The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1145: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (38)

  Chapter 1145 The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (38)

  When He Xue came, Xu Yin was playing with this bead.

   "Which pearl is this? It's so big?" He Xue asked smoothly.

  Xu Yin smiled and said, "It is said that they are the tears of sharks."

   "Mermaid? Isn't that a mermaid?" He Xue opened her mouth in disbelief, "There really are mermaids in this world?"

   "Lied to you."

  Xu Yin guessed that it was a bead conceived by some kind of clam on the seabed. After the clam died of old age, the shell was loose and not closed.

  Perhaps because the number of these clams is very small and rare, no one has seen this kind of beads.

  He Xue breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought there really was such a thing as a mermaid!"

  Xu Yin stopped teasing her, put away the beads and asked, "Aren't you familiar with the wedding banquet process? Why are you free?"

"Don't mention it, I'm too tired! Come out to get some air." He Xue pulled the recliner and lay down, "I didn't expect to be so troublesome to get married. When I think about it, there will be a wedding banquet waiting for me when I return to Hong Kong City. It's a big head. The point is, Shengsheng is already six years old, won't people make fun of people like this?"

  Of course, she just came to complain to Xu Yin, so it's not like she would give up her burden.

"Sometimes I really envy you." He Xue turned her head to look at Xu Yin, "You seem to have a well-thought-out plan in everything you do, and you have your own ideas, and you won't be led by the nose. Unlike me... well, it seems that you can say these things now It's not interesting. But Xu Yin, you must tell me when you are married, I will give you advice, I am the one who will hold two wedding banquets!"

  Xu Yin laughed: "Then you have to be familiar with this process, I will depend on you to get married in the future!"

   "Don't worry!" He Xue patted her chest, "It will be properly planned for you!"

   Both of them laughed.

  Laughing enough, Xu Yin opened the dresser drawer and took out a small mahogany box: "I wanted to give it to you at your house after dinner."

   "Give it to me? What is it? The box is so beautiful."

   "You will know when you open it."

  He Xue opened it curiously, her eyes suddenly brightened: "It's so beautiful!"

  Xu Yin gave her a pearl necklace, a necklace made of 22 top-quality pearls. If you take it to auction, it will be worth a lot.

   "Where did you get such a big and beautiful pearl? Did you spend a lot of money?"

   "No money spent."

   "No money spent?"

   "Well, I took it by diving. But don't tell it, you know my mother is very opposed to my going into the sea."

   Her mother scolded her for several days for saving someone by water in the typhoon, for fear that she would go the same way as Xu's father.

  So, when Xu Yin wanted to dive, she secretly did it while she was fishing alone. Except for He Xue, no third person knew.

  Of course, she has the [Water Avoidance] skill, diving to the bottom of the sea is like walking on flat ground, and picking up pearl oysters on the bottom of the sea is like playing, easier than fishing.

  But He Xue didn't know. When she thought of her good sister wearing a diving suit and carrying an air bottle, repeatedly digging deep-sea pearl oysters, just to string her a string of pearl necklaces, she was moved to tears.

  She hugged Xu Yin: "Wow, Yinyin, you are so kind! I am so touched!"

  Xu Yin patted her on the head: "Be happy!"

  The hero and heroine live happily together, which means the coming of happy-ending.

  She, the cannon fodder who jumped out of the plot, has completely reversed her fate, and she can really live with peace of mind from now on.

  【Ding—Trigger an extra task in this world: There is a kind of romance, which is to plant corals on the bottom of the sea! Build a submarine coral garden and protect the azure coastline! Every time a coral seedling is cultivated, 500 energy points will be rewarded, and there is no upper limit! 】

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Fortunately, the money earned in the past few years has been lying in the passbook to eat interest and not wasted.

  Look, the task of burning money is coming!

  The seabed of the Pearl Islands used to have a lot of corals. Later, with the development of fishery, trawls and radar nets were used more and more frequently, and the corals on the seabed were gradually destroyed.

  During deep diving, Xu Yin discovered that it is difficult to see traces of corals on the bottom of the Pearl Islands.

  Reminiscent of my life in New Zealand, I traveled to Australia next door and dived a few times. Of course, my original intention was to collect a crop of deep-sea seafood, but I was attracted by the Great Barrier Reef.

  The corals there are so beautiful!

  If the Pearl Islands can clean up the seabed so beautifully, it can attract another wave of tourists, and the cliff will bring the tourism KPI of the Pearl Islands to a higher level.

  Even if there are no colorful tropical fish, coral groups are still very beautiful, not to mention the improvement of sea water quality is the biggest selling point.

  Thinking of this, Xu Yin shook her claws and said in one word: Do it!

   Just do it!

   Burn money and burn money!

  When people live in this world, they must do something meaningful.

  In this life, she will grow some different "crops".

  After making the decision, Xu Yin began to search the Internet for relevant tutorials on planting coral.

During the period, I went out to have a banquet and sent He Xue to marry; I took my nephew to the city, bought him a cute and practical schoolbag, and took him to the water park once. After the summer vacation, he became a Primary school students.

  Other times, when she came back from sea fishing, she buried herself in her studies and collected a lot of information about corals and coral cultivation.

   It's a pity that there are no skill books or other useful products related to coral planting in the system mall, and I haven't had a chance to spend energy points.

  Before He Xueyuan married Hong Kong City, he suggested that Xu Yin hire an assistant to help manage the online store, have a companion when going out to sea, and share some trivial tasks.

   Now it seems that hiring people is necessary, but it is enough to hire an assistant who stays at home to manage the online store and is responsible for receiving and shipping. She doesn't need a companion when she goes out to sea, and she also has to dive deep to plant corals.

  Mother Xu felt puzzled: "What have you been up to lately? You keep your eyes on the computer all day long, so be careful of myopia."

"Auntie is studying hard." Haohao sat on a small bench, flipping through the first-grade Chinese books borrowed by his neighbor's friends and reading them like storybooks, not forgetting to interrupt, "When will Haohao be able to learn?" Do you study online?"


   "A child with a father is like a treasure. Auntie, Shengsheng's father is still alive, is my father alive too? When will my father come home?"


  The phone rang, and someone's call saved her.

   Otherwise, she would not be able to answer any of the two questions that the old and the young asked one after another.

  The little nephew can still be coaxed, but Xu's mother is so mature that she can't coax her forever.

   You can only cut first and then play.

  Frankly, I was worried that Xu's mother would faint out of anger, and told her not to go into the water.

  Thinking about the picture after her mother found out, it must be very hot and she dare not look at it.


  She picked up the phone to answer.

  A chuckle came from the other end:

   "Miss Xu is always so energetic."


  Xu Yin recognized the other party's voice: "Yu Yijin? Have you recovered your memory?"

   "Well, the blood clot in the brain was removed, and I can basically remember it in the past two days, but it's very vague."

   "It's good if you can remember it." Xu Yin was happy for him, "Otherwise, it would be so uncomfortable to have a blank mind. So have you returned to Beijing now or are you still being treated in the provincial hospital?"

   "I'm going back to Beijing, and I want to treat you to a meal before I leave. Speaking of which, I haven't officially thanked you for saving my life."

  Cheng Xuming, who came to discharge Yu Yijin from the hospital, stood by and looked at his nose and nose, secretly slandering: Then you can just promise it with your body! Anyway, I see that you are also moved by Fanxin!

  (end of this chapter)

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