The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1140: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (33)

  Chapter 1140 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (33)

  The news station reporter who rushed over after receiving the call only had time to see her striding back, and asked the person in charge of the base in bewilderment: "Didn't you say to add an interview? How did you leave?"

  The person in charge said with emotion: "She is an enthusiastic citizen who does good deeds without leaving her name."


Back on the boat, Brother He was still afraid: "Yinyin, fortunately, you understand the law. I saw a few cases of catching yellow lip fish in the protection base and then being caught and sentenced, which scared me... From now on, it will be difficult for even fishermen to be uneducated, and they will break the law if they are not careful."

  Hao Hao, who is a big kid, cheered and added jealousy: "It's terrible to be uneducated! So, Uncle Zhengwei, remember to surf the Internet every day after you go home, and don't always be reminded, do you understand?"


  Xu Yin: Shut up, little ancestor!

  The ship has entered Shencheng Port, and the mobile phone has a signal.

  Xu Yin was not in a hurry to upload the video, but first sent a message to He Xue, saying that they have arrived in Shencheng and they will see each other tomorrow.

  Er Ge He was also calling his sister, but he never got through.

   "Strange! When the Yellow Lipped Fish was protecting the base, I also contacted Xiaoxue while there was a signal there. She told us to take our time and not rush. Why can't we get through now?"

Xu Yin also found it strange that He Xue also sent her a text message when she was protecting the base of the yellow-lipped fish, saying that everything was fine. , it doesn't make sense that it's so late, it's reasonable to go home and rest, why can't I get in touch?

  Second brother He made several phone calls but no one answered, so he didn't think much about it: "Could it be that he was tired from shopping and fell asleep? Anyway, we'll be there tomorrow, and it's the same when we meet."

  Because Xu Yin knew the plot, she was not at ease at the moment. She reviewed the method of the hero’s stepmother in the original plot, and thought about it and asked Brother He: "Do you have the contact number of Sheng Sheng's father?"

   "Yes, yes, but you still contact him at this late hour?" Second Brother He said, and found out Leng Zexun's phone number.

  Xu Yin dialed and was connected after several rings. The male protagonist's slightly tired voice came: "Who is that?"

   "Hello, I'm Xu Yin, is Axue with you?"

   "Yin Yin!" He Xue heard Xu Yin's voice, snatched Leng Zexun's cell phone and began to cry, "Yin Yin, what should I do! Sheng Sheng is gone!"

  Xu Yin turned on the power amplifier, and Brother He also heard it, and asked anxiously: "Why did Sheng Sheng disappear? Aren't you two always together?"

He Xue was so anxious that her voice became hoarse: "Second brother, I went to the bathroom. Shengsheng helped me hold my bag and waited beside the sink. I called him every once in a while, but when I came out, He's still gone woohoo..."

   Speaking of the latter, she couldn't help crying.

  I have repeatedly told myself to be calm and strong like Yin Yin, not to cry when things happen, and to find a way to solve the problem instead of crying, but when I think of what my son may encounter, I can't help but want to cry.

   "Did you call the police?" Xu Yin asked.

   "Ah Xun has already reported. The police are checking the surveillance at the entrance and exit of the mall. Ah Xun also sent someone to look for it."

  Second brother He turned around anxiously: "Could it be that he was taken away by a kidnapper?"

  Xu Yin guessed in her heart: nine times out of ten, the hero's stepmother sent someone to take her away.

  How can I remind them?

Although according to the plot, Shengsheng will be found within two days at the most. Although the little guy is not hungry or thirsty, he sleeps alone at night. He is holding the story machine and crying to find his mother. The stepmother pulled back into the room viciously and reprimanded him to "cry again, so that you will never see your mother", leaving permanent scars on the little guy's young heart.

  So, no matter what the hero's stepmother intends, she must find Shengsheng tonight.

She couldn't think of a better reason, so she cut straight to the point: "Mr. Leng, I've seen your life story, and I heard that your stepmother doesn't want to see you very much. Could it be that she sent someone to take Shengsheng away in order to harm your flesh and blood?" Separation?"


  Xu Yin deliberately spoke seriously.

  No, at 10:30 that night, He Xue called with tears of joy to say that Shengsheng had been found.

   "Yinyin, thank you for your reminder! Shengsheng is indeed in Leng's old house, because A Xun moved out a long time ago. If you hadn't reminded me, I would never have guessed that his family took Shengsheng away."

   "As long as Shengsheng is fine, see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you tomorrow! I'll play with you in Hong Kong City for a few days, and then I'll go home with you! This incident made me realize that he and I are not suitable to be together before our wings are full. "

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Did she hit the mandarin duck with a stick?

  But the heroine is right to think so!

Because in the original text, the male protagonist’s stepmother’s tricks are not limited to this one, and there are many troubles waiting for the female protagonist and his wife. Instead of guarding against this and that, it’s better to go back to Xingzhou Island’s own territory and develop your own business empire first. .

  No matter how well-connected the stepmother is, how can she manage a small fishing village in the mainland?

   Leng Zexun obviously didn't agree with He Xue's decision.

   In this way, when will he embrace the beauty?

  But who made the environment around him too dangerous?

   Fortunately, nothing happened this time, but what about next time? Who can guarantee that his stepmother will not continue to kidnap his son or even tear up his votes frantically, so as to hit him, make him careless about managing the company, and then buy people from the sidelines to do some tricks, so that the company's shareholders collectively oppose him taking power.

  So, after careful consideration, he agreed with He Xue's decision, and arranged a team of bodyguards, divided into light and dark groups, to protect the mother and child.

  The contest between the male protagonist and the stepmother has thus been brought to the fore, thinking of overthrowing the stepmother as soon as possible and bringing back his wife and children.

  If Xu Yin knew what he was thinking, she would be all over the place: I’m afraid it won’t be too soon. According to the rhythm of the plot, it will take three years to make up the time.

   Sure enough, as she expected, in the next three years, the hero and his stepmother were like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten to death. On the surface, they seemed to be defeated in the battle, but they were jumping again after a while. His stepbrother became even more arrogant as an adult. The game between the two parties has never stopped.

The hostess and wife have been living in Xingzhou Island, and the He family is very happy. Although the daughter (sister) will marry to Hong Kong City sooner or later, it is a day to stay at her mother's house, rushing to pick up Xiaosheng from the kindergarten every day .

  Three years in the blink of an eye, Haohao and Shengsheng, two friends who love each other, graduated from kindergarten.

  Xu Yin's Xingzhou Seafood Shop went out of the country with the fame of the "Niu Colu Seafood Girl" live broadcast room and the sister Huahai Fishing Group.

  Seafood gluttons from all over the world also often squat at her seafood shop, just for the delicacy of wild seafood with bright fish scales, intact crab legs, and lively shrimp roe caught in that mouthful of sea.

There are two cargo planes generously sponsored by the male protagonist, and a cold chain transport vehicle bought with funds from Boss Jin, and Xu Yin’s live broadcast room for promotion. The operation has developed rapidly. In just three years, the business has spread from the Pearl Islands to the whole country and even overseas.

  (end of this chapter)

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