The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 301: The White Moonlight of the Surgeon (4) (Third Watch, Ask for the Moon

  Chapter 301 The White Moonlight of the Surgical Boss (4)

  While following Grandpa Xu to the house, Xu Yin accidentally bumped into a flower pot under the eaves.

"Oh, I forgot!" Grandpa Xu moved the flower pot to the side, "Drinking tea at your Grandpa Mao's house in the afternoon, a cat knocked over the pot of flowers and injured the roots. Your Grandpa Mao cried so much , Take a look and cry for a while, afraid that your grandma Mao will come back from relatives and scold him, I will help him take him home and raise him for a few days, and send him back if he is fed. But I think this flower probably cannot be kept alive! The cat's claws are so sharp that many of the roots have been scratched off..."


  【Ding—rescue the damaged purple iris, complete the task and reward energy points 50】

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Really dedicated! Tasks are assigned as soon as it goes online. Could it be that the system also has a bonus commission?

  The system is silent.

  Xu Yin took the potted flower from Grandpa Xu's arms: "Grandpa, let me try it!"

   "You know how to grow flowers? That's good, let Lao Mao buy you delicious food after you feed yourself."

  Xu Yin carried the flower pot into the house and checked the roots of the purple iris under the light.

  The roots of the purple iris are fragile, and the cat stepped on it, causing a lot of damage.

   I remember that there is still rooting powder in the system warehouse, which was exchanged with the system mall when planting herbs in the last small world.

  She took a glass of water, dissolved a pinch of rooting powder, and poured it on the roots of the flowers to see if it could be revived.

   While busy with this, Grandpa Xu asked her internship unit: "Is it implemented? Is it close to home? Do you want to go home? Grandpa will clean up the room for you."

  He asked this question before, but Yuan Bo was not happy.

  Xu’s old house is not a standard courtyard house. The yard in front of the house is only about ten square meters, and the courtyard walls on both sides are adjacent to other people’s houses, which looks very cramped.

   There are three old tile-roofed houses facing south, with a well and a vegetable field behind the house.

  Yuan didn’t like bungalows, not to mention the old-fashioned bungalows built in the 1970s and 1980s. The windows were still made of wood edges, so the floor-to-ceiling windows are not as bright and atmospheric.

   Therefore, she has been urging Grandpa Xu to sell this place to buy a commercial house in the city, but Grandpa Xu is unwilling to move because he thinks this is the ancestral house.

  Every time the grandpa and grandson talked about this topic, they would be unhappy.

  Xu Yin thinks this place is quite good.

  Hold Zi Iris to the shaded hall, change into slippers, go back to the house and put away the bag, and come to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles for herself.

   "Grandpa, I decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and I won't practice for now. I will move back home during this period, what do you think?"

   "Good for the postgraduate entrance examination! Good for the postgraduate entrance examination!" Grandpa Xu seemed a little flattered by her answer, and his mustache curled up with joy, "Go home and live! Grandpa promises not to disturb your review!"

   After she was happy, she found that she was cooking noodles: "Yinyin, didn't you say class reunion? Are you not full?"

   "..." is revealed.

  Changing the topic: "I met Auntie Manyue at the entrance of the alley. She said that you have been coughing a lot recently. Have you been to the hospital?"

"Hey, what are you doing with that money! I took the medicine formulated by Lao Maotou, isn't it already cured? I don't have a cough at all. It can be cured with a few dollars. Why go to the hospital? There are not many people in that place. A hundred dollars won’t come out.”

  Xu Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's better to suppress the cough. How can you treat the symptoms but not the root cause? What medicine do you take? Show me."

  Grandpa Xu showed his granddaughter the medicine that was just prepared in the morning.

  Xu Yin saw that it was Nacodin, but it didn't mean that she couldn't take it, but that the medicine was purely antitussive. She really didn't feel coughing within three or four hours of taking the medicine, but she still had to cough after the medicine wears off.

   "Tomorrow I will accompany you to the hospital."

"no, I'm fine."

   "You won't listen to me?"


  Grandpa Xu was afraid that if his granddaughter got angry, she would run out and not go home, so he quickly responded: "Okay, okay, go to the hospital."

  The grandpa and grandson chatted for a while about homework.

  Grandpa Xu hasn't chatted with his granddaughter like this for a long time, he was so happy that he was smiling.

  If Xu Yin didn't see the sky late, worried about disturbing his biological clock, and urged him to go to bed, he could still continue chatting.

  Xu Yin cleaned up the kitchen and went back to her room, completely relaxed.

  She untied her hair and loosened her scalp, then put her hands behind her head and lay on her back on the bed.

  Looking at the roof with rafters overhead, thinking about the rest of life.

  The social work major I originally studied is referred to as social worker, and my employment direction is mainly in the community. However, each community has strict quota control for admission. Let alone the original body is unwilling to work in the community, even if I am willing, it is not easy to get in.

  The reason why Wen Heting didn't take the postgraduate entrance examination was because his family was going to send him abroad. The news hadn't been released yet, so Yuanshen naturally didn't know about it.

   She was breaking the relationship between the two, kicking and hitting him hysterically, only then did she hear him say that he was going abroad, and then she realized that she had never existed in his plan.

  So, the first step to reverse the fate of cannon fodder: postgraduate entrance examination!

  What practice! The internship unit is run by his family, and the internship position is a front desk clerk.

   I only went to practice if I was stupid!

  Fortunately, the entry procedures for the internship have not yet been completed. When the front desk starts working tomorrow, just make a phone call and say no.

  Step 2: Return the rented house and move back home. When you meet in the future, treat them as strangers.

  As for how he and his sister-in-law are entangled and entangled, she is neither interested nor wants to know.

  Step 3: Try to keep the old house as much as possible, and give Grandpa Xu a good health care, so that he will be healthy in his later years.

  Ultimate goal: To hold on to one’s kidneys, to keep one’s legs, and to complete the tasks of this small world without missing any parts or damage.

  【Ding—cultivate one's body and cultivate one's character by planting flowers and plants, cultivating one's sentiments and having fun! Every time you sell a pot of flowers you grow, you will be rewarded with 50 energy points]

  【Ding—Plant a pot of flowers that amazes the world, complete reward energy points 5000】

  The system issued another task to her, and there are two more tasks attached.

   It didn't ding, Xu Yin didn't realize that the system was already online.

  Just now she was asked to save a pot of flowers, but this time she was assigned a long-term task of planting and selling flowers, and asked her to plant a pot of flowers that would amaze the world.

   In this small world, could it be that she was asked to be a flower farmer?

  Xu Yin didn't care about the task, so she logged in to the interface to check the settlement rewards of the previous small world.

  Energy point balance: 30000.

   Task progress bar: 14%.

   Maximum time ratio: 1400:1

  Currently possessed random skills:

  【Permanent divine power】

  [Floating Light and Misty Rain] (not activated yet)

  【Universal voice actor】

  【Concealment (non-permanent)】: There are 8 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

  【Avoid water】

  After reading it, Xu Yin was thoughtful.

  She seems to have understood the rules of the system's settlement rewards:

   It seems that the greater the contribution to the world, the greater the reward.

It’s like the last small world. Together with Li Yuanjin, she promoted high-yielding rice seeds, taught the breeding methods of rice flower fish and fish food recipes for free, and encouraged the local people to grow tea and herbal medicines, so that the people lived a prosperous life, so the rewards they received Much more than that of the actress.

   You can think about it carefully: it seems that it is not right! According to this, she made a lot of contributions in the 1980s-handed in a solar power blueprint, led the villagers to make a fortune, and the rewards she could get were not as much as the champion's ex-girlfriend.

  Thought I figured it out, but in the end I was still at a loss.

never mind! Anyway, if you don't be cannon fodder and work hard to complete the task, there will always be something to gain.

   Take your time, you will always wait until the day when the progress bar is full! Then you can return to reality and reunite with your family!

   After reading the settlement rewards, she went back to the task interface and looked at the main task.

  Planting flowers and plants for self-cultivation?

   Can the small kidney survive?

  Live and grow!

  The dog system made no sound, obviously escaping again.

  Xu Yin stroked her chin and thought about it, okay!

  Crops, melons and fruits, herbs, tea, she can become an expert, and flowers and plants can do what she wants.

   What's more, in Yan Chao's life, although he didn't have the task of planting flowers and plants, he grew many flowers out of interest.

  Experienced and confident, Xu · Little Farmer Yin is fearless!

  (end of this chapter)

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