The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 366: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (25)

  Autumn goes to winter, winter goes to spring, and the seasons change.

  Xu Yin led the exiles on the planet, working at sunrise and resting at sunset, building this beautiful new home bit by bit.

  The residential area, farming area, and workshop area are well planned.

  The workshop area has now added a sugar factory, a vinegar factory, and a bean paste factory under construction.

  In short, this continent is being built more and more like a mature inhabited planet.

  During the period, of course, unpleasant things happened.

  For example, the new exiles make trouble and sabotage. This is not a big problem. According to the original method, first use force to deter, and then use natural ingredients to lure. The superimposed use of big sticks and carrots presents a perfect 1+1>2 effect.

   What troubled Xu Yin the most were those trivial matters.

  There are more males and fewer females in exile, so they should be focusing on infrastructure, but they also quarrel every day?

  It can be seen that trivial matters and preoccupation have nothing to do with male and female gender.

  Xu Yin couldn't help thinking: Is it because she is satisfied with food, but she is still relatively empty in spirit, which is why she often has quarrels? It seems to be free!

After discussing with Simon, she decided to set up a stage by the beautiful Kenghuan Lake surrounded by fruit trees, and asked everyone to prepare a show every week, singing, dancing and telling jokes. It doesn't matter whether it's a single show, a double show or a multiplayer show. Everyone provides a place for entertainment.

  But everyone is required to participate, and the next batch of natural food seeds that do not participate will not be shared.

   In this way, even if it is the slack season or the cold season, everyone will have something to do, and will not be full and full of quarrels and fights all day long over trivial matters.

   But since everyone participated, Xu Yin, an advocate, couldn't escape.

   This makes her worry, singing out of tune, dancing stiffly, telling jokes, if the audience didn’t laugh, she laughed first... Once in a while is okay, who can bear it if you come here every week.

  She felt that she had dug a big hole for herself.

   Or, sneak away?

   At this moment, God sent her an excellent opportunity.

  Before the cold season of this year, Simon assembled a team as usual to hunt insects and beasts.

  With the operation of the oil mill, a lot of oil palm pomace and vegetable cake residues have been stockpiled. In addition to composting, Xu Yin also made some fish food and bait. It's so delicious that people want to eat it, not to mention those little beasts.

  When Simon and the others went hunting in the Insect Beast Forest, they brought a pack, trying to see if they could hunt more Insect Beasts.

   "Brother Hero, what about us? When are we leaving?"

  Kahn is eager to try.

  Monkey has been hunting with his father in the Insect Beast Forest for the past two years.

   Kahn, who has no playmates, often follows Xu Yin to go fishing in saltwater lakes to dry seafood and go to insect forests to pick mushrooms.

  Xu Yin originally wanted to lie flat and think about the matter of slipping away.

  Furthermore, since she came here, she hasn't fully appreciated the autumn fields and enjoyed the laziness before winter.

  However, when Kahn reminded her, thinking of so many big and fat fish, shrimps and crabs in the sea, so many high-quality herbs and blossoming mushrooms that could be high-quality goods waiting for her in the forest, she couldn't help but want to move around.

  Finally set off excitedly.

  Xu·Dianhuo·Yin is always on the road.

   First go to stock up on a wave of seafood, and then go to the Insect Beast Forest to shop for treasures. Xu Yin and Kahn have a perfect and comprehensive plan.

  However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

  The two of them had just stockpiled a wave of delicious seafood from the saltwater lake, and hurried to the outskirts of the Insect Beast Forest, when they saw Simon and his party rushing out of the forest in a panic.

  Seeing the two of them, he shouted hoarsely, telling them to turn around: "Run! Run quickly! A worm has come out."

  Kan was quite puzzled: "The worm beast is here? Isn't that just right for hunting?"

   "It's not just one or two, it's several groups!" Kaxiu expressed his headache to this brother who is addicted to hoarding.

Hearing what his brother said, Kahn overcame his addiction to hoarding goods rationally, and hurriedly dragged Xu Yin to turn around and run away: "Several groups? Then what are you waiting for! If you are overtaken, you will not be trampled into flesh! Brother hero, run away!" !"

  Compared to worms and beasts, life must be more important.

  The group of people walked quickly for a while, and when they turned around and saw that the worm hadn't caught up, they stopped breathing heavily.

  After Xu Yin's heartbeat calmed down, she gave everyone a big and sweet Fengshui pear to replenish water, and asked Simon while gnawing:

   "Why are there so many worms and beasts fleeing collectively? You shouldn't be alarmed, right?"

  Simon blushed: "Maybe I accidentally sprinkled too much bait when I sprinkled it. The nearby insects and beasts all surrounded me. I wonder if they smelled the bait on my hand and chased us out."

   "Bait? Is it the one prepared by the hero brother? The one that the two-legged beast likes?" Kahn asked.


  Xu Yin: "..."

   Co-author or her fault?

   "Uncle Simon, how much did you sprinkle?" Kahn asked Xu Yin's question.

  Simon covered his old face: "I accidentally tore the bait bag, and there is only so much left in the whole bag..."

  He took out the bait bag in his trouser pocket, opened it, and there was only a shallow bottom of the bag inside.

  Xu Yin was speechless.

   There is only so much left, why not just throw away the bag together, and don’t end up being hunted down by an army of worms and beasts.

   Maybe it was the bag that was hidden on the body and they smelled the fragrance, so they chased it all the way.

  Fortunately, the outskirts of the forest were empty, and the smell dissipated quickly when the autumn wind blew, and the worms and beasts withdrew without smelling the smell.

   "So that's what happened..."

  After listening to Xu Yin's analysis, Simon scratched his head with a silly smile.

   "Then if we go back now, we should be able to hunt a lot of lone insects, right?" Kaxiu suggested.

   Others also looked eager to try.

  Everyone wanted to try it, so Xu Yin let them go.

   When the results arrived, the scene in front of them left everyone dumbfounded.

   "This... this is the big-mouthed diretooth hiding in the mud? How did it come out?"

   This is the king of the core area of ​​the Insect Beast Forest.

   Not only did it come out, looking at its stomach, it seemed that it had swallowed several horned worms chewing on bait, and it burst its stomach.

   A large group of beasts died and were injured.

   And this big-mouthed dire-tooth monster, which was once called the scariest existence in the core area of ​​the Insect Beast Forest by the old people here, died because of its gluttony...

   It was the first time Xu Yin saw a big crocodile that strangled her to death.

   It's just... very fantasy.

   Not only that, behind this huge crocodile, there is a long ditch dragged out by its huge body like a hill.

  The water in the swamp lake is now slowly flowing along the ditch to the outskirts of the forest, unexpectedly forming a small swirling lake here.

   You can even see the freshwater fish and shrimps brought out by the current to the new environment and keep jumping and bouncing.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   A sentence suddenly popped up in my mind: life is glorious, death is great!

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