The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 163: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (14)

  Chapter 163 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (14)

  Xu Yin fried two steaks, mixed a vegetable salad with chicken breast, and mixed some mixed fruits with a fruit salad.

   Finally, I packed some snacks and brewed a large pot of silver chrysanthemum tea that combines digestion, greasy and summer heat.

  She likes to put a small spoonful of honey in her own guava tea to reconcile the slightly bitterness of honeysuckle, but considering that athletes can't drink honey, she doesn't put it.

  At home, there is a small portable refrigerator and an insulated bucket specially for bento. When I was in high school, I thought the school food was not good, and Xu's mother often asked sister Yu to make it for her.

  There were too many things. In the end, in addition to filling up two small portable refrigerators and two thermos buckets, I also stocked up a copy in the system warehouse.

   In addition, you need to carry a large pot of silver chrysanthemum tea.

  The two arms are hung full, like a walking dining table.

   Thanks again [Permanent Divine Power].

【Ding! The Love Bento has been completed, reward energy points 10]

  【Ding—Let your boyfriend thank you for your love from the bottom of his heart! Task completion rewards energy points 20]

  Xu Yin helped her forehead.

  Could the theme of this basic task be falling in love?

   "Miss, let Lao Chen take it for you, it's too heavy."

  Sister Yu sent her to the car, but she couldn't take so much by herself.

   "I can handle it. Uncle Chen can help me carry two boxes of grapes. Do you have any bananas at home? If you have any, bring them with you."

   I have heard people say that athletes prefer to eat bananas, because bananas are high in calories and can replenish excessive energy consumption in time.

  Uncle Chen followed Sister Yu back to the cold storage, and brought out two large boxes of fresh grapes from the vineyard a few days ago.

  Bananas are not very fond of eating by the Xu family, so there are only a bunch of bananas, and the quality is very good. Xu Yin brought the small browned plantains.

  The driver first took her downstairs to the company, and she called Mother Xu.

  Xu's mother heard that her daughter came to deliver lunch to them, and thought it was made by the nanny at home, so she didn't say much, and called the front desk to tell her to go straight up.

   "Have you eaten? Your dad is still in a meeting, so it's rare to come. He wants to learn more about the company's operations. If you haven't eaten, mom will accompany you to eat some."

   "No, you can eat with Dad after the meeting. I'm going out for a while, so I won't stay with you."

  Xu Yin left the lunch box and slipped away.

   Hurry up and get back the lost boyfriend!

"Where are you going? It's such a hot day?" Xu's mother actually wanted to ask who she had an appointment with, but her daughter slipped too fast, and she went down the elevator as soon as she got out of it, shaking her head with a smile, "Forget it, it's rare to recover again Lively and happy."

  Xu Yin asked the driver to take her to the ice training base in the north of the city.

   This is the place where the national team's daily training was heard by Yuan Chen. In addition to training, internal competitions are also usually held here.

  She has been here so many times that the concierge already knows her.

  Seeing her, he asked with a smile: "Are you here to deliver something to your boyfriend again? You came by coincidence. They should have just finished the morning game." The leader who came to watch just left.

  Xu Yin was slightly stunned: "Has the game started yet?"

   "No, it's been two days, and today is the last day."

  Xu Yin gave him a bunch of grapes as a token of gratitude, and walked inside with the driver after registration.

  She carried a bento in both hands, and the driver helped carry the grapes.

  In the past, the original body would leave gifts in the concierge and go back reluctantly, because the closed training does not allow outsiders to visit.

   But in the past few days, the team selection is going on. In order to create an atmosphere for the contestants, the venue is open to the public.

  However, most people would not come here to watch an internal game by going around half the city.

  Compared with national football and basketball, these ice sports belonging to the Winter Olympics have not received much attention from the outside world.

  Xu Yin came to a stadium following the direction pointed by the porter, and vaguely heard movement inside, she guessed it should be here.

   "Put it here, you can find a place to rest, and I'll call you when you get back."

   "Good lady."

  After the driver left, Xu Yin hung the thermos bucket and thermos pot on the hand holding the small refrigerator, and pushed open the inner door of the venue.

  The morning game just ended, many people were still at the scene, and several helmets hadn't been taken off yet.

  Four or five team members gathered around the coach to watch the results, and a group of people sat on the rest table chatting.

  When Xu Yin pushed the door, it made a creaking sound.


  The people inside collectively looked at her.

   Several team members recognized Xu Yin, and desperately winked at Zhao Xujin, who had not taken off his helmet on the field and was still breathing calmly with his hands on his knees.

  Xu Yin looked in their direction, and the other party just happened to look over.

  Even through the goggles, she still felt a gaze that seemed to come from an extremely cold place, containing thousands of years of ice and snow, so cold that there was no warmth at all.


  She bit the bullet and braved the embarrassment, and waved to everyone.

  The team members coaxed and wanted to push Zhao Xujin to her.

  But Zhao Xujin went straight around them, slid to the exit, put protective covers on the skates, then took off the helmet and goggles by herself, and wiped off the sweat with a towel beside her.

  The scene is really embarrassing.

  His teammates were so embarrassed for him that they could dig out two rooms and one living room.

  Xu Yin stared at him blankly.

   This eyebrow, this face, cannot be said to be exactly the same as Yan Kejin, but at least 70% to 80% are similar.

   Is it him?

  The eye sockets are slightly moist.

  Every small world she has traveled through, those decades of being together, even though her emotions have been ruthlessly pulled away by the system, everything that happened is vivid in her mind, as if engraved in her heart, and she can think of it at any time.

   If you are on the way, you are still worried about what to do if the other party is not "him"? Where can I find a "boyfriend" to complete the task? So, at this moment, she is settled.

  This place of peace of mind is my hometown.

   Sniffing, walked towards him along the aisle behind the lounge.

  In the past, he took the initiative every time, but this time, she took the initiative.

   Zhao Xujin's head coach Cheng Guodong frowned when he saw Xu Yin, turned his head as if he wanted to say something to Zhao Xujin, opened his mouth, and held back.

   During this period of time, he has seen Zhao Xujin's performance.

  Training day and night, I was so tired that my body trembled and I still gritted my teeth and persisted.

  This kind of over-training may indeed improve performance in a short period of time, but in the long run it will only make the performance decline sharply.

  And the rate of acute injuries will be greatly increased, and chronic injuries will follow the entire sports career.

   This hasn't been in the official competition yet, it's just an internal selection, so it's not worthwhile to fight until you get injured?

   As for the reason, Cheng Guodong vaguely guessed that it should be the time he asked for leave half a month ago, and the boy came back and said: We broke up, and the woman proposed to break up. What I was worried about before will not happen.

  What were you worried about before? The girl defended him no matter what, otherwise the fight would not be so easy to resolve, at least it would have been quiet for a year or two.

  The little girl helped him like this, if he turned around and turned his back on him, once he was poached by the media, the influence would definitely be bad. In the slightest, it will affect the results of this trial, and in the worst, it will affect his entire sports career.

  But since the other party proposed the breakup, even if it is exposed in the future, the impact will not be too great.

  Cheng Guodong must have considered it from his own standpoint.

  (end of this chapter)

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