The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 170: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (21)

  Chapter 170 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (21)

  Hearing what she said, Xu's father and Xu's mother mistakenly thought that she wanted to do business with the national team. She opened a farm and ranch, and the ingredients used by the national team in the future would be purchased from her.

  Father Xu felt sorry for his daughter: "How hard it is to start a farm! Or forget it, athletes have their own sources of food, just like our family. If you want to support, just sponsor some money."

  Mother Xu glared at him, knowing money and money all day long, he is a dignified state unit, is he short of your money? What people lack is safe food.

   Besides, it's rare for my daughter to have a dream that she wants to fulfill, so why stop her?

   "Mom supports you! It will also benefit the national athletes if it is done. It is a meaningful thing. If you are tired, hire a manager."

  Xu Yin opened her arms and hugged Xu's mother: "Thank you, Mom."

"Dad doesn't deserve your hug?" Father Xu looked at the mother and daughter sourly, and then pulled out a black card from his wallet, "Your mother only has spiritual support, look at your father and me, and give you material support. Here! Take the card! If it’s not enough, ask your mother for it.”

   "Why do you ask me to take it?"

   "Daughter-in-law, most of our family's money is in your hands."

  Xu Yin pursed her lips and smiled: "Dad, I have money. Did you forget? I'm eighteen, and the trust fund my grandfather set up for me will be able to receive it this year."

  The three plastic flowers only know that she has 50,000 pocket money per month, but they don't know that when she becomes an adult, she still has a trust fund of 10 million a year to receive.

   It's a pity that I don't know, otherwise I'm afraid it will be more licking, and I won't be able to solve it as smoothly as it is now.

   "Oh yes, then this card..."

  Father Xu pretended to take back the black card, but was patted by Mother Xu: "What? You want to take it back after you gave it to your daughter?"

  She snatched it away and stuffed it into Xu Yin's hand: "I have flowers, it's not enough to ask my mother."


  The next morning, Xu Yin lay lazily on the bed, thinking of kissing her boyfriend, and belatedly remembered that she seemed to have forgotten to say good night to him last night.

  Before leaving the ice rink, I made an appointment with him for the evening Telecom. Although that awkward guy didn't respond at all.

   Go downstairs and find the phone she forgot on the sofa.

After choosing the ingredients last night, I chatted with my parents for a while. This day, she was running around and excited, but she was actually quite tired. Just after ten o'clock in the evening, she started fighting and was pushed upstairs to sleep by Xu's mother. , actually left her dear boyfriend behind...

  Xu Yin poked open the address book with a guilty conscience, but found no boyfriend in the address book, she couldn't help but bewildered, what's going on? How come there is no contact information for him?

  Recalling the plot carefully...suddenly, she patted her forehead.

  Damn it! !

  The original body blocked him!

   Immediately clicked on the blacklist, and saw that he was indeed there, so let him out quickly.

   Then dial it.

   It rang twice and was pinched.

   Don't give up, keep dialing. Still pinched.

   I had to send a message instead:

  [Have you gotten up yet? Did you have a rest yesterday? ]

  [Why ignore me? Are you angry? ]

  [I chose the ingredients for a long time last night, I want to treat you well, and then I was dragged by my parents to chat for a while, I was too tired and fell asleep. I broke my promise, I am willing to gain three catties... No, it is better to be one catty... Or just three taels? ]

  [Hey, hey, boyfriend? Honey? Are you there? Are you there? ]

   After waiting for a long time, "the other party is typing" finally appeared, and after a while, three words popped up:

[in a meeting]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  You should have said earlier in the meeting, would it take seven or eight minutes to type three words?

  She looked up to the sky and sighed, awkward guy!

   Having said that, he didn't blackmail himself, and he was willing to give a three-word response, which is pretty good.

  Instead of me, before breaking up, I was insulted like I was demoted into the dust, and I was blocked when it was over, and now I came to show my affection, let alone three words, I was too lazy to accompany you.

  Zhao Xujin looked down at the phone, the screen turned black and bright, then black.

   Lu Hui, who was sitting next to him, came over: "What are you doing?"

  He put the phone back in his trouser pocket.

Lu Hui chuckled lightly: "Chatting with your girlfriend? Then continue! I don't know what you're talking about, so I'll just ask, are you really going to your girlfriend's vineyard tomorrow? Will her parents go there?" ? Have you two met your parents? Sigh, we will be separated after tomorrow, brothers, and you must say it when you have a wedding, my person and the red envelope will be there."

  Zhao Xujin's eyelashes trembled, and her body was a little stiff.

  Have a wedding?

   With her?

  At this moment, he didn't reject it.

  She seemed to be a different person, she was a different person from before, he couldn't tell the specifics, she still seemed to be very obsessive and a bit delicate, but it was different from before.

  He called home last night and told his dad that he had won the World Cup spot. His dad smiled happily and asked him if he was dating.

  He didn't know what to say, he was silent for a few seconds, and his father actually laughed:

"Is he white and clean, beautiful, and loves to smile? I guessed it was your partner at the time! Ordinary classmates would not go the other way to see me. Good boy! The important things in life have been settled, and the competition has also come to the fore. Both of you Great news for Xilinmen! Tomorrow, I’ll go buy a hanging whip and let it go to celebrate.”

   "Dad, what are you talking about?" He was at a loss.

"You guys still want to hide it from me, don't you? The National People's Congress came all the way to visit me at home and brought a lot of things to the door...By the way, you bought those things, right? There is also a sweeper that is similar to a radio and can listen to news and operas The little box is pretty good, why buy it for a dishwasher? You have so much money and no place to spend it? Then give it to me, I will save it for you, there will be more places to spend money in the future, don’t you need money to marry a wife? Don't you want money?..."

  Father Zhao talked a lot, and Zhao Xujin figured it out: "You said she went to see you at home? And brought a lot of things?"

"That's right! You don't know about this?" Father Zhao was stunned for a moment, "She said that you are in a closed training session, and there is an important game that you can't be distracted from. I'm afraid I will miss you, so come and see me for you. It's been a long time Did she come here by herself? Then she bought these things with her own money? I don’t mention it, you don’t know yet? Oh hello! How can there be such a sincere child? Boy, let me tell you, you will treat others better in the future It's hard to find such a good girl these days with lanterns on..."

Father Zhao patted his thigh to remind him, and when it was over, he remembered what happened that day, and said with lingering fear: "Son, thanks to your partner who came to see me that day, at the three-way intersection next to the vegetable market, there were people making trouble with knives that evening, and several people were almost chopped down. .If your partner hadn’t come, I was planning to buy a la carte when the sun went down that day. Thanks to your partner, he brought a lot of food and stewed rice and beef for me before leaving, so I didn’t go out... Now that I think about it, Your partner is really a lucky star."

   After finishing the phone call with her father, Zhao Xujin lay on the bed and thought: She has really changed, she has become completely different from before, as if... reborn.

  Thinking about it, I couldn't help but wait for her call, but after waiting for a long time, I didn't get the "telecom" she said. He called to tell him it was turned off, and then he couldn't sleep all night.

  It was not until the early morning that he dozed off in a daze, and was woken up by Lu Hui, saying that there was a meeting.

  He glanced at his phone at the time, but there was still no call from her. Little liar!

  He didn't know that there is a kind of shutdown in this world called pull black.

Author: three, three, three three, more monthly ticket ~~~ o (╥﹏╥) o

   In other words, it used to be quite useful to ask for a monthly pass at the second and third shifts occasionally, but recently I have tried my best to stay up every day and night, why doesn’t it work? I wonder...

   Third watch: If you do this again, you will lose me~╭(╯^╰)╮



  (end of this chapter)

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