The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 135: Reconstituted family oil bottle (30)

  Chapter 135 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (30)

  These schools were previously recommended by orientation and had professional requirements. Now it is promised that as long as Xu Yin enrolls in their school, she can choose her major.

  Xu Yin rubbed her face, bit the bullet and declined one by one:

   "Thank you, teacher, but I decided to apply for the exam two years ago. The school I want to go to is not the most famous in the industry, but it has the major I am looking forward to, so I am very sorry..."


  What kind of school and what major allows a full-graded top student to set goals two years in advance and sprint with all his strength? Let Beijing University and other top-ranked prestigious schools not have their turn?

   Are you planning to go abroad? Going to university abroad?

  This is a pity.

  It is sad to think that the country will lose such outstanding talents.

  Pingtan No. 1 High Class Teacher's Office, Teacher Feng looked at Xu Yin with hatred: "Are you really determined to hand in this volunteer form?"



  Such a well-behaved answer made Teacher Feng, who had accumulated a lot of words and wanted to talk, sighed: "Xu Yin..."

  Outside the door, a group of students who came to hand in their volunteer forms put their ears on the door panel:

   "What did you hear? Which school did Yinshen fill in?"

   "Shhh—quiet! Old Ben hasn't said yet."

   After a few more seconds, the student who was sticking to the door suddenly jumped up: "Fuck! The Yin God reported to the Agricultural University!!"

   "Agricultural University? Just the agricultural college on the outskirts of the provincial capital?"

   "That's not true, it's Huanong, who ranks first in the Agricultural University."


   Damn it!

  The big guy stared wide-eyed, you looked at me and I looked at you, all expressed disbelief and incomprehension.

   "The old class asked her to change her choice, but she didn't."

   "Although Huanong is also very good, it can't compare with the first three."

   "Yin Shen, is she addicted to farming? Live farming is not fun, and she wants to go to learn farming after four years of college?"

   "...Can I really say that Yinshen, who I've been a fan of for three years, is so unique!"

   "Be careful, Lao Ban is in a bad mood now, and if he doesn't persuade Yinshen to change his mind, he will probably take us under the knife."

  Xu Yin is the proud student in the heart of the old class, and she is also a delicate girl. No matter how much she hates iron, she will not take her anger out on her.

   As for their group of rough-skinned and thick-skinned boys, it’s hard to say.

   Sure enough, those who went in behind Xu Yin to hand in their volunteer forms were scolded and told to call their parents over if they didn’t follow the techniques taught by the head teacher, “Do your parents know about filling out such nonsense?”


   Same person has different fate!

  Xu Yin handed in the volunteer form, came out of school with her schoolbag, and planned to go to the bookstore to see if there were any books on wine making.

   It’s been five years since she’s traveled to this small world, and she still hasn’t conquered the main quest. If things go on like this, even if she reverses the fate of the cannon fodder and leads Grandma Xu to live a good life, the progress bar may not be able to move forward.

   Thoughts wandered, a shadow fell over his head.

  Look up and see that it is a parasol.

   His eyes slowly moved to the side...

   "Dong Song?" Xu Yin blinked.

  Song Mingjin collided with her eyes and nodded slightly: "Congratulations."

  Xu Yin realized that he was congratulating her on her college entrance examination results, and smiled: "Thank you."

   "Where are you going? I'll give you a ride."

   "No need, I'll go to the bookstore in front, I have a hat, just wear a hat."

  The sun is strong, and she is not used to carrying an umbrella, but there is a white peaked cap in her schoolbag, which she finds out and puts on her head.

  Song Mingjin glanced at her white arm exposed to the sun from the corner of her eye, and moved the umbrella over her head again: "Let's go together, drop by. I just have something to discuss with you."

  Hearing what he said, Xu Yin took him to a dine-in milk tea shop next to the bookstore.

  After sitting down, asked him what he would like to drink, Song Mingjin was noncommittal: "Just like you."

  Xu Yin ordered two cups of iced lemon mint tea, after all, she didn't know his taste.

   "What do you want from me?"

   "Are you going abroad?"

  The two spoke almost simultaneously.

  Xu Yin was stunned: "Going abroad? No."

  Song Mingjin: "..."

  Not ready to go abroad?

  Wrong message?

   Then his belly draft is not for nothing?

  In the past three years, although he was abroad, it wasn't that he didn't pay attention to her.

  In the beginning, I did block all news about her, but I could restrain myself from thinking about it through busy work during the day, and the outline of her in my dream at midnight became clearer and clearer.

  Then why are you hiding? Is it so difficult to admit that you were shot by a golden arrow by Cupid and fall in love at first sight?

  Three years ago, she was underage. Today, she is an adult and has no partner. He has every right to pursue her.

  After he figured it out, he let himself miss her.

  Although she is still abroad, she will watch her uploaded videos after work. If she is lucky enough to run into her live broadcast, she will anonymously send a full-screen rocket launcher.

  I heard from Zheng Ping that she got the second best result in the province's college entrance examination with a high score of 746, but declined the invitation of several well-known domestic universities, and seemed to be planning to go abroad.

  He sorted out a stack of information on the top 50 prestigious schools in the world overnight, and selected a few universities that he owns real estate nearby and have strong comprehensive strengths, and put them at the top, ready to send her an email at that time.

   Then he asked the life assistant to help him buy a house near several other prestigious schools. It doesn’t need to be luxurious, safety, convenience and warmth are the first prerequisites.

   After finishing all this, I hurried back to China.

  On the way here, I made a few drafts, intending to figure out the school she wants to go to in the end, and then move the focus of work for the next quarter and the next quarter to the city she is going to. The distance is too far, how to cultivate feelings?

  But I didn't expect that she didn't plan to go abroad at all.

  Xu Yin was even more confused than him: "I never said I would go abroad, and I handed in my voluntary form a long time ago."

   "Which school did you apply for?"

   "Huanong, I just want to learn professional wine making."

  Song Mingjin: "..."

   Then he laughed dumbfounded.

   This is really an unexpected answer.

   I'm afraid no one will guess.

   Indeed no one can guess!

  A student from a high school in the county posted Xu Yin's college entrance examination application on the Internet, and as expected, it became a hot search.




  Netizens lined up as if they had made an appointment, leaving a string of ellipsis to express disbelief and incomprehension.

   Half of the comment area is ellipsis.

No one would have imagined that Xu Yin would give up the famous schools of Huada University and Peking University, and finally chose Huaxia Agricultural University, or Huanong for short. Although it is the first high-quality agricultural university in China, it is still slightly inferior to those prestigious schools in Beijing University. .

   Netizens typed the ellipsis, and then ran to Huanong’s official scarf:

  [Although I haven’t figured it out yet, let’s take a look at the place where Juanmei will spend the next four years. ]

  [Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. ]

  [This child was too unexpected and caught us off guard. ]

  [I didn’t know about it before, but I will visit it often in the future. ]

[explain! What did my daughter goose see in you! ]


  Some of the comments really seem to disagree with the big girl's partner and mother-in-law.

   Four more ~ ​​ask for a monthly ticket ~



  (end of this chapter)

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