The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 358: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (17)

  If it is said that Kahn and his two harvests these days can be described as full, then her ten days, it is simply that Feng Sheng opened the door for Feng Sheng—Feng Sheng has reached home.

  Except that on the first day, I only dived halfway, caught a few big lobsters, collected a wave of grouper, and came up. After that, I went down to the bottom of the sea every day to collect what I saw.

  Exquisite abalone, sea cucumber, and scallops that can be used as ingredients; coral stones and starfish stones that can be used as artworks; lucky enough to meet a group of salmon, yellow croaker, and tuna... It was a joy to harvest.

  Of course, there are many unknown fish and shellfish species, and I didn’t let them go.

  She doesn't know each other, maybe Simon and the others do.

  [Water Avoidance] skills make her feel like a fish in water in the sea, and she is invincible.

  Xu Yin spends half a day scouring the sea for seafood every day, and in the afternoon, she takes her two children to dry fish and dried shrimps and stock up a batch of food for the cold season.

  In the evening, Kahn and Monkey went to catch the sea as usual, and she went to water the oil palm trees and give them some ecological fertilizer by the way.

  I hope to see them grow taller and stronger next time, and can support a unique landscape of the saltwater lake.

   "Kane, Monkey, let's go to the Insect Beast Forest tomorrow!"

   "Okay." Monkey replied.

   "Okay!" Kahn was overjoyed, "Brother Hero, let's dig up the black bumps like last time?"

  He was talking about black truffles.

  During the cold season, Xu Yin made him stewed noodles with black truffle mushrooms and fried black truffle slices several times, which made the boy's mouth water with oil, and he yelled to dig it next time.

   Reached an agreement, the three of them put away their tents without further delay, and set off for the Insect Beast Forest.

  In fact, with Xu Yin around, Kahn is not as afraid of the Insect Beast Forest as he was in previous years. What is there to be afraid of when a huge beast like the one last time was strangled to death by the heroic brother?

  Monkey came with his father, but it was only on the periphery, and he never encountered any danger or fear.

  The three-person combination, one relying on art and courage, and two newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, excitedly headed towards the insect forest.

   Just arrived at the outskirts of the forest, before Simon and the others joined them, they heard a sharp bird song.

  Someone ran out of the forest in a panic: "Oh my god! These two-legged beasts are crazy!"

   "Pei Keqi!"

   "Pei Keqi!"

  Monch and Kahn recognized each other and greeted him.

   "What happened in the woods?"

   "Oh, it's Monkey and Kahn, you two came hunting with the hero brothers? I wanted to catch a two-legged worm to cook potatoes for, but I didn't catch it, and instead I was chased by it all the way."

   Pei Keqi said, scratching his head, brushing out a handful of hair, howling in frustration:

   "Ah! My hair! This **** twolegged beast!"

  Xu Yin heard that these two-legged insects looked a bit like pheasants. Thinking of pheasants stewed with mushrooms, she got greedy and asked Kahn if it was difficult to catch.

  "It's not hard to catch, but it's very fierce. If you are not careful, you will be hurt by it."

   "Brother Heroes want to catch the two-legged insect? I'll lead you there!" Pei Keqi volunteered.

  I have long wanted to see Xu Yingxiong's skills.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  What is the reason for this excited look?

   Seeing the pheasant, Xu Yin couldn't care less about Pei Keqi's eyes, her own eyes were as bright as the stars in the dark night.

   This pheasant is bigger than any pheasant she has seen before, but it does not prevent it from being a pheasant, a pheasant with stewed mushrooms that is extremely delicious!

   told Monkey: "Take Kahn away!"

  Monkey obediently pulled Carn back behind the big tree.

   Kahn hugged the tree trunk and poked his head out, wanting to see how Xu Yin would catch the two-legged insect.

  Xu Yin first sprinkled a few handfuls of wheat bran mixed with vegetable cake scraps on the open space.

   Soon, the pheasant ran over cooing, lowered its head and picked up food.

  Xu Yin was lying on the cat, and was about to grab it, when she suddenly saw it raised its head and made two cooing sounds in a certain direction, as if it was calling for something.

   After a while, more than a dozen pheasants of different sizes came out from nowhere and rushed over to peck.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  How do you do this?

  Even if the sharp hand catches one of them, the rest rushes to yell at her, the pain is unbearable, don't they have to let go?

  Pei Keqi was very excited, so many two-legged beasts?

   kept urging Xu Yin: "Brother, hurry up! Catch them all in one go! A dozen of them are enough for you to eat for a cold season!"

  Xu Yin was speechless: How can I kill them all? It's almost the same if they come to a net to collect them.

  Thinking about it this way, hey, there seems to be a net in the system warehouse, which was used for fishing in the past.

  Xu Yin found it, and handed one end to Pei Keqi: "I'll give you two later."

   Can you get two two-legged worms just by doing a favor?

   This made Pei Keqi, who had been busy all morning and not only got nothing, but also had a pile of hair plucked off, smiled blindly: "Brother, you are too polite."

  Xu Yin signaled him not to move around, and firmly held the corner of the net, just stand here, and she will do the rest.

  Xu Yin quietly walked around behind the pheasant flock, sprinkled wheat bran along the way, and the pheasant flock pecked and walked towards her opened net.

  When they all gathered under the net to concentrate on pecking at the wheat bran, Xu Yin slammed the net down.



  The group of pheasants, tempted by the delicious food, reacted now, flapping their wings and struggling desperately.

  But he couldn't get rid of Xu Yin, a strong man, and was finally trapped in the net.

  Kan and Monkey happily ran out from behind the tree:

   "Brother Hero, you are amazing! Two-legged worms are harder to hunt than four-legged worms, because they can fly, and if you don't pay attention, they will escape and chase you endlessly."

   "That's right! Brother Hero, you are amazing!"

Pei Keqi nodded as well: "Indeed! The two-legged worm is too difficult to catch! But the stewed soup is delicious. I was lucky enough to catch it once before, and it was really delicious! I have never tasted anything more delicious than this." Fresh soup."

  After what he said, Xu Yin carefully observed the caught pheasants, ho! It turned out that it was not an ordinary pheasant, but a flying dragon!

  When the old saying describes rare and delicious ingredients, it will mention "donkey meat on the ground, dragon meat in the sky", and this dragon meat refers to the flying dragon and bird.

  As a high-quality soup ingredient, Feilong does not need to add any condiments, just stew it, and it will fill the room with fragrance. Its meat is white and tender, and its taste is extraordinary.

  Thinking of this, Xu Yin, the invisible foodie, simply lit a fire on the spot, and asked Monkey to take Kahn to the stream to wash mushrooms, while she burned a pot of hot water to scald chicken feathers.

  After the flying dragon and bird were cleaned up, they stewed a pot of delicious soup with the mushrooms. Fearing that it would not be enough, they threw a few sweet potatoes into the fire to start today's lunch in advance.

   After eating and drinking, Pei Keqi leaned comfortably on the tree trunk: "This is the most satisfying meal I have eaten in Exile Star, thank you Brother Hero. What are your plans for the future? Why don't I follow you?"

  Kan gave him a disgusted look: "You want to take advantage of Brother Hero's cooking?"

   Being pointed out by a word, Pei Keqi was not embarrassed, he laughed and said: "That's right! Will you give me a hand? If you have any work, you can leave it to me to do it."

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