The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1124: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (17)

  Chapter 1124 The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (17)

  At 7:30 in the evening, except for the dots of lights lit up by various houses on Xingzhou Island, the surrounding area was pitch black.

  Fishermen who have been busy all day, some have just finished dinner, and are repairing fishing nets under the eaves under the dim light, some watch TV, surf the Internet, prepare to have an early rest, and have to go to sea early the next day.

   Not to mention the unsafe nature of the black light, even if you pick it up now, you can't sell it, and you have to take it home and raise it. Therefore, few people go out to catch the sea at night.

   Not long after Xu Yin went out, she came to the reef beach, which is the most suitable place for swimming in Xingzhou Island.

  The tide has just receded, and there is still seawater in the crevices of the reef.

Xu Yin put on rubber gloves and picked out the crevices of the reefs with stagnant water. After a while, she picked out an octopus and a nest of small crabs. The oysters on the reefs were pried casually. Saw several shells of different colors.

  Turn over a small reef at random, a conch is adsorbed at the bottom, and occasionally sea urchins can be picked up.

   Turning, picking, digging, grabbing all the way... When rushing from one end of the reef beach to the other, the plastic bucket was already full.

   A series of exclamation marks in the live broadcast room.

  [It’s not in vain that I followed the live broadcast room, the anchor really came to catch up! ]

  [Where does the anchor live? So much seafood! It makes me hungry! ]

  [Where is the man who said that the anchor was chasing the fake sea? Come and identify, is this a fake sea? ]

  [Such small crabs and pippi shrimps are real by visual inspection, and you can definitely buy fake ones. ]

  [There are so many oysters! In the evening, I suddenly want to eat oyster omelette! ]

  [Looks like an island, where is the anchor's house? Listening to the sound of the waves is so comfortable, I want to go! ]

[Looking at the variety of small seafood, most of them are in the Pearl Islands. When I was a child, I went to Pearl Island with my grandmother and relatives. At that time, it was very backward, and the life of fishermen was very difficult. Now that the government supports the tourism industry, the housing prices in Pearl Island are very fast. It's time to catch up with our small county town. ]


  It was late at night, and there were quite a few netizens watching the live broadcast.

  The number of viewers in Xu Yin's live broadcast room has increased from four figures during the day to five figures.

  A rookie anchor can attract five figures of fans in one day, which is definitely rare in the fledgling live broadcast platform.

The boss of the platform was alarmed. He logged into Xu Yin’s live broadcast room at night and watched it for a while, and told the staff below: "Have you signed a contract? No? What are you waiting for if you don’t sign a contract with such a good traffic! Hurry up and get in touch." ! Remember to sign an S-level contract with her!"

   It's not because of the gratifying five-figure stats of attracting fans on the first day, but because of the live broadcast method she opened: I didn't expect to be able to live broadcast like this!

  In the live broadcast mode, which basically talks and sings to netizens, Xu Yin’s live broadcast room is like a clear stream in the live broadcast world!

No, when Xu Yin returned home with a bucket full of her harvest, she received a call from the contracted editor of the UU live broadcast platform, saying that the contract had been sent to her email, and she was asked to look it over, and if she had no opinion, please print it out Sign and send back to the live streaming company.

"Miss Xu, our boss also watched your live broadcast, and said that your live broadcast method is very creative, I hope you continue! The contract we give is S-level, except for the difference between the reward share and the ordinary contract. In addition, the platform Will also give you the best resources…”

Xu Yin logged into the mailbox, opened the email, read it carefully, and made sure there was no trap, so when she went to the main island to sell the catch the next day, she borrowed the computer from the printing shop to print it out, signed it, and sent it to UU together with a copy of her ID card. Live company.

  The company was worried that something might change if it was too late, so it accepted it very quickly, and sent back a copy of the signed contract three days later.

  During this period, on the live broadcast platform, there were several live broadcast rooms like Xu Yin who did not show their faces and just worked overnight.

  Those netizens who have low self-esteem in appearance can broadcast live without showing their faces, so what are you waiting for? They signed up one after another, and then held up their mobile phones to live-stream shopping for vegetables, live-streamed walking, and live-streamed mountain climbing to watch the sunrise... Within a few days, this faceless live-streaming method became a fashion trend and swept the entire live-streaming circle.

  When Xu Yin logged into the live broadcast room again, she received many messages from fans who followed her:

  [Seafood girl, someone imitated you to catch the sea! ]

  [Chong Chong Chong! Guidance #拍海兄弟直播间# They have plagiarized your idea as an anchor, so ask them to settle the score! ]

  After Xu Yin logged in, the barrage in the live broadcast room was also chatting around the pair of chasing brothers who imitated her:

  [Are the brothers chasing the real sea? How do I remember that when the seafood girl was catching the sea that day, the shrimps and crabs caught were pitifully small, why did the brothers catch so big? It's like wholesale from the seafood market. ]

  [It is wholesale! It's normal to catch some small seafood in the sea, who is so lucky to pick up big lobster and abalone one second, and sea cucumber and sea eel the next? Among other things, let’s just take the lobster. It’s not a coastal species of our country at first glance, it’s too fake! It's as if I have never seen the sea. ]

  Xu Yin curiously followed the directions of the netizens, and poked into the live broadcast room of #走海兄弟#, and enjoyed watching it:

  Indeed, the pair of big lobsters caught by Brother Ganhai were obviously dying! At first glance, it looks like a market product that has been ashore for a long time and has been kept in an oxygenated tank for several days.

  Xu Yin is also convinced. This kind of fake live broadcast is heard from time to time in later generations, but it is reasonable that it is still in the early stage of live broadcast.

  [Seafood girl, you don’t know this, do you? The live video of your last trip to the sea is still on the homepage! Many anchors are learning from you to catch the sea. Go and have a look at the top few on the list, all of them are all rushing to the sea. The brothers probably couldn't find a beach where they could pick up small seafood, so they simply bought a bucket of seafood and drove to the fake sea. ]

[Hahaha! I poked in and took a look, and the eyes of netizens are sharp! Everyone knew that they were chasing the fake sea, but they still watched it with relish. ]

  [Seafood girl, hurry to the sea! You are the originator of the sea! As soon as you appear on the stage, let me see who dares to imitate you to catch up with the fake sea! ]

  Xu Yin: God **** the originator of the sea.

  She hurriedly announced: "I'm not going to catch the sea today, I will take you to experience sea fishing."

  While speaking, she held up her mobile phone and took a picture of her beloved sea mount—a small fishing boat.

  In the cabin are a fishing rod, a bag of bait, two shrimp crates, an extra-large incubator, a bucket that can temporarily raise fish and shrimp, and her daily must-have water cup filled with summer tea.

  She inserted the phone holder into a basket of firm soybeans so that even if there were bumps in the road, it would not tip over.

  [Seafood Girl Going Sea Fishing Today? ]

  [What can you catch with this small fishing boat? I have a friend who goes fishing on big boats. ]

  [Sea fishing may not catch anything for a long time. ]

  [Trust Seafood Girl, she can always surprise us unexpectedly. ]

[right! Check it out! Catch the sea too much! It's boring to watch! ]

  The audience in the live broadcast room posted barrage, listened to the sound of the engine rattling, watched the waves rolled up along the boat, and watched Xu Yinhai go fishing immersively.

  (end of this chapter)

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