The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1130: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (23)

  Chapter 1130 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (23)

But He Xue didn't know anything about it, she was still eating the big melons from the rich family with great interest: "Yinyin, do you think these rich people have nothing to do and fight among themselves all day long? They are not as exciting as them. You see, the uncle of this hapless nephew disappeared unexpectedly four years ago and was only found after half a year. Find out the truth about my brother-in-law's death... It's a piece of mouse droppings that dirty a pot of porridge, according to me, this uncle should be shot... He's too smart!"

  Xu Yin frowned as she listened: No! Wasn't Leng Zexun's accident four years ago the work of his stepmother and stepbrother? How did it become the uncle of the Zhang family?

"It's written here!" He Xue patted the newspaper excitedly, "It turns out that Zhang Jun and Zhang Ye are not brothers born to the same mother, but half brothers. Zhang Ye's mother entered the chapter after Zhang Jun's mother died of illness." From the same family, but there are rumors in the rich and powerful circles in Hong Kong that Zhang Ye’s mother was a mistress, and Zhang Jun’s mother died of anger instead of illness. Zhang Ye also had an aunt who became a regular mistress and was forced to do so more than ten years ago. Shi Zhenggong married Leng Tao, who is Leng Tao? Oh? The head of Leng's family in Hong Kong, tsk tsk tsk! Isn't that Zhang Jun's mother-in-law's family? Oh my god! This is too messy!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I see that you are very excited to eat melons.

After eating the whole giant melon, He Xue turned her attention away from the newspaper, and sighed: "If the content of this report is true, then the wealthy circle is too messy! Thinking about it this way, there is nothing good about having more money , if you don’t pay attention, you will be surrounded by rats and cockroaches coveting your property... It’s better to be like us!”

  Xu Yin nodded: "That's right, but sister, don't you plan to create a wealthy family by yourself? Let Shengsheng be your sole heir?"

He Xue waved her hand: "Forget it, the heir is very tired when he hears it. I think life is pretty good right now. When Shengsheng goes to kindergarten in September, I will follow you to go fishing and deliver goods. It doesn't take much Earn enough for our mother and child’s daily expenses.”

  Xu Yin "..."

  Others are chicken babies, so does she have chicken best friends?

"A Xue, you can't live a retirement life of 60 in your early twenties. We have to set an example for the children. Don't you hope that Shengsheng will study better and get into a good university in the future? You A mother doesn't have much fighting spirit, so how can I set an example for him to study hard and make progress every day?"

"What you said makes sense." He Xue nodded thoughtfully with her chin on her cheek, then patted her thigh and said, "I know how to do it! I will watch less TV and read more books in the future! By the way, on the computer Does reading novels count? I recently discovered a literature website, and there are many novels on it. From now on, Shengsheng will read picture books and I will read novels, hehe!"


   For the first time, Xu Yin experienced the distress of those chicken mothers in the later generations - wanting to lie down and not being flat, wanting to keep their **** still!

   If the chicken doesn’t move, then find something for her to do!

"Axue, your grades were better than mine in school, and your head is smarter than mine. Or you should manage the online store, and I'll be in charge of contacting the courier station. I really don't understand those rules, and there are customers who come to ask I don’t even know how to describe the difference between the taste of live skin shrimp and prawns.”

   "What's so difficult about it, leave it to me!"

   "Axue! I bought the express face sheet printer, but I don't know how to use it."

   "I'll come, I'll come!"

   "Axue, did your elder brother and second brother say when they will open a seafood delivery logistics company? Ordinary express stations still don't pay enough attention to our packages."

   "I'm going to urge them! It's really annoying!"


   "Okay, okay, leave all these to me! You can adjust the bait at ease!"

  Xu Yin secretly made a "get it" gesture, which can be regarded as raising the heroine's career ambitions!

  After more than half a month of trial operation, the sister Huahai Fishing Group business is booming, and the Seafood Girl online store has taken off in a decent manner.

Even if there is no live broadcast, there are customers who come to ask "when will the wave of hairtail fish be available", "when will the big swimming crabs of two catties be available", "buy bamboo shrimp", "buy yellow croaker", "home There is an urgent need for a batch of fresh seafood for the banquet, the boss left a call to discuss in detail”…

   It is also due to the fishing ban at this time. The main ban is large-scale fishing such as trawling. Sea fishing and small shrimp nets are allowed. With the tightening of policies in later generations, Xu Yin's Taomai shopping store was seized in minutes, and it might even be published on the Legal News Network as a negative teaching material.

  However, Xu Yin still limits the quantity. She takes up to 50 orders a day, each order not exceeding 3 catties, and most of them are relatively large fish and shrimp, and she releases the small ones.

   Wait until the fishing ban is out before adjusting the number of orders received.

  Since Xu Yin's live broadcast room became popular, more and more anchors imitated her, from showing their faces to chat with her to chasing the sea without showing their faces, and recently there have been several follow-up fishing.

  However, due to network restrictions, the live broadcast of sea fishing is temporarily unavailable. Netizens can only watch the harvest of returning from sea fishing.

He Xue went to the live broadcast rooms with the theme of "returning from sea fishing, full of harvest" and took a look. The corners of her mouth twitched and she retreated, and said to Xu Yin: "Fake! It's all fake! I know it after fishing. , The scales of the caught hairtail are silver and beautiful, the shrimps and crabs are lively, it is impossible to be so miserable, the gills of the fish are all black, and they are said to be caught fresh."

  Xu Yin was amused by her description.

   "I really didn't expect that live broadcasts can be faked."

  Xu Yin comforted her: "Seeing is not necessarily believing, let alone not seeing it with my own eyes."

   "Let's be honest." He Xue said with emotion, "But it's good to be honest, at least I feel at ease."


  The down-to-earth sisters are busy in and out every day, trying their best to meet the requirements of customers who leave messages.

  Other people’s online stores are full of goods on the shelves waiting for customers to buy, but their online stores are always in a state of short supply.

   Netizens who came from the live broadcast room ran back to the live broadcast room and complained:

  [Seafood girl, 50 orders per day is too little! I have never been able to grab the internet speed of a turtle. ]

  [I didn’t grab it either, it was sold out just as I was about to take pictures. depressed! ]

  [Boss, we are also your old customers, from the first day of your live broadcast to now, why don’t you open the door for us! ]

  Xu Yin expressed embarrassment: "Fishing has been banned recently. Although sea fishing is not banned in my sea area, we can't fish too hard, so as not to damage the foundation of marine fishery."

   I didn't expect her words to be reposted repeatedly by netizens. The intention was to complain, but I didn't expect that they would be reposted and liked by the official post bar of the Ministry of Fisheries.

   Now, more and more netizens found Xu Yin's live broadcast room along the post.

  With more netizens watching the live broadcast, naturally more fans will come to Xu Yin's online store by following the vine.

  (end of this chapter)

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