The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 197: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (48)

  Chapter 197 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (48)

  The three-day World Championships was held in Seoul, the capital of Kimchi.

  There is no final on the opening day, but there are still quite a few spectators in the stadium, two-thirds of the seats are full.

  Kimchi Country audience waved their support sticks and banged vigorously.


   This is the lineup of the Huaguo sub-station of the last World Cup!

  Xu Yin was glad that she booked her ticket early and chose the VIP seat with the best view, otherwise she would have to shout to talk to her family.

   "Xiao Jin is out!"

  Mother Xu clapped her hands.

  Xu Yin quickly looked into the arena.

  Her boyfriend just raised his head, met her eyes from the air, and both of them smiled.

   It's just that Zhao Xujin's smile is relatively shallow, as if there is nothing there.

  Xu Yin sighed in her heart: It's a foul, Zhao Xiaojin, do you know that men smile like this is the most attractive!

  Domestic netizens can’t watch the scene this time. Very few people went to the scene. The main reason is that students have to go to school and social animals have to go to work. The main reason is that they are short of money, so they can only appreciate the demeanor of Xushen through online live broadcast.

   Seeing the freeze on the live broadcast, everyone is asking what's going on.

  [Xushen laughed! ]

  [He laughed, the network card is broken...]

  [My spirit has boundless charm! ]

  [Sit and wait to kill the Quartet! ]

  [Hey, the Kimchi Country audience is also watching Xushen? Why don't you look at the players from their own country! ]

  #病神一笑思汉城# Just like that, it became a hot search.

  Zhao Xujin doesn't need enthusiasm, he is the enthusiasm itself.

  The men's first event on the opening day is the 1500m heats, followed by the 500m qualifying.

  Zhao Xujin still applied for Almighty this time.

  During the World Cup, Lu Chengfeng rewarded him with the all-rounder, with the mentality of going there with the experience of the competition. This time, he has a clearer goal, which is to win the gold.

   After warming up, players from various countries stood on their respective tracks.

  The starting gun sounded, and the players rushed out of the starting line.

  Zhao Xujin's starting reaction was the fastest, but because the preliminaries were drawn by lottery, he was placed in the fifth lane, and temporarily ranked second after the start.

   Netizens are not worried, on the contrary they are very sure:

  [Believe in Xushen, the last order can be overtaken, and the second order is proper. ]

  [It’s okay if you don’t pass, it’s just the preliminaries, just advance. There are still 500 behind, so keep your strength. ]

  [If you can surpass it, you should surpass it. After all, the semi-finals will be determined by this ranking. ]

  [Xushen starts running fast, one, two, three things are almost the same for him. ]

  Netizens watched the game, listened to the commentary, and chatted enthusiastically.

  Xu Yin's gaze always followed the figure of her boyfriend.

  Suddenly, her pupils shrank slightly, and she stood up abruptly.

  Zhao Xujin fell, fell off the track, and hit the barrier hard.

  Xu Yin's whole body is not well: "Zhao Xujin—"

  Father Zhao and Father Xu and Mother Xu also stood up.

   "What's going on? Why did Xiao Jin fall? Did she get hit by someone behind?"

   "Look at the heavy fall, I don't know if anyone is safe..."

  Father Zhao turned pale with fright.

  On the field, Zhao Xujin was carried out of the field on a stretcher.

  Xu Yin couldn't calm down anymore: "I'll go and see!"

   Picked up the backpack and rushed out.

  Father Zhao followed behind, all worried.

   Netizens who watched the game online were all stunned, and they barked questions one after another:

  [Xushen fell? ]

  [It seems a little serious, the stretchers are here. ]

  [How could it fall? The front slides so smoothly, I can feel that he has pulled back his strength, wanting to go beyond the minute. ]

  [I didn't see it clearly, it seems that the players behind fouled, if so, Xushen can still judge the promotion. ]

  The commentator said firmly: "It can be awarded! No problem! Everyone wait for the replay."

   As soon as the replay came out, the netizens were furious.

[grass! Not to mention intentionally fouling, but still stepping on Xushen's feet? ]

  [Fuck! I really stepped on it! The position of the ankle is very dangerous. If it is not good, it will be broken. ]

  [My treasure is so trampled that he can’t stand up, woo woo woo…]

  [The kimchi country overthrew Xushen, the bullfighting country stepped on Xushen's feet, the **** did these two agree? ]

  [Their purpose is not simple, maybe it is to prevent Xushen from participating in all the next games. ]

  [Intentions are so **** sinister! ]

  [Xushen performed too well in the World Cup, they were afraid. ]

  [No, the host is mainly unable to get a gold medal, how embarrassing! ]



  Lu Chengfeng punched the wall hard.


  The other team members looked at him worriedly, and then at the closed door in the medical room.

  Zhao Xujin is taking CT inside.

  Lu Chengfeng closed his eyes and tried his best to calm himself down.

   "If you have a game next time, you can go to yourself, and if you have something to do, go to Coach Lin."

  He has to stay here.

   "Fang Kui and Bobo have already gone for inspection, we have no match for now."

  Lu Chengfeng didn't say anything more.

  At this moment, the door opened, and the nurse came out with a notebook and chattered.

  The translator told Lu Chengfeng.

  Hearing the word "bone fracture", Lu Chengfeng clenched his molars angrily, wishing he could rush to the arena and beat up the two players.

  The eyes of the players instantly turned red.

  Bone crack, it’s not much better than a broken bone.

   means to withdraw from the World Championships.

"Jingle Bell-"

  Lu Chengfeng's cell phone rang.

  He wiped his face and took it out to pick it up.

  Xu Yin didn't have a job card, so she couldn't get in, so she could only find Coach Lu.

   "Xiao Xu..." Lu Chengfeng hesitated to speak, a little ashamed of the athlete's family.

   "Coach, it's not very good, is it? Can I come in? I want to see him."

   "I'll send someone to pick you up."

  Lu Chengfeng asked Wang Zhongqi to pick her up.

  Zhao Xujin was temporarily placed in the ward of the infirmary, and Xu Yin entered the ward as soon as she arrived.

  Father Zhao wanted to follow in to see his son, but Father Xu grabbed him.

   "Let the young couple meet for a while."

  Xu Yin closed the door, walked lightly to his bedside, and held his hand distressedly: "Does it hurt?"


  Zhao Xujin shook her head.

   "You lied to me, it must hurt."

  Xu Yin wiped away her tears, and took out a bottle of potion from her bag.

  Zhao Xujin watched her movements: "The coach sprayed it on me."

   It was called a stretcher because his ankle bone was swollen.

  Coach Lu sprayed him with anti-swelling medicine at that time.

  But because it is caused by a bone fracture, light spraying of anti-inflammatory drugs is useless.

   "I'm different."

   As Xu Yin said, she unscrewed the cap of the bottle and sprayed it on his swollen ankle three times.

  The medicinal liquid gradually seeps into the skin, and it feels cool and comfortable.

  Zhao Xujin's taut heart relaxed accordingly.

   "If, I have a medicine that can make you recover in a short time, but the effect of the medicine will pass, and the injury may become more swollen..."

   "I want to try."

   Zhao Xujin answered before she finished speaking.

  Xu Yin sighed: "I knew you would choose this way."

  She took out a grass that seemed to be still covered with dew from her bag and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Zhao Xujin: "???"

   "Chew and swallow."

This is the spiritual herb she picked during her recuperation in the realm of comprehension. It lights up the picture of a herbal medicine in the "Illustrated Book of Chinese Herbal Medicine" called "Bone Rhizoma Rhizoma Rhizoma Rhizome" which has the functions of removing silt, rejuvenating bones, promoting muscle growth, and relaxing tendons. .

  If you can refine the elixir like a monk and then take it, the effect will be better, and the effect will be discounted if you take it directly. It's a pity that she doesn't know how to make alchemy.

   Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the non-cultivation world is thin, even if it is discounted, it is enough to heal the fractured ankle.

  (end of this chapter)

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