thousand?"

  Xu Yin smiled and shook her head.

   "Ten, one hundred thousand?"

   "More than one million."

   "Kang Lang—"

  Mother Xu knocked down the enamel cup on the bedside table with her elbow.

   She didn't bother to bend down to pick it up, and asked incredulously, "How much?"

  Xu Yin cleared her throat: "To be precise, it sold for 1.8 million yuan. After tax was deducted, the hotel gave me a little subsidy, and I finally received 1.58 million yuan."


  Mother Xu opened her mouth and was speechless for a while.

After a long while, she took out the photo album in the drawer again with trembling hands, and wept repressedly at Xu's father in the group photo: "Old Xu, did you hear that? Your daughter caught a big golden gun and earned more than a hundred dollars." Ten thousand! She is much more promising than you were back then! You are also very pleased to know her!"

Xu Yin didn't interrupt, she quietly watched Xu's mother holding the photo of her deceased husband and cried for a while, until her sobs subsided, she softly comforted her back: "Mom, I will raise you and Haohao from now on, I will It will support this family and become the pillar of this family."

  Xu's mother wiped her tears and said: "With this money, don't go to sea in the future, find a serious job!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Why is sea fishing not serious?

I also heard Xu's mother say: "Although you have this money, you don't have to worry about living, but you haven't found a partner yet. Having a stable job makes it easier to find a partner. I heard that the young man now likes to find a kindergarten teacher with his partner. ...Why don't I ask Aunt He to ask if you can be admitted as a kindergarten teacher with your qualifications..."


  Xu's mother did it when she thought of it. At this time, she was not afraid of losing her eyesight, so she went to He's house in a hurry with a parasol.


  Xu Yin held out Erkang's hand, but failed to persuade her to come back.

  (end of this chapter)

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