The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 157: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (8)

  Chapter 157 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (8)

  Life Manor is divided into two buildings.

  The building she lives in now is the main building with three floors. It was the residence of the old man when he was there. Usually there is no one else except the old housekeeper and the cook, but the cleaning is still very clean.

  Next to it, there is a two-story long living building for technicians, winemakers and workers.

  Separated from Life Manor by a wide road covered with roses, there is an ancient winery and professional wine cellar.

  In front of the winery, some workers are moving in and out of large wooden barrels, and some are loading and unloading.

  If the life manor and winery are like the center of a circle, then the five hundred acres of vineyards surrounding them are the circle.

  Xu Yin stood in front of the gate of the manor, resting her hand on her forehead, looking into the distance.

  The old butler swept the garden with a broom, went to make a pot of black tea, and asked the cook to prepare some snacks that Xu Yin might like, and brought them together.

  Yuanzhen learned French from Grandpa Xu since she was a child. Oral communication is much easier than English, but Xu Yin is still more proficient in English. French was just learned for a while when Song Mingjin and Song Mingjin went abroad in a small world.

   Fortunately, the old butler can speak both languages, and can switch freely.

  The two chatted very speculatively.

  He said that the longest age of these trees in the vineyard is more than 40 years, and the shortest is about 15 years.

  Generally speaking, if the vines are more than 50 years old, the yield will become very low. Before Grandpa Xu passed away, he came here to inspect, and then bought a batch of them. Even this newest batch of vines is now more than ten years old.

  Xu Yin remembered that there were many carefully selected old vines and vines in the system warehouse, and decided to find a day to take them out and replace those old trees that were about to turn 50 years old.

  The grapes here don’t mature until September or October. At this moment, they are still clusters of small green fruits, crowded and hidden under the wide grape leaves.

  She didn't go over to disturb the workers, but took a stroll around and went back upstairs to review the professional courses.

   During the few days of jet lag, she spent reviewing, strolling, and chatting with the old housekeeper.

  She showed the butler Zhang Peng's photo and asked him if he had ever been to the winery.

  The butler glanced at it and nodded, indicating that he had been here.

  He still had the impression that he came to buy wine, but after looking around, he didn't buy any wine, thinking it was expensive. But the free tasting is one cup after another, and I drank a lot.

  The butler was a little annoyed when he mentioned this matter, and said that there was also a Chinese, two foreigners and Zhang Peng who came together at the time. The two sides spoke neither English nor French, and he could not understand what they were talking about.

  Xu Yin nodded thoughtfully, and then asked the housekeeper to monitor Zhang Peng.

  In the surveillance, Zhang Peng and those three people seemed to be very cautious. They either turned their backs to the surveillance probe so that people could not see his mouth movements, or chose to talk in places where there were workers talking, laughing and working, and the background sound was very noisy.

   To convince Xu's father that Zhang Peng is up to no good, such a period of surveillance alone is not enough.

   Before Xu Yin could figure out a solution, Wen Lisha came to play with her.

"Yinyin, I convinced my grandfather that he allowed us to visit the vineyard where he works." Lisa told her excitedly, "Let's go now. We will have dinner at my house tonight. My grandmother will cook Chinese dishes. The taste is not bad."

  Xu Yin went upstairs to pick out a few gifts suitable as companions, and went to the Rothschild Chateau with her.

   Before getting out of the car, I saw the iconic building—Castle Lafite.

   "Go! I'll take you to see my grandfather."

  Xu Yin followed her to the place where Lisa's grandfather worked.

  The other party greeted her warmly and opened a bottle of wine for her to taste.

  Xu Yin also brought a few bottles of home-made wine, but she was a little embarrassed, as if she was playing tricks. But the other party didn't mind at all, and accepted it with a hearty smile.

  Lisa took her grandfather's arm and acted coquettishly: "Don't just accept it and not drink it, this is made by Yinyin's own winery, not just bought from outside."

   "Oh? Isn't she from Huaguo? There is a winery here?" Old Ivan was surprised.

   "Of course! When her great-grandfather opened the winery, you hadn't even come to work here."

  Old Ivan was obviously interested when he heard it, so he asked which winery, Xu Yin reported the name of his own winery, and he raised his eyebrows, as if he had thought of something.

   However, since it was his working time at the moment, he didn't say much, but asked his granddaughter to entertain her new friends. As long as it wasn't a place with a "No Idle People Enter" sign, they could visit.

  Xu Yin was dragged by her new friend to have fun.

  Rothschild Winery covers an area of ​​more than 1,500 mu, three times that of Xu Yinjia Winery.

  In the vast vineyard, three generations of old, middle-aged and young vines are planted in different areas. The vines in the old area are more than 50 years old, and the whole batch is replaced with young trees in three to five years. This point is worth learning, Xu Yin secretly kept it in mind.

   "Yinyin, look there, that's my favorite place to stay every time I come." Lisa pointed to a river channel five or six meters wide that meanders through the middle of the vineyard not far away. There is a small piece of greenery on both sides of the river, and where the greenery meets the vineyard is a row of small fountains, spraying water. The overflowing water is sprinkled on the ground and flows into the vineyard along the concave pipe, moistening the surrounding soil.

  Xu Yin also kept this point in her mind.

  Her family’s winery is still irrigated by the old-fashioned method of adding water pipes to the river, but she seems to have a set of fully automatic irrigation equipment stored in the system warehouse, which is very convenient to use without a fountain.

  The two lay down on the shaded grass and chatted until the sun went down and the winery workers went to her grandfather's house hand in hand.

  Old Ivan is the oldest winemaker in the winery, and the owner allocated a two-story building to him. He and Lisa's grandmother lived here long-term.

  Lisa’s grandmother, Mrs. Yiwan, really knows how to cook Chinese dishes. She not only roasted crispy duck, but also made dumplings and steamed fish.

  After a happy meal, Lisa made a pot of tea, took a few pieces of apple pie baked by her grandmother, and took Xu Yin to her grandfather's study.

   "Grandfather wants to chat with you, let's chat while eating."

  Xu Yin helped her carry the teapot: "Are you still full?"

   "Hey, my stomach is full for eating, but not for snacks."

  Xu Yin smiled helplessly and shook her head.

"Go and help grandpa bring up the pipe on the coffee table downstairs." Old Ivan pushed his granddaughter away and turned to look at Xu Yin, "Don't be nervous little girl, I just want to tell you something, Lisa is not stable enough , I’m afraid she’ll be surprised when she finds out.”

  Xu Yin sat up straight and leaned forward slightly: "Speak, I'll listen."

"About three months ago, two Chinese people came to our winery to observe and study. You know, my son-in-law is from Hua country. He has been coming and going over the years. Although I can't speak well, I can generally understand it. They seem to have something premeditated about your winery, you have to be careful."

  (end of this chapter)

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