The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1136: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (29)

  Chapter 1136 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (29)

   After eating the bait and swallowing a few mouthfuls of fish and shrimp, the sharks were almost full. After eating and drinking enough, the speed slowed down. When they approached the fishing boat, Xu Yin and the two had already boarded the boat smoothly.

  Everyone looked rejoicing: "It's so hanging! I was almost caught up by a shark!"

  They were so nervous just now that their hearts were about to fall out of their throats.

   Fortunately, nothing happened.

   "It's strange, how can sharks not be afraid of the sound of motors? They even swim towards us."

   "Yinyin, what did you feed them just now? Do you want to eat too much?"

  Xu Yin went to the inner room and took out a first aid kit and two dry bathrobes, one for Zhou Xiaojun and one for herself.

  I gave Zhou Xiaojun a simple disinfection and bandage. His arm fracture was serious, and he had to go back and send him to the hospital for treatment.

  After finishing all this work, Xu Yin wiped her hair with a dry towel and said, "I just sprinkled a bucket of bait I made myself, which is probably more fragrant."

  Seeing the group of sharks still wandering around the hull through the glass window, Xu Yin picked up the remaining half bucket of bait and sprinkled it as far as possible.

  Xu Yin sailed the boat, and the others were still looking at the sharks. They couldn’t see them with the naked eye, so they looked through binoculars and clicked their tongues while watching: “Why didn’t we think of using this method to drive away sharks before?”

   "It's not unexpected, Fei Bait!"

   "Haha! That's true! You can use the sound of a motor to drive away, who would be willing to throw bait, that's not cheap for other fish!"

After chatting for a while, everyone found that Zhou Xiaojun was not in a good mood, and persuaded him earnestly: "Xiaojun! Don't do such stupid things in the future. You are lucky this time. It happened that Yinyin bought a sea fishing boat not long ago. The tonnage It is heavy and powerful, and can withstand such a big wind and waves. If it were our old-fashioned fishing boats, how dare they come out to find you in this weather. You said that if something happened to you, your grandpa and your parents would be so sad Sad?"

   Zhou Xiaojun lowered his head and blamed himself: "I know I was wrong, and I will never do it again..."

   "It's good to know your mistakes! In the future, study hard, like your sister Yinyin, and earn money to buy a strong fishing boat."

  Zhou Xiaojun wiped his tears and nodded vigorously: "I will!"

  Xu Yin: "..."


   Isn't she a scumbag? Why is it still considered a role model?


  Going back to Xingzhou Island despite the wind and waves, Zhou Xiaojun's grandfather and mother were waiting eagerly at Sun's house, which is the nearest to the pier.

  Seeing that her son was back, his mother hugged her son with a groan, and burst into tears: "You want your mother's life!"

  Old man Zhou also kept wiping away his tears: "It's good to be back! It's good to be back!"

  In this kind of weather, it is a blessing in misfortune that the boat can be torn apart by the waves and the people can come back safely!

   "Speaking of which, it's really lucky. When we arrived at the pier, the wind was strong again. If there was such a strong wind when we went out, I guess the fishing boat might not be able to withstand it."

  Sun Zhijie was reporting to Old Man Sun about the situation on the way to sea.

  Everyone was both lucky and scared. The weather forecast suggested that the typhoon would land in the middle of the night, but at this moment the wind was much stronger than before. If it landed earlier, the fishing boat might not be able to return safely.

  Old man Zhou led his grandson to kowtow to the big guy, but Sun Zhijie avoided it: "You don't need to thank me, thank you Yinyin, without her, we really have no confidence in saving Xiaojun."

   Speaking of this, everyone realized that Xu Yin was missing.

"Going home, I'm afraid the family will be worried." Old man Sun's eldest daughter-in-law came in and said, "Tell us before we leave, just return safely, and don't keep talking about the details of saving lives, I guess I'm afraid she will be scolded by her mother." !"

  Everyone burst into laughter.

   Zhou's family decided to go another day to thank her.

  On the other side, when Xu Yin got home, she heard that Zhang Tingxiao's uncle had come to pick him up, and his mother was waiting for him in the city.

   "His family learned that a typhoon had landed in our province. He was so worried that he drove here overnight. The ferry from the city to this side was suspended. He spent a lot of money on a specially hired anti-Taiwan yacht."

  Mother Xu, who has been holding her heartstrings ever since her daughter went to sea, was completely relieved at this moment, and while boiling hot water for her daughter to take a bath, she babbled about the news she heard from the He family:

"It's strange to say that Xiaozhang's uncle is really like Shengsheng's father. When Aunt He saw him, she was stunned. She thought it was that unconscionable person who knew about Shengsheng's existence and came to rob him from the He family. Well, it's Xiaozhang's uncle for a long time."

  Xu Yin just took a sip of the **** jujube tea to dispel the cold, and almost spit out when she heard the words: "Mom, what are you talking about? Xiaozhang's uncle is here? So the Axue family has seen him?"

"Yes! I also mentioned a lot of things, saying that I was disturbed by staying at He's house these days. He is a gentle young man! He is much better than Sheng Sheng's heartless father! I didn't expect that there are two people who are so similar in this world ..."

   "What about Ashue? What's the reaction?"

   "How can Ashue react? It's just a resemblance, and it's not the real Shengsheng's father."


  Xu Yin was worried, and wanted to visit He's house, but was stopped by Xu's mother: "It's windy and rainy outside, where are you going at this time? Hurry up and take a bath to warm your body, don't catch a cold!"

  Xu Yin had nothing to do, so she obediently went back to the house to take a bath.

  Remembering that the phone still had some power, he called He Xue while taking a bath.

   But as she expected, not only was the power outage on Xingzhou Island during the typhoon, but the signal was also terrible, and the call was intermittent, and it was impossible to hear what the other party was saying.

  Xu Yin sent her a text message, asking her if Sheng Sheng was doing well.

  Because of the signal, it took a long time to receive He Xue's reply: [Yinyin, he is here! I have wronged him all the time before, in fact, he didn't abandon me and Shengsheng on purpose, it was because of amnesia! ]


  It turns out that the hero has been having the same dream every night since he met He Xue on Mingzhu Island. The scene in the dream is exactly his lost memory of the half year.

   After he finished piecing together the dreams of these days, the lost memories were finally found!

  So he did not hesitate to brave the typhoon to come to see her, and picking up his nephew was just an obvious reason.

When the male lead saw the female lead, he found out that the female lead had given birth to him a son. At this moment, he was moved and blamed himself. In order to make up for the lack of fatherly love in the past few years, and to let his son get to know him as soon as possible, he decided to live on Xingzhou Island. If you stay a few days longer, the excuses are ready-made - the typhoon landed ahead of time, and you can't go back to Hong Kong City for the time being.

  At 9 o'clock that night, the doors and windows of each house were rattled by the strong wind, sand and rocks were flying outside the house, and the wind cried and the tsunami.

  Although island fishermen are also afraid of typhoons with strong wind and heavy rain, they come here several times every summer and have long been used to it.

  Stay at home and chat around the candlelight when you can't watch TV.

  Xu Yin set up the grill and used smokeless charcoal to cook for her little nephew.

  The doors and windows of the other rooms were pasted with tape to form rice characters, and the gaps between the doors and windows were also filled tightly to prevent the wind and rain from pouring in.

   Only the kitchen door was not taped. The wind poured in through the door, whistling and bringing in fresh air at the same time, and the doors and windows were closed without feeling stuffy.

  (end of this chapter)

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