The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 142: Oil bottle for reorganized family (37)

  Chapter 142 Reorganized family oil bottle (37)

  Unexpectedly, they just sold it, and what they were waiting for was not the drop in land prices, but the news that there would be no new approval of residential land within the second ring road of the capital.


what does that mean? Existing residential land became out of print!

  It’s not bad. The rich people rush to buy houses in the second ring, and they can’t wait for the appreciation. How can the housing prices in the second ring fall?

  Once the residences on the second ring road become out of print, wouldn’t the next most popular one be the third ring road?

  The news only came out the day before, and the next day, the housing prices on the third ring road followed the second ring road, and the price curve of the surrounding commercial land also began to move upward uncontrollably.

   Dong Song is right!

   They were wrong!

  Song Dianjin is still the same Song Dianjin!

  His investment vision is always in place, but they are narrow-minded.

   I didn’t follow up this time, it’s my grandma’s fault!

   Others regret that they just didn’t make money, while the Jiang family regrets that they actually lost money.

   It would be nice to delay for a few days! Just because he made an early move, he lost hundreds of millions of dollars in one entry and one exit.

  Jiang's father was so regretful that his intestines were green.

  The company's business has been sluggish in the past few years. He wanted to rely on land prices to return a wave of funds, but in the end... he was so angry that he scolded his son.

  Jiang Pinghan was criticized, returned home dejectedly, loosened his tie, and leaned on the sofa in frustration.

  In these years, all the projects in his hands either lost money or failed, and none of them made money, which made him doubt his investment and financial management ability.

   "Are you back? Tomorrow is my uncle's birthday. Will you accompany me to grandma's house for dinner?"

  Zhang Bingyan sat in front of the vanity mirror and applied a mask, and said to him through the mirror.

  Jiang Pinghan looked at her, and couldn't help but think of a sentence his mother once said: "People who are demolished often have great luck."

  He accompanied Zhang Bingyan to her grandmother's house two years ago, only to realize that there was no demolition at all, and she did not have a dowry house in her hands.

  So, could it be that he lost so many projects because he married her who was unlucky?

   "Jiang Pinghan? Are you listening to me? I'm going to grandma's house for dinner tomorrow. It's my uncle's birthday. I forgot to buy a gift. Go to the mall tomorrow morning. Remember to bring extra money."

  Jiang Pinghan closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa: "I'm very tired, go by yourself tomorrow!"

   "What did you say?" Zhang Bingyan stood up abruptly, her eyes flushed with anger, "What do you mean? You don't go for my uncle's birthday? Let me go back alone, what will they think?"

   "Whatever they think, I say I'm tired and want to rest."

   "If you don't speak clearly, don't even try to rest!"

  In the past, every time Zhang Bingyan made such a fuss, Jiang Pinghan would coax her patiently.

  But today, for some reason, he didn't want to coax him, he just felt tired.

  Thinking of him working hard outside his career and coming home exhausted, she not only didn't have a word of concern or comfort, but just opened her mouth and said, what are you doing tomorrow? On your uncle's birthday, you have to go to celebrate his birthday. Why didn't you show any signs of my uncle's birthday?

  So, the two had their first quarrel since they got, to be precise, since they fell in love.


   On the other side, Song Mingjin made arrangements for the matter at hand and flew to the capital to see his girlfriend.

  My girlfriend is about to participate in the wine judging competition, and he has to go to the scene to cheer her on.

   The rest of the projects that don't require him to be in charge are left to Secretary Zheng to take charge of them.

  Why does the secretary office keep so many people? If you don't share the burden for him at this time, when will you share it?

  Secretary Zheng: "..."

   For the sake of triple overtime pay, I silently endured it.

  Xu Yin recently brewed another jar of wine, which is persimmon wine with northern characteristics.

  The new persimmons grown by Huanong were ripe, and the school held a special harvest ceremony. Teachers and students came to help pick the persimmons. Xu Yin also went, and took a photo with everyone after picking.

  There are too many persimmons, and baskets are piled up in the courtyard opposite the logistics department.

  The agricultural products in the experimental fields of the Agricultural College have always been in charge of logistics.

   Excluding labor, the rest will be sold on the faculty platform. The quality is good and the price is affordable, which can be regarded as a benefit for the faculty and staff of Huanong.

  Xu Yin borrowed the headmaster's account and bought fifty catties.

  Using 40 catties of fresh persimmons to brew a jar of authentic persimmon wine, the bottle is only five catties after brewing.

  There are ten catties of fresh persimmons left. In addition to eating them fresh, I also brewed a two catty bottle of liqueur.

  Liqueur, also known as dessert wine, is a kind of alcoholic beverage with relatively low alcohol content. It is very simple to prepare. Fresh persimmon juice is squeezed and filtered, and then diluted with 60% white wine to make liqueur.

  The baijiu that Xu Yin used to dilute was brewed in the last small world. The taste is already mellow, and the taste is especially good after making it into liqueur. She is a little addicted to drinking it.

  The first meal Song Mingjin flew to the capital was with his grandparents and grandson.

  Grandma Xu cooked the pan-fried fish and saliva chicken, and Xu Yin took out the bottle of liqueur with one third left:

   "How about trying the persimmon liqueur I made? You didn't come, I want to drink grandma but I refuse. I must leave it for you to taste."

   "Grandma is so kind to me." Song Mingjin raised her cup to respect the old man.

  Grandma Xu said cheerfully: "Yinyin said that the alcohol content is not high, and you won't be intoxicated after drinking it. You should drink more."

  Grandma Xu eats fast, and after eating, she goes to the small park to exercise, and by the way shows off all the good things about her future grandson-in-law.

All the old men and women in the community know that Grandma Xu’s granddaughter has a date. The guy needs to be good-looking and capable. He is not only good to his granddaughter, but also to Grandma Xu. Fruit nutrition, etc., were delivered to the house and almost couldn't be piled up.

  Of course, Grandma Xu is showing off, knowing that not everything can be said outside.

  For example, this time, the future grandson-in-law gave her a pair of heavy gold bracelets. The weight of a single pair is heavier than the pair of bracelets that the granddaughter gave her after winning the bonus, let alone a pair.

  She refrained from saying anything, for fear of attracting thieves.

   Didn’t say that the grandson-in-law will start a company in the future, only that he is a capable person, and the granddaughter-in-law will have a good life when she marries.

  As an old man, she always hopes that her children and grandchildren will live well. They live well and treat themselves well. This kind of kindness makes her want to talk about it.

   I couldn't help it, and showed the new smart watch on my hand:

"Xiao Song said, this watch can measure blood pressure, it knows when it's high or low, it's very capable, and it's also good at positioning. My granddaughter knows where I am when she looks at her phone, and she won't be able to use her brain when she gets older. Don't be afraid to get lost."

   Surrounded by envious old men and old ladies, such a good grandson-in-law could only wish to belong to their family.

  Grandma Xu is proudly counting all kinds of good things about her future grandson-in-law in the small park. Xu Yin can almost hear her hearty laughter at home.

   "Grandma is very satisfied with you."

  She took a sip of the wine and looked at him with a smile.

   "What about you? Are you satisfied?"

  As he asked, he peeled a shrimp, dipped it in some sauce and put it in her bowl.

  Knowing that she prefers seafood, even though he hadn't finished the seafood gift pack last time, he still brought a lot this time.

  The top fresh large prawns, one is worth two or three ordinary ones.

  The fat and oily big crab is still showing its teeth and claws when it is untied. By the way, I made a vlog of spicy crab.

   Fans couldn't get enough of it, and screamed in the comment area, feeling that life is wonderful.

  Xu Yin ate a mouthful of shrimp and drank wine contentedly: "It's not bad so far."

   "Don't worry, it will definitely be better in the future." He answered very firmly.

  Although the liqueur content is not high, but the taste is sweet, unknowingly it will make people drink too much.

   When she realized that she might be drunk, Song Mingjin couldn't help but regret not stopping her from drinking so much.

   "I wanted to take you out for a walk."

  Unmarried men and women don't spend much time together, but now it's even shrunk.

  Xu Yin tilted her head and looked at him, giggling.

   "Are you stupid, don't you know how to seize the opportunity?"


"like this…"

  She cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.


  The next second, Xu Yin felt dizzy for a while, and then she was pressed down on the sofa by what he had learned.

  I don’t know how long we kissed...

  It wasn't until Grandma Xu's bold laughter came from far to near, and they were almost at the gate of the courtyard, that the two quickly separated, breathing heavily.

  (end of this chapter)

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