The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1142: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (35)

  Chapter 1142 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (35)

  Driving to the best sea fishing spot that Xu Yin had found by herself, He Xue threw out a rod as soon as it came to a complete stop.

   After a while, she called Xu Yin for help.

"Yinyin, come quickly, I can't pull it! The fish floated a few times, and there were a lot of bubbles! It must be a big guy! I'll go! It's so heavy! Do you think God knows that I'm going to marry far away, so give me a gift?" Is the dowry here? It’s not tuna, salmon is also fine, I don’t choose.”


   You think too much sister!

  Xu Yin stepped forward to help, easily pulled up the fishing rod, retracted it, and a silver light flashed in front of her eyes.


  Wearing a silver diving suit with the Chinese national flag logo printed on the left chest, the diver who was working in the deep sea was caught by them for some reason.

  The sisters looked at each other in dismay: "..."


  Did they do something bad?

  The live broadcast room is fried:

  [Fuck! Fished someone? ]

  [Alive? ]

  [Sisters upstairs don’t scare me! I am timid! ]

  [Live alive! Still moving! ]

  [Look at that badge, a diver from the national team? ]

  [Seafood girl, is your hook a magnet? Can this be caught? ]

  [Assume it is on a mission...]

  [Sisters, you are finished! ]

  [The ellipsis expresses my mood at the moment. ]

"How are you?"

  Xu Yin squatted down and looked up and down at the young man in the diving suit.

Yu Yijin lay on the deck for a long time before regaining strength, supported herself to sit up, took off the heavy diving equipment, revealed a fair and handsome face due to the seldom sunlight, and nodded to Xu Yin: "It's much better ! Thank you for saving me!"


  He Xue staggered and fell limply on the deck: "Fortunately, I didn't do anything bad, it scared me to death!"

  Xu Yin withdrew her gaze, subconsciously caressed her left chest, the sudden rapid heartbeat was swollen?

   But I have no time to think about it at the moment.

  Since the person is alive, and the other party does not seem to be an ordinary person, quickly turn off the live broadcast first.

   Netizens saw the hacked live broadcast room and called it a pity:

  [Seafood girl, you are not kind! It's time for us to listen to the cause and effect! ]

  [I guess this handsome guy is from the national team and has secrets that we cannot know, but I really want to know his story! ]

  [He thanked the seafood girl, explaining that he took the initiative to let the fishhook catch him. ]

  [I found that his mask has moisture, is it leaking oxygen? ]

  [Not necessarily, it may also be that the oxygen is exhausted. ]

  [Woo, I really want to know the reason! I was so curious that I scratched my heart and lungs. ]

  Some netizens posted screenshots of the live broadcast to Tieba and the bib that became popular not long ago.

   "Teacher, Ah Jin found it!"

  In the State Key Laboratory, some team members received a phone call, and after checking online, they knocked on the door of the superior office in surprise to report.

  The serious-faced old man sitting in front of the computer stood up happily when he heard the words: "Where is it? Why can't I still get the signal of 0322?"

   "I was rescued by a fishing boat in the waters of the Pearl Islands. 0322 is still unclear."

   "Pearl Islands? How did you get there?" The old man showed a confused expression, and after a while he came back to his senses and immediately ordered, "Contact the rescue department over there immediately."


  In the other room, Xu Yin was dumbfounded when she saw the man in front of her who didn't know all the questions:

   "What did you say? You don't remember who you are?"

   "Yes." Yu Yijin scratched her hair and looked at her innocently.

  He really can't remember who he is.

  The last image left in his mind was a huge coral reef. He crashed into it uncontrollably. After that, he seemed to be in a coma for a while. When he woke up, he found that the oxygen pressure was soaring.

  "...Just when I thought I was going to die at the bottom of the sea, a fishhook appeared in front of me. I grabbed the fishing line with a safety buckle before a big fish bit the bait, and then I was caught by you."


   Should there be some applause here? Praise him for his wit?

  Xu Yin and He Xue looked at each other foolishly.

"Hey." He Xue didn't know what to think, and touched Xu Yin with her elbow, "You also saved a person who lost his memory! We are indeed sisters. I saved A Xun, and then we were together. If you leave him...will he also be your real son? "

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Put away the joy in your tone and the eyes watching the show!

"I'm serious! By the way, didn't you say you want to hire a mermaid as your son-in-law? I know you are joking. But do you think he looked like a mermaid when he dragged his diving suit down the cabin just now? Mermaids have silver tails , he has a silver diving suit, he can see it if he can do it, at least he looks handsome..."

  He Xue's gossiping little eyes moved back and forth between Xu Yin and Yu Yijin. Although she lowered her voice, Xu Yin felt that he heard it.

   Because he laughed.

  Although it was just a chuckle, Xu Yin was sure that he was laughing at her, laughing at her delusion to catch a mermaid to be her husband in peaceful times.

   Grind your teeth secretly!

  If this guy is Comrade Xiao Jin, I will definitely let him wear a mermaid costume with silver scales once, and cosplay a mermaid!

  But right now, the only option is to pick up this amnesiac man first.

  But I can’t remember my last name and where I am from, and there is no way at the police station for the time being, so I can only register first.

  How to settle this person after registration?

The comrades at the police station expressed their embarrassment: "We have no room here to settle down. Or, send them to the city's shelter and repatriation center? But the conditions there are not very good. You must know that the people living there are all homeless wanderers." Chinese…"


  Xu Yin looked at He Xue.

This girl pretended to be very busy: "Oh! I actually missed A Xun's call. He must be waiting impatiently. I'll make a call first, and I'll pick up Shengsheng later. 'Mermaid' is temporarily homeless." Gui, Yinyin, help him think of a way!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Sister, your acting skills are very good, don't act in the future!

   But a voice in her heart told her: He is Comrade Xiaojin.

  So she couldn't send him to the detention center.

  The environment there is indeed as the comrades at the police station said, not very good.

   "Do you want to go home with me?" Xu Yin asked for his opinion, "Before your family and friends find you, stay at my house temporarily?"

  Yu Yijin nodded without hesitation.

   Subconsciously, he felt that she was trustworthy.

  He attributed this inexplicable sense of trust to the fledgling complex.

  Because, the first thing he saw when he was rescued was her.

  Xu Yin took him home.

  Mother Xu has already heard the old man Sun who watched the live broadcast say: My daughter went fishing and saved someone.

  Her first reaction was exactly the same as that of He Xue: The girl also saved someone? You won't be the same as Xiaoxue next door, you will see each other right?

  But she thought more than He Xue: Be good! If this is like Xiaoxue, the man ran away after being together for less than half a year, and reunited after four years, and the child can play soy sauce, and the problem is not over yet, so it took another three years to achieve a positive result, which would be too many disasters Difficult!

  Thinking about it this way, it would be better to find a local guy to feel at ease.

  Old man Sun kept saying, "That young man is very handsome, and he matches your Yinyin very well."

  Xu's mother shook her head: "It's a good match, but it can't be eaten."

   Just as he was talking, Xu Yin led the people home.

  Xu's mother's eyes lit up: "This young man is really energetic! Yinyin, this is the person you rescued when you were fishing at sea? How old are you this year? Where are you from? Are you not married?"


  (end of this chapter)

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