The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1132: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (25)

  Chapter 1132 The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (25)

   Unexpectedly, the other party can really show it.

  Xu Yin asked He Xue to put the link of the bluefin tuna. The price was 3000000.00 before tax, the quantity was 1, and the transportation method was self-pickup. After a while, the other party took the picture.

  He Xue contacted the other party for the location of the transaction, which was at Pier No. 1 of Pearl Island, and the time was four o'clock in the evening.

  The barrage in the live broadcast room has not stopped:

  [Three hundred catties of fish are sold for three million, and the unit price is ten thousand and one catties! Eyes opened! ]

  [This is nothing. I saw news a while ago that Pearl Island Resort Hotel sold a bluefin tuna for 8.88 million. ]

[Oh my God! Eight hundred and eighty-eight million! Just one fish! ]

  [No wonder there are so many sea fishing live broadcasts recently, are they all for tuna? ]

  [Why is tuna so expensive? Last month, I ate Japanese food with my aunt who was visiting relatives in China. Among them was tuna sashimi. I didn't think it was delicious. ]

  [We low-level ordinary people don’t understand the thoughts of the rich. ]

  Xu Yin glanced at the barrage, and found that someone had uploaded a link to the news on the day of the auction. It was an interview video, and the person being interviewed was obviously Boss Jin.

Netizens chattered about it, and some people dug out Boss Jin’s resume and net worth, and some even intercepted photos from his penguin space when he was studying, toasting with his wife at the wedding banquet, and spending honeymoon The logs are all searched out.

  She couldn't help but be thankful that the market price was sold to Boss Jin, otherwise she would be the one who was "humanized" by netizens today.

  However, the tuna caught this time can sell for three million, which is quite a hit.

  Xu Yin thought about it, paid the tax while the live broadcast was on, repaid the loan for the fishing boat, and donated 500,000 yuan to the local Red Cross, so there was not much left.

   Seeing that the trend of netizens' comments has changed from "Sea fishing is so profitable" to "Sea fishing boats are so expensive", they closed the live broadcast and gave Old Man Sun a big red envelope.

  Old man Sun refused to accept: "I didn't do anything."

   "You pointed us to the direction of the return flow, so we had a chance to catch tuna. Without your guidance, we would not have such a big harvest today."

  Old man Sun laughed: "You are too polite! I have also pointed out my three useless sons, but I have never seen them catch tuna."


  That's what he said, but Xu Yin and He Xue still insisted on giving him a red envelope.

  After some refusals, the old man Sun happily went home with a red envelope in his pocket. He went home to show off to his three sons: He also said that your father’s little experience is useless. Now that you see how valuable it is, don’t you?

   Xu Yin and He Xue shared the rest of the money, which was the first dividend for the sisters' sea fishing group.

   "Haha! I've made money! This is the first money I've earned not relying on my family!" He Xue hugged Xu Yin happily, "Thank you Yinyin! I'm so happy!"

   "That's where it is! Don't forget that you still want Shengsheng to be a carefree rich second generation, this money is far from enough! Keep working hard! Come on!" Xu Yin spared no effort to make her best friend.

  He Xue covered her face: "I was joking! The down payment for the sea fishing boat is still owed to the eldest brother and the second brother!"

   "Then you have to keep working harder, sister!"


  Xu Yin seized the opportunity to flirt with her girlfriends, and maybe one day she would really get ashore!

  But I didn't expect that the male lead would appear so unexpectedly.

  The sea fishing boat had just approached the No. 1 pier of Pearl Island, and before it was anchored, Xu Yin noticed that something was wrong with her best friend's expression.

   "Axue, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

   "No, nothing."

  He Xue withdrew her eyes hastily, lowered her head and found a rag to wipe the clean bridge. Xu Yin was even more puzzled by this practice of not having three hundred taels of silver here.

She raised her head and looked in the direction He Xue had just looked at, and saw a group of people surrounded by the pier, including the owner of the hotel Jin, the owner of a nearby restaurant and homestay, and two comrades from the police station in police uniforms, surrounded in the middle The one who stood out was Zhang Tingxiao, a son of a wealthy family who was almost caught in a yacht fire a month ago. Standing next to him was a tall young man with a stern face, who seemed familiar at first glance.

  Combined with He Xue's reaction, it's hard for Xu Yin not to guess the other party's identity: This person can't be Sheng Sheng's cheap father, the hero of the original text, Leng Zexun, right?


  The plot really won't allow her to live through the past few years so easily.

   What should come will still come!

  Boss Jin was the first to see Xu Yin's sea fishing boat docking. He waved cheerfully with his super wealthy belly: "Xiao Xu is here!"

  When the others heard the words, they all turned their heads and looked over.

  Xu Yin: "..."

have to! Now it's too late to turn the bow and withdraw!


   "I'm fine! Go up!" He Xueqiang forced a forced smile calmly, "Some people and some things have to be faced."

  Xu Yin wanted to say: Sister, you think too much, that guy has lost his memory now, and he may not recognize you when he sees you, I'm afraid it will make you even more sad.

  The two sisters boarded the pier one after the other.

   Sure enough, when Leng Zexun saw He Xue, except for a few traces of confusion flashed in his eyes at the first glance, looking at her afterwards was no different from seeing a stranger, but He Xue lost his mind because of this.

  Xu Yin sighed in her heart: What a crime!

  Why is there such a **** plot?

  She has traveled through so many small worlds, and she has seen people who lost their memory, and also people who recovered their memory after losing their memory, but the first time she saw a person whose memory was only half recovered.

   Are you sure the author is the real mother of the hero and heroine and not the stepmother? Are you sure this is an HE text and not a BE text?

  Xu Yin pulled He Xue behind her, and jokingly asked Boss Jin: "Boss Jin, why are you all here? Are you waiting for some important person?"

  Boss Jin laughed: "I'm just waiting for you, a big shot!"


   Waiting for her?

  Xu Yin looked confused.

   What are you waiting for her to do?

  She is here to deliver the goods face-to-face with the customer.

"Here, Mr. Leng, the CEO of Gangcheng Leng's Group, is a big customer who bought your tuna. He is here to pick up the goods and also to thank you. These two are comrades from the police station in our jurisdiction. You and Xiaoxue presented the pennant for being brave."

  Xu Yin and He Xue looked at each other in dismay: Leng Zexun was the customer who bought tuna for a long time?

  He Xue pursed her lips, and really wanted to discuss with her best friend: Why don't the fish be sold? Money back to him?

  She really wanted to throw back the three million with backbone, and said coolly: That old lady fish is not for sale anymore!

  However, thinking about the three million, what should be spent is spent, and what should be repaid is to pay off the debt, and she and Yinyin will share the rest.

  Thinking of going home in the morning, happily sharing the process of making money with my parents, brother and sister-in-law, thinking of the happy face of the whole family, similarly, Yinyin's family must be so happy, but they really can't talk about it.

After hesitating, Xu Yin said politely: "Ah! So I bought the tuna because of gratitude? Wouldn't that be bad? After all, we Chinese children should do what is right and good. It just so happens that the fish is still in my refrigerator Cabin, if you don’t hand it over to Boss Jin, let the hotel auction it on your behalf, and I’ll give you back three million later. Human life is priceless, how can it be measured by money.”

  He Xue almost laughed out loud.

  Whether Yinyin said this on purpose or not, these words really made her feel better at the moment!

   Do you think spending three million is repaying your favor? Did you hear me, human life is priceless! !

  (end of this chapter)

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