The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 420: Fake daughter retired from the ring to farm (2)

  Seeing that Xu Yin really pushed a suitcase down, as if she wanted to go back to her biological parents' house, Mrs. Xu clutched her chest in displeasure and said:

"Yinyin, don't make trouble! Didn't Mom already tell you? Our family can't afford to have many children. Isn't it good for you and Yueyue to be sisters? You help her, she helps you... "

  Xu Yue echoed timidly: "Yes, Yinyin, my mother told me that I would like to be your sister."

   "But I don't want to." Xu Yin glanced at her indifferently, "If there is no such thing as making a mistake, there is no possibility that our two life trajectories will meet."

   "Mom! Look what she's saying? This person is so selfish that it's best for our family to keep her and not bring Yueyue back."

  Xu Dingan cast a sideways glance at Xu Yin angrily:

   "I advise you to think it over before making a decision, stepping out of this door, there is no chance for you to regret it!"

"No." Xu Yin smiled faintly, and glanced at everyone present, "Dad hasn't come back yet, so I won't wait for him, please trouble mom and brother to tell him. I'm very grateful that you raised me. But in the same way, my biological parents also raised Xu Yue. Although the family background was not good, they gave her the best growth environment within the scope of her ability. The blame is only on good luck, and there is no one who owes anyone. But if you think In the past twenty-three years, I have been enjoying blessings and Xu Yue is suffering, so when the recent endorsement fee and the final payment of the new film's remuneration arrive in the account, I will transfer all of it to Xu Yue. Exactly, five The one-year brokerage contract expires at the end of this month, so I don't intend to renew it, so let's transfer it to Xu Yue."


  No one in the Xu family expected Xu Yin to say these words.


   "Mom, you feel sorry for your biological daughter, I can understand. Similarly, my biological parents have missed me for 23 years, and they must be looking forward to my return at this moment. You should understand their feelings, right?"

  Mrs. Xu turned her face away, as if she was too uncomfortable to say anything.

  Xu Ding'an sneered: "Okay! You've got a lot of skills! Then I want to ask you, what's in your box? Yueyue came out of your biological parents' house penniless."

Xu Yin smiled, and opened the suitcase to show him: "Some of my personal belongings, mobile phone, diary, handbook, some birthday presents, graduation photos, souvenir books, etc. that my former classmates gave me. The ones my family bought for me , I didn’t bring any of them, and I put the pocket card my parents gave me on the dresser, and the password is my birthday. If my brother thinks that I took advantage of taking these away, then I will transfer the money to you later, as it is I asked you to buy it."


  Xu Ding'an only felt embarrassment on his face.

   Don't look away, snorted heavily: "Did I ask you to transfer the money? Make up your own mind!"

  Xu Yin smiled: "Then thank you brother!"

  She waved her hand to everyone: "It's getting late, I should go, so as not to delay you to clean up Xu Yue."

  She picked up the suitcase, bowed to Mrs. Xu, then turned around, stepped out the door without hesitation, and left the house.

  Mrs. Xu stared blankly at her back disappearing at the door, unable to recover for a long time.

  Xu Ding'an fidgeted for a moment, then chased him out: "Yinyin, I'll see you off."


  Xu Yue gently tugged at her mother's sleeve.

   Mrs. Xu came back to her senses, took her daughter's hand, patted the back of her hand reassuringly, and said:

"Since she wants to go back to that house, let her go. Maybe in a few days, I will run back. I heard from your brother that your adoptive parents' family is very poor, and it is in the mountains. There are many mosquitoes and flies in the mountains. I made a movie the year before last, and there were a few scenes to be shot in a mountain village. She was bitten by mosquitoes all over her skin and tender flesh, and she cried to come back on the first night. Long-term life, I definitely can’t stand it.”

  Yuanchen was raised and pampered since she was a child, and she really couldn't bear that kind of life as Mrs. Xu said.

  In the original text, when I heard that my biological parents lived in the mountains, I thought of the fear of being bitten all over my body with red bumps and being dominated by mosquitoes when I was filming.

  But now that it's Xu Yin, doesn't she deal with Dashan less often?

   What's more, she has self-made mosquito repellent water with excellent effect, insect repellent sachets, and various green plants to repel mosquitoes, flies and snakes, so don't worry!

  Maybe if you meet her, those mosquitoes, flies and snakes might be scared first.

  So, Mrs. Xu was looking forward, looking forward, waiting, waiting, one day passed, two days passed, three days passed... she didn't wait until the adoptive daughter couldn't stand the life in the mountains, and came back crying and begged the Xu family to continue to adopt her.

   This made her ready to say that if she wanted to scold her adopted daughter, she would have no chance to say it.

  As for Xu Yin, she has just arrived at Qingshan Town where her biological parents' home is located.

  The reason why she delayed her arrival by two days was because she stayed for two days while changing trains in the city and made a lot of purchases.

  When I arrived in Qingshan Town, in addition to the small suitcase when the Xu family came out, I also had two 30-inch large suitcases and an extra-large woven bag.

  Fortunately, there are a few small world coins that can be used here, otherwise you have to find a way to "create something out of nothing".

  In addition to the bedding and clothing needed for future life, Xu Yin also bought gifts for her biological parents.

   "Master, may I ask how to get to Qingzhu Village?"

  The urban and rural bus turned around when it arrived at Qingshan Town.

  Xu Yin got out of the car, feeling a little dazed—seeing the green bamboo mountains in the distance, which direction is Qingzhu Village?

  She inquired with an old man riding a tricycle on the side of the road.

  The uncle said with a smile: "How about I take you there, including people and luggage, and you can pay seven yuan."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Your uncle is still your uncle!

   "Seven yuan, right? All right! But sir, why don't I give you a ride, and you sit back and help me look after my luggage."

  She has so much luggage that she is worried that the elderly will not be able to ride.

   Now the uncle is confused: "...What are you talking about, sister? You give me a ride? Then will you give me back the money?"

   "Give it up!" Xu Yin paid the car readily, "I'll give you ten yuan, no change, thank you!"

   Then ask the uncle to sit in the back pocket of the car, and she rides forward.

  After riding for a while, she stopped, turned her head and asked the uncle with a dry smile, "I still don't know how to walk!"

  She was also stupid, she asked the uncle because she didn't know the way, but the uncle said a few words, and rented his small three-wheeler foolishly, but in the end she still didn't know the way.

  The uncle said with a smile: "Just go straight ahead, this road leads to Qingzhu Village in the end."


  Master, I asked you if you deliberately waited for a lost lamb like me at the crossing?

   Seeing her riding fast and steady, the uncle praised her for her strength, and finally asked casually, "Sister, where are you going as a guest? I haven't heard of any wedding in the village recently?"

  Xu Yin reported her biological father's name: "I'm going to Xu Wei's country, and I'm his own daughter."

   "What? Are you Wei Guo's daughter? Hahaha! I'm still Wei Guo's father... Wait, are you really Wei Guo's daughter? Isn't that my granddaughter?"

   When the uncle got excited, he choked on his saliva and coughed violently.

  Xu Yin: "..."

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