The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 335: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (38)

  Chapter 335 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (38)

  The boys headed by the branch secretary ordered Chef Zhou next to the school.

  Although it is not a star-rated restaurant, it has a good reputation, and it is also on the list of restaurants with local characteristics in Yanjing. Many tourists who come to Yanjing from other places come here to eat because of the name.

   No advance reservation, and there may not be a box.

  Around five o'clock, Xu Yin went to the restaurant together with single girls such as Lu Rongrong and Jiang Yuanyuan, talking and laughing.

   Gu Xijin sent a message saying that she is on the way.

  Xu Yin forwarded to him the box number posted by the boy in the group, and told him to drive carefully and not to pay attention to the mobile phone all the time.

   "Yin Yin!"

  As soon as she left the school gate, she heard someone calling her.

  Looking back, this is... Yuanshen's mother?

   "Your grandfather refused to give me your phone number, so he came to the school to look for you. What a coincidence, go to dinner with classmates? Mom, how about it?"

  Yao Yuzhu warmly greeted her.

  At the age of forty, he has been well maintained these years, and he is only in his early thirties, and with the boldness and enthusiasm from the business world, it is easy to make people feel good.

   No, Lu Rongrong, Jiang Yuanyuan and others immediately called her auntie, and said that they would have dinner with their classmates tonight.

   "Graduation dinner? That's what it should be! Let's go! Take your aunt with you, and the aunt treats you!"

  Xu Yin couldn't figure out the intention of her move, and the plot of the original book didn't come out like this.

   then declined flatly: "No need, you must be very busy, so I won't waste your precious time."

   "This is no delay! Mom hasn't had dinner with you for a long time, and mom is very happy."

  Xu Yin took a deep look at her, told Lu Rongrong and the others to leave first, and then asked Yao Yuzhu: "If you have anything to say, just speak up! Don't beat around the bush, I feel uncomfortable when you say it."

   "Why are you talking to your mother like this?" Yao Yuzhu was so angry that her chest heaved up and down, "It seems that your grandpa has really spoiled him, so I said he is an old man and can't take care of children..."

   "I have something to talk about, and I'm leaving if I have nothing to do."

"Wait!" Yao Yuzhu tried her best not to get angry, and said in a soft voice as much as possible, "Yinyin, you graduated this year, and now it's not easy to get a job as an undergraduate. Mom has been worrying about you. No, I met you a few days ago. I met a business partner. Her son is seven years older than you. He has a successful career, is handsome, and is very considerate in dealing with people and things. Mom made an appointment for you. You two will meet. If it suits you, get married early It's not worse than finding a job, is it? They are a real wealthy family, much richer than their mother. If you get married, you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life..."

   "So good? Why don't you marry?" Xu Yin yelled at her, "No matter how bad it is, don't you still have a daughter?"

   "What's the matter with you? Why are you talking so aggressively now!" Yao Yuzhu was furious, "I'm your mother! Zhizhi is your younger sister, she's still so young, why are you still thinking about her?"

  Xu Yin's tone was cool: "Oh, you also admit that you are trying to trick me?"

   "..." Yao Yuzhu took a deep breath, "I didn't! I really think the Li family is pretty good, and marrying is a blessing, otherwise my mother wouldn't come here to tell you how many girls you want to marry outside..."

   "Then let them marry, I'm not interested." After speaking, Xu Yin turned and left.


  Yao Yuzhu rushed up to drag her anxiously, but Xu Yin dodged her.

"I advise you not to think of me." Xu Yin looked at her coldly, "I can guess your purpose, it is nothing more than begging the other party to do business, so you want to give me to the other party's son. To achieve your own interests. What is the difference between your behavior and those ancient feudal parents who sent their daughters to the palace for the sake of power?"

  Yao Yuzhu was poked in the center of her mind, and stared at her blankly for a while.


  Gu Xijin parked the car, but she didn't see her girlfriend in the private room. When she came out to wait for her, she ran into Lu Rongrong and her group. They said that her girlfriend's mother was looking for her, and she was talking at the school gate, so she ran over.

   "It's over, let's go." Xu Yin held his hand.

"You have a boyfriend? That's why you don't accept my mother's kindness?" Yao Yuzhu suddenly realized, "I said, you child, why are you so hot-tempered! But my mother is really looking out for you! My mother can understand when you talk about friends in college. But just graduated like you, how can I give you a stable and comfortable life, the Li family is different..."

  Xu Yin didn't want to listen to a word, so she dragged her boyfriend across the road to Chef Zhou.

  Yao Yuzhu wanted to catch up, but when the red light came on, she stomped her feet angrily. This daughter is mad at her!

  I made an agreement with Mrs. Li, let the two children meet first, as long as Xu Yin has the means and ability to win Li Jiajun's heart away from the bar girl, I will give her five points.

  Yao Yuzhu was quite confident about her eldest daughter's appearance, so she agreed without further ado.

   I didn't expect this dead girl... I'm really mad at her! Fortunately, she pays her living expenses on time every month, and she won't pay a penny tomorrow. Let's see what she does!

  Xu Yin figured out what Yuanshen's mother intended. She thought it was for her career, and planned to marry her daughter to a client's son who would help her in her career.

  The reason why the original book didn't come out is because at this time in the book, the original body has already lost his kidney and broken his leg, and has no use value, so it's no wonder that Yao Yuzhu will appear.

   Seeing that she was silent, Gu Xijin glanced at her thoughtfully: "Is your mother introducing someone to you?"

   "Then what is called a partner, it's similar to selling a girl for glory." Xu Yin snorted, looked up at her boyfriend, and suddenly a thought came into her mind, and she blurted out, "Why don't we get married?"

   "Seriously?" He asked with burning eyes.

   Before Xu Yin could speak, he held her hand tightly, turned and walked out.

"where to?"


  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't you check what time is it? It's getting dark, and the Civil Affairs Bureau has already left work."

   This pulled people back.

  In the box, everyone is already seated.

  Seeing Xu Yin bringing her family members in, they booed one after another: "Yuanhua, why don't you introduce me?"

  Introduction is the introduction, so you want to see her blush? I can't help but underestimate her.

  Xu Yin generously pushed her boyfriend forward: "My boyfriend, Gu Xijin."


   Someone whistled.

  Everyone roared with laughter.

   It's all been trending in the newspapers, who doesn't know, just teasing her.

  Gu Xijin smiled: "She is thin-skinned, so ask me if you want to know anything."

   There are really people who are not afraid of death and ask: "Brother, how did you win the courtyard flower?"

  Gu Xijin thought for a while and said, "The initiative has always been in her hands."


  Boys booed, girls laughed.

   It was a lively meal.

   After eating, move to the KTV not far from Chef Zhou.

  Xu Yin can't sing, and when she came out to breathe, she was dragged into the empty box next door by her boyfriend.

   "Go to collect the certificate tomorrow? Huh?"

   "Are you still thinking about this?" Xu Yin laughed.

   "Could it be that you are talking about it?" His face was contorted: "Yinbao, it is a virtue to keep what you say."

   "Pfft..." Xu Yin put her arms around his neck, "I didn't say I regretted it."

   "Then go to line up early tomorrow morning." As he said, his lips pressed against hers.

  At this time, the door of the box was pushed open, and a boy who looked like a high school student rushed in first. Seeing them, he was so scared that he quickly backed out: "It's over, it's over, it's the wrong bird, and it broke someone's good deed..."


   You are right! This is your box!

  (end of this chapter)

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