The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 388: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (19)

  Xu Sang thought it was a bit absurd, but after thinking about it carefully, her parents' considerations were correct.

  So he thought that the second sister recruited the son-in-law for the sake of the family.

  I felt as if I had knocked over the five-flavored bottle, and I always felt that I owed my second sister.

   "Second Sister, I remember everything you have done!" Xu Sang held Xu Yin's hand and said solemnly, "Don't worry, Sister will definitely pick a good young man for you!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

no! Are you misunderstanding something?


  Xu Sang came here this time, in addition to sending a piece of meat to her mother’s house, and helping her parents wash and wash, but she didn’t need her for cooking and washing.

   "Second sister, I brought vegetable seeds over here. I'll loosen the ground in a while and plant some summer vegetables, which will be ready to eat in two months."

   "What use are you for!" Chen Huilan said happily, "Your second sister took care of the private plot well."

  People who passed by her family's private land recently came to ask her how the private land is taken care of, especially the pumpkin patch in the corner.

   No, someone asked her again today.

"Yinyin, my sister-in-law Chunhua asked me to ask, where did our pumpkin seeds come from? The pumpkins in her family only bloomed after fruiting so quickly. If you have many pumpkin seeds, give her a few, and she will take the winter melon seeds. Change it with us."

  When Chen Huilan thinks of pumpkin, she inevitably thinks of the fear of being dominated by pumpkin for three meals a day when she is hungry. Compared with the two sides, she would rather eat winter melon.

   Stewed winter melon with soy sauce, somewhat like braised pork.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  This is the difference between pumpkin seeds.

   Mainly the soil!

  The soil of Taoyuan star, here, still retains the function of soil.

   Followed by fertilizer.

  The ecological fertilizer she retting has a miraculous effect on the growth of melons and fruits.

  The two-pronged approach caused these pumpkins to grow slowly as if they had been sprayed with a growing agent.

  According to this time point, the pumpkins are still in flowering period, but the pumpkins in her family have not only grown, but are as big as pears. At this rate, it will be on the dinner table next month.

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "The seeds are ordinary pumpkin seeds, probably because of the fertilizer."

   Just in time, there is still a lot of fertilizer left from the last batch, so Xu Yin asked Xu Sang to pick some back.

  She asked Chen Lei to bring a bucket back a few days ago, as a reward for the load of dung he sent.

  Xu Sang came with a bamboo basket and carried a load when he left.

  When I got home, I thumped my shoulders, and it was quite heavy.

   Zhou Yongjun heard the opening of the courtyard door, and came out to see that his daughter-in-law had returned from her natal home.

   "Why did you pick up a deputy to come back?"

"This bucket is Yin Yin's retting fertilizer. She said it was very fertile, so I picked some back. In this basket are the mushrooms she dried, and there are some dried vegetables and bamboo shoots. I don't want it, she insists on stuffing it for me. "

  Zhou Yongjun raised his eyebrows.

  His impression of Xu Yin, his sister-in-law, is not very good. I didn't expect to see such a big change after half a year.

   Not only did he give up the extra income of the matchbox, but he also knew how to return gifts.


   "Daughter-in-law, it's fat and heavy. It's not like our family doesn't have one. Why did you pick it up?"

   "Second sister's heart, she said this is full of fat."

  The couple directly took the fertilizer to the private plot before going to work, and applied it in a good proportion.

  In addition to the private land of the family, the land returned to Zhou's grandparents was also allocated.

  A few days later, Xu Sang was surprised to find that in the newly planted vegetable field, the cabbage and leeks smoked very quickly, the cabbage was juicy, and the leeks were tall and straight.

   "I'll ask my second sister soon, why is she so fat, this dish looks really good!"

  Not only Xu Sang was pleasantly surprised, but Chen Leiniang was also surprised at her own vegetable field. The cabbage was planted only ten days ago, but it can be eaten by pinching it. It must have grown too fast.

   "Lei Zi, what did you pour into the ground?"

   "I didn't pour anything!"

Chen Lei, who came back from work, was puzzled by his mother's question, and it took him a long time to remember: "Oh, mother, you mean the vegetable field? Xu Yin gave me a bucket of retting fertilizer. I think her vegetable field has been fertilized." She is fat and grows very fast, don’t you always mutter that there is no food to eat recently? I will put it on when I bring it back.”

   "Xu Yin? The second daughter of Xu's third family? Why did she give you fat for no reason? Could it be that she wants you to be her son-in-law?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Lei Niang suddenly raised her voice and shouted:

   "I don't allow it! Even if our family has too many sons to be moldy, you are not allowed to invert the door!"

   What's more, there are only two sons in total, Chen Lei Niang absolutely does not allow this kind of thing to happen.

   "Mom, where did you go!" Chen Lei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "She just returned the dung I picked up last time."

  Chen Leixin said: I want to get in the door backwards, but people still look down on me. People want to find someone who is good-looking. Don't you and dad know what I look like?

  But he only dared to complain in his heart, and never dared to be bald, otherwise his mother would definitely cover his head with a feces bucket in a murderous manner.

  If he dares to be bald, her mother can definitely do the thing of putting on a manure bucket, and it's not like she hasn't done it before.

  Such a tough woman, how did his father fall in love with it?

  Chen Leiniang is still thinking about what her son said just now: "Why do you want her to return the excrement you picked? When did you pick up the excrement for others?"

  Suddenly she remembered something—

   "Is it the time you stole two barrels of feces from your house and gave them to someone last month? You gave Xu Laosan's second daughter? Why?"

"I lost the bet with her!" Chen Lei walked into the room angrily, "Didn't you also hear about the bet I made with her? I lost and she won. She has no other demands, only let me Help her pick two buckets of manure, a man, I am willing to bet, but I can’t go to her toilet to pick it up? Her parents saw me and thought I was going to steal her manure, so I picked two buckets from our house. I didn't expect that she was quite generous and refused to ask for it in vain. After retting the fat, she asked me to pick two buckets and come back..."

   Chen Lei Niang realized the cause and effect, and chased her son with a broom and beat her a few times:

   "Since that's the case, why don't you just tell me? You have to keep it a secret! I was so angry that I didn't sleep well for three days..."

   My heart hurts so much!

Chen Leidong skipped to avoid his mother's broom and waited: "Oh, who would have thought that she would pay me back the fat. If I don't pay back, won't you still feel heartbroken? Maybe I will go to someone's house to scold me, I don't want to lose face! "

  Chen Lei Niang: "..."

  It is really possible.

   "Speaking of which, why did Xu Yin make fat? It's more effective than your father's fat. Look at this batch of vegetables. It only takes a little over ten days to eat..."

  Chen Leiniang was itchy, and wanted to go to Xu's house to ask Xu Yin how she got fat.

   But she was also worried that what if she got close to Mr. Xu's family and was targeted by Mr. Xu for her youngest son, what would she do if she turned around and made him his son-in-law? Wouldn't it be worth the candle?

  Thinking about it this way, Chen Lei Niang refrained from going to Xu's house.

   Not only Chen Lei Niang, but other villagers who have seen the Xu family's private land are also wondering how the fertilizer is made. The vegetables grow so well after being irrigated with this fertilizer.

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