The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1148: The plastic girlfriend of the heroine of the ancient text (41)

  Chapter 1148 The plastic best friend of the ancient heroine (41)

What is even more exaggerated is that there was a tourist from the city who came to Xingzhou Island for a team building. Seeing Xu Yin's patience and meticulous teaching, and hearing her explaining self-rescue methods in case of emergencies to her mother-in-law, she felt that even if she didn't dive, she just went into the water to play. It’s also very useful. I don’t overwhelm myself with too many skills. After returning home, I brought my children back a few days later. They said that during the summer vacation, the interest classes were over and the school hadn’t started yet, so I sent my daughter to learn diving with Xu Yin.

   "I know that you teach people on the island that you don't charge tuition fees, but we are from outside the island, so why don't you give me money to teach you for nothing? Then I will pay you the highest tuition fee on the market!"

   Other tourists who were playing nearby saw this, and they gathered around and asked:

   "People outside the island can also learn? Then can I sign up? I have ten days of annual leave, can I learn in ten days?"

   "Can you open a half-day and one-day experience course? I only stay here for three days, but I really want to experience it. It would be even better if I could take a picture during the dive!"

   "Can diving equipment be rented?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Is this the rhythm for her to teach?

   But she doesn’t have so much time to teach people deep diving. The purpose of teaching islanders deep diving for free is to facilitate the later employment of them to plant corals. The training class is fine!

   Even if it's just a short-term experience course, she doesn't want to take it, time can't afford it!

The old village head eagerly came to discuss with her: "Yinyin, if you start a class, I will team up with a few people to build a log cabin in Deep Bay as a management office. Don't tourists have diving equipment? Our village pays for it. Rent it to them by the day."

  Xu Yin gave him a thumbs up: "This is really your business acumen!"

"Haha! My wife praises me that much too. I wish I could be thirty years younger! Unfortunately, we didn't have such good conditions at that time. A small island in a poor corner had no electricity, no fresh water. , let alone the Internet. Life is really good now! Buying and selling things can be done on the mobile phone, and people don’t have to leave the house. Seriously, Yinyin, if you think about it, is it feasible to set up a diving experience area? "

  Xu Yin shook her head: "It may be feasible in a few years, but there is no such condition now."

   "What else is required for this?"

"In our seabed, because of the frequent trawling operations in the past ten years, the coral colonies have been dragged to extinction. Every time there is a typhoon in recent years, several reefs have collapsed, and several times the pier was almost washed away. Because of the disappearance of corals. There is nothing to see in the bottom of the sea without coral groups. Tourists come here once, and they may not come again in the future. If this problem is not solved, it will be useless to develop the island even more perfect.”

   "So serious? What should I do?"

   "So I plan to artificially cultivate corals to restore the beauty of the sea around our island."


  When the old village chief left, his footsteps were a little fluttering: He obviously came to find Xiao Xu to cooperate in the diving business, but in the end, she persuaded the villagers to plant corals instead?

   But thinking about it, Xiao Xu is the most business-minded among the young people this year. Even she thinks that now is not the time to do deep diving projects, so it must be that the time has not come.

  The old village head convinced himself.

   Within a few days, the village spontaneously formed a coral planting group and learned how to grow coral with Xu Yin.

  After Xu Yin built the seabed nursery, everyone knew how to "plant" corals, so they took turns diving deep into the seabed to plant corals in groups of three.

  The coral seedlings were sent by Yu Yijin, and they are reef-building corals that are most suitable for growing in the waters of Xingzhou Island.

  Xu Yin soaked them in Linghu water for several nights to improve their immunity and reduce the rate of albinism.

Originally, she wanted to pay everyone, although she took turns to work in the water, at most one or two hours a day, so as not to delay everyone going fishing or going home to work, but this was not a day or two, but years and months, Xu Yin felt that some labor allowance should be given.

  But was rejected by everyone.

   "The village chief said that you planted corals for the safety of our island. This is the home of each of us. How can you bear it alone!"

   "That's right! Isn't it just that each family has one person to work for an hour or two every day, whoever is free will go, can you spare this time?"

   "Our family is still scrambling to go! After finishing the work, we can pick up some abalone and sea cucumber, and we have the food for the day!"

   Seeing that no one was willing to take money, Xu Yin changed the method: every once in a while, she would put some shellfish or mollusk seafood that she usually picked up during deep diving, so that everyone would not return empty-handed when they went down to work.

  In this way, with the concerted efforts of fishermen, the shallow seabed of Singzhou Island has gradually restored the vitality of the coral reef.

  The growth rate of coral reefs is not fast. It only grows two to three centimeters in a year. For this, it also needs suitable water temperature, rich organic matter and sufficient light.

   Fortunately, although the result is small, it is still gratifying.

  As the reef-building coral colony settles in the shallow seabed of Sing Chau Island, the aquatic life in this area gradually becomes more abundant.

  The most obvious is that the seabed environment and water quality have been improved.

  After learning about it, the municipal government reported the coral planting project on Xingzhou Island as a highlight of private environmental improvement, and applied for an environmental protection fund for Xingzhou Island.

  The old village head was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

  Although the money is not much, compared to the early investment of Xu Yin and He Xue's sister Huahai Fishing Group, this amount of money is just a drop in the bucket, but it is glorious!

  Looking at the many large and small islands across the country, which island has the glory of Sing Chau Island?

  Not only was he featured on the news and on TV, but he was also praised and affirmed by his superiors. Isn’t this a material reward?

"Yinyin, I'm here for you! You can use it to buy coral seedlings!" The old village chief generously handed the unheated check to Xu Yin, "Buy more! Try to plant all the seabed around our Xingzhou Island coral!"


  Xu Yin responded with a smile.

   It was beyond her expectation that Xingzhou Island would get out of the circle in this way.

   Some enterprises and institutions even contacted her, saying that they wanted to hold a team building activity related to marine ecological protection, allowing employees to experience submarine coral planting, have a seafood farmhouse meal, and take a family photo of the event.

  Xingzhou Island has become a good place for various units to engage in team building and promote new trends, and it has also become the most popular tourist attraction during the summer vacation. Although only one team building activity is accepted in a month, everyone's interest is high! After finishing the team building, I feel that Xingzhou Island is really good, so I will bring my parents and children to play together.

  So the island has people coming and going every day, and it has become a popular island second only to the main island. What if it can’t receive so many tourists? Doesn't this drive the economy of other islands? Various homestays and restaurants have sprung up, feeding many small islands.

Seeing the development of Xingzhou Island is getting better and better, and the additional tasks released by the system are also in full swing, Xu Yin will come to the beach every evening for a walk. She is used to walking barefoot on the clean beach with her shoes on, watching the sea and sky meet. In the afterglow of the setting sun, she felt that although the beginning of this life was bad, the task was not as difficult as she imagined!

  (end of this chapter)

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