The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 329: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (32)

  Chapter 329 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (32)

  As the end of the year approached, Xu Yin finally finished the first draft of the thesis and sent it to the instructor's mailbox.

   While waiting for the teacher's reply, she wore a newspaper hat, an apron, and sleeves, and started cleaning inside and out.

   "Yinyin, are you doing hygiene at home?"

  Grandma Mao came to the door with a basket of hand-ground rice cakes.

   "Here! My niece brought it from my natal family. They made new rice from home. I have a bad mouth with Lao Mao. How can I eat so much? I'll bring you some."

  Xu Yin quickly thanked her.

   "Thank you! Don't we have enough to eat from you? The chrysanthemum tea last time helped me a lot. My gums were so swollen that I couldn't sleep well for three nights. I drank chrysanthemum tea for two days and it's done!"

  Grandma Mao was happy while talking.

"By the way, Yinyin, the narcissus you gave me a few days ago bloomed, and it smells so good in the house! No, Mrs. He, do you know? Her grandson is getting married soon, so she asked me where I bought it and how many pots do I want? Put it in the wedding room to promote wealth and clean energy, if you still have some, you can sell her a few pots."

  Xu Yin said: "Yes, I can even out two pots. Since Grandma He's family is hosting a wedding, let me give it to her, add a happy event, and don't charge money!"

  Grandma Mao went back and talked to Mrs. He, and Mrs. He smiled from ear to ear. The next day, she sent two sets of wedding candy and wedding cakes.

   It happened that Gu Xijin came to see her girlfriend on vacation.

"Hey, Xixi is here? How time flies! In the blink of an eye, my grandson is getting married, and Xixi and Yinyin have grown into young men and girls. Come on! Eat some sweet sweets, hurry up and wait for tomorrow." Drink your wedding wine!"

   After Grandma He finished speaking, she walked away happily.

  Xu Yin saw that the gift box of the wedding cake was very cute and exquisite, like a work of art, she was reluctant to open it.

"Open it if you want to eat it." Gu Xijin opened the box of wedding cakes that Grandma He stuffed into his hand, handed it to her, and took advantage of the opportunity to sniff at the corner of her mouth, "Grandma He asked my heart, when will we drink our cake?" Wedding wine for the two of you?"

  Xu Yinjiong: "I haven't graduated yet!"

   "Graduate students can get married. There are a lot of graduate students in our school. There are two pairs of students..."

  Xu Yin gave him a funny look, and pushed him into the house: "You can deal with grandpa!"

   "Done what?"

  Grandpa Xu came back with a thermos.

  Since it was confirmed that Shijingfang Lane will not be moved, the old man is in a good mood, and his granddaughter cooks this soup and stews for him from time to time, her face is ruddy and full of energy. Unlike previous years, I fell ill every winter and had to be hospitalized in severe cases.

   "It's nothing." Xu Yin changed the subject, "Grandpa, just now Grandma He sent wedding candies and cakes. See what you like, try it."

   "This is what you young people like, but I don't like it. Is Xixi on vacation?"

   "Just played."

   "Well, your grandpa said that we should find an auspicious day for our family to have a meal together. It would be best for your parents to come over if they are free. If they are not free, forget it."

  This is tantamount to putting the two children's lifelong event on the table - they are going to meet their parents.

   This was exactly what Gu Xijin wanted.

  There was a smile on his clear and handsome face: "All according to grandpa's arrangement, my parents will definitely come."

   After Grandpa Xu finished speaking, he went to the backyard to pick vegetables.

  Xu Yin looked at her boyfriend: "So happy?"

"Of course." Gu Xijin wrapped her little hands in her big ones to keep her warm, and the smile on her lips never stopped, "My parents already know about us. Even if grandpa doesn't arrange, they are going to find someone It's time, please come to my house for dinner."

   "Did you tell them?"

   "I'm no use, grandpa's mouth is much faster than mine."

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing, and then she felt a little nervous: "Are your parents easy to get along with?"

  Actually, what she wants to ask is whether the mother-in-law is easy to get along with.

  In the small world she has experienced, it seems that she has never gotten along with her mother-in-law seriously.

  Either status relationship, no need to live together; or die young, no chance to meet each other.

  This is the first time I see my mother-in-law...

  Since ancient times, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been enemies. Xu Yin couldn't help asking: "If we really get married in the future, if there is a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who will you help?"

  Gu Xijin lightly gave her a headache: "What do you mean 'really married? Are you still planning to give up all the time?"

   "Forget that I said something wrong." She rubbed her forehead and gave him an angry look, "But you haven't answered yet. If I have a conflict with your mother, who will you help? Don't fail to answer!"

Gu Xijin thought about it seriously, and said: "After we get married, we must live separately from our parents. Generally speaking, conflicts are not likely to occur. If there is a conflict, there must be a reason. I will find a way to resolve it. I will never get along with you." Thin mud. Take a step back, if you really encounter irreconcilable conflicts, I will accompany you, you just trust me. No matter what happens, I hope you can open your heart and tell me, let me solve it, It’s fine to confide in me, even if you treat me like a tree hole, don’t be bored in your heart, huh?”

   "Okay, you pass the test!" Xu Yin was quite satisfied with the answer he submitted.

   "Is there any reward for passing the level?"

"do not have!"



  Grandpa Xu came back from the backyard with a basket of vegetables. He couldn't bear to look at the two of them so affectionately: "It's almost there. If you get bored, do you still have dinner?"



  Grandpa Xu picked two days, took them to discuss with Gu Lao, and finally decided on Xiaonian.

   It happened to be Sunday, and Gu's father and Gu's mother were resting at home.

  Father Gu is quite satisfied with Xu Yin. Among other things, at least they are doing well in their studies. According to my son, the possibility of graduate students being admitted to Huada University is very high. After that, both husband and wife will be high-achieving students of Huada University, and the IQ of their grandchildren will not be far behind.

  Mother Gu was very happy at first, her son has someone he likes, and it is a good thing that he is one step closer to starting a family. She even urged her son to bring the girl home.

   It wasn’t until yesterday that my father-in-law talked about the Xu family’s situation on the phone that I learned that the other’s parents were divorced. I lived with Mr. Xu since I was a child, and I was a little disgusted by this:

"Children raised in this kind of original family have more or less personality problems, so let's forget about it. Xixi's conditions are not bad. On the contrary, many people in our unit are rushing to introduce him to a partner. Why bother? Such a family…”

Gu's father reminded her: "When I see Uncle Xu in a while, you must not show the expression you have now. Dad and Uncle Xu have been friends for decades, and the two young ones look at each other. Don't jump out and find trouble. "

   "What do you mean I'm not looking for trouble? Aren't I worried about Xixi? Oh, you haven't entered the door yet, and you two are facing her. When you enter the door later, will there still be my place?"

   Father Gu sighed: "You think too much."

"I didn't think too much about it!" Gu's mother poked her neck and argued, "If her family is harmonious and her parents love their children like us, I will hire her to marry without saying a word, but look at her home, her parents divorced and each formed a new marriage. No one in the family wants her. A child raised in this kind of environment will have no character flaws? Will there be no psychological problems? I don’t believe it! The signs - pinch it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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