The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 424: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (6)

  Early the next morning, Xu Yin pedaled her family's tricycle and took eight bamboo mats to the town for delivery.

  Grandpa Xu followed out of the house worriedly: "Why don't I go and see you off, you don't know the way."

   "You can find out if you ask someone." Xu Yin waved to the old man, "Grandpa, please go home! Remember to drink plenty of water between weaving baskets!"

   What she gave him was the top-quality wild camellia poured from the spring water of Lingxu Sect, which is good for the body.

   After finishing speaking, she kicked off and rode out with ease. The old man couldn't catch up even when he was trotting.

  Looking at her handsome riding back, Grandpa Xu sighed again: Obedient! My granddaughter is really strong!


  The shops in Qingshan Town seem to be quite deserted, but now that the logistics is developed, just looking at the business of the physical store, it is impossible to draw a conclusion of profit or loss. Maybe the business of their online store is so good.

  Xu Yin inquired all the way, and finally found the bamboo mat shop called "Yingying Qingfeng" that her father said.

  The store owner heard that she is Xu Weiguo's daughter, and her father has recently been hospitalized. If the remaining two mats cannot accept the traditional weaving method, the deposit will be deducted as a breach of contract.

   "Traditional weaving is hard to sell now!" the shop owner said awkwardly.

   It's not that she deliberately made things difficult for the little girl, but that the current bamboo mat market is not too hot.

"If the conditions are good, I bought cowhide mats and ice silk mats. Bamboo mats are not as easy to sell as they were a few years ago. So I asked your father to order small mats of about one meter. This kind of students buy more. But they like new styles and dislike traditional weaving mats, so I worry that they won’t be able to sell them after hanging them for a year.”

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said, "Then I'll buy it."

   Shopkeeper: “…”

you buy it?

   Aren't you selling it?

   No, what do you mean by that? If you want a mat, you won’t let your family make it up? Aren't you afraid of being scolded by your parents for this business that goes out of the left pocket and enters in the right pocket?

  Xu Yin smiled and said, "I bought it and it's useful."

   At worst, store it in the system warehouse, maybe it will be used in the future.

  The owner didn't say anything.

  There are already buyers, what else is there to say?

  Xu Yin paid for the last two mats, it doesn't matter if she comes next time or not, anyway, she is the seller and buyer.

   "Boss, do I need to go to the industrial and commercial office to open an online store?" Xu Yin asked the owner by the way.

   She was thinking about this yesterday.

  The handicraft bamboo basket woven by grandpa does have two brushes. When her father recovers later, she will definitely resume her old job of weaving bamboo strips.

  Instead of making up a store that sells to the town, it is better to open an online store at home.

  The shop owner is not afraid of her family robbing the business. How many bamboo products shops in Qingshan Town, if she wants to be careful, can she be careful?

  So he said enthusiastically: "You can apply for an e-commerce license online, you don't need to go to the site. I'll teach you..."

  She turned on the computer, found the application page, taught Xu Yin the steps, and finally asked tentatively:

   "Miss Xu, if your bamboo product store opens, I need the new-style bamboo mats woven by your dad. Will you still supply them?"

   "Don't worry, my shop doesn't sell bamboo mats." Xu Yin assured her.

   "When my dad recovers and he still makes bamboo mats, I will supply them to your family."

   "That's a word for sure!"

  The store owner heaved a sigh of relief, one less competitor is always a good thing.

   Coming out of the "Yingying Qingfeng" bamboo mat shop, Xu Yin rode a tricycle and circled the streets and alleys of Qingshan Town twice.

  She made up her mind and planned to open an online store specializing in exquisite bamboo products.

  I had 40,000 energy points on hand, and the newly-released "2000 Cases of Bamboo Weaving Illustrated Tutorial with Non-repetitive Samples" in the system mall only needed 2,000 energy points. Xu Yin exchanged it without hesitation!

After returning home, she said to the old man: "Grandpa, I plan to open an online store. In the future, all the bamboo baskets and bamboo baskets we make can be sold online. I also found a tutorial book on exquisite bamboo crafts." , planning to learn how to weave bamboo strips, take a look, this is the book."

  Grandpa Xu took the tutorial and flipped through it.

When he was young, he took a few days of literacy classes with educated youths who went to the countryside, and he still knew a lot of common characters. He read a few pages half-determined and half-guessed, and asked his granddaughter with great interest: "Yinyin, the weaving method here is very good. It’s novel, can I learn it?”

   "Yes!" Xu Yin said with a smile, "Let's learn together?"

  Thus, the grandfather and grandson devoted themselves to the self-study of the new bamboo weaving method.

   "This is much more interesting than the new weaving method your dad mentioned last time. The one he made up is nondescript. It loses the soul of the traditional weaving method and lacks the spirituality of your patterns. It's boring!"

  So he didn't learn it at the time, and he didn't want to learn it, so he felt that the traditional weaving method left by his ancestors could not be lost.

  But in the booklet brought by his granddaughter, the weaving method taught is an improvement on the basis of the traditional weaving method. He finds this alone very interesting.

  Xu Yin saw that the old man was studying very hard, so she didn't bother him.

  She carried a bamboo basket and went up the mountain.

  The bamboo forest contracted by the Xu family occupies a large area.

   According to Dad Xu, there are a total of two hundred acres, occupying two small hills.

  Qingshan Town has a lot of bamboo, especially Qingzhu Village. The mountains behind the village are almost all bamboo.

  Bamboo forest is the least valuable.

   Otherwise, someone would not have contracted the bamboo mountain, but cut down all the bamboo and planted other trees.

  The Xu family’s 50-year contract price for a 200-acre bamboo forest is only 200,000 yuan.

   But the 200,000 yuan is all the savings of the Xu family.

   Father Xu borrowed money from his uncle's cousin for the expenses since he was diagnosed with liver cancer.

  Because of this, Xu's father wanted conservative treatment many times, just because he didn't want to burden the family anymore.

  My cousin doesn’t have a high degree of education but can speak well. He is currently running and selling electrical appliances in the county. The salesman is under a lot of pressure, but once he runs out, the income is indeed very objective.

  When my cousin was fourteen years old, Uncle Xu passed away in a car accident. The second uncle, Xu Weiguo, did a lot of work to help take care of the offspring. So when he heard that his second uncle had been diagnosed with cancer, thinking of his kindness, he extended a helping hand without hesitation.

  Xu Yin thought that this cousin is a kind and righteous person, and the cousin and her sister are also people worthy of association.

Xu's father's relatives also have a younger sister, who is the original aunt, but she married another town, also in the mountains, and it is inconvenient to go in and out, so she doesn't go back to her mother's house many times, usually only a few times a year. I came back for a holiday, and this time I heard that her second brother was hospitalized with liver cancer and was going to be operated on, so I made a special trip and got some money. Although compared with Xu's father's treatment fee, this amount is a drop in the bucket, but her family background is average, no matter how much she gives, it is her heart.

On the other hand, Xu Ma's relatives - a younger brother who is addicted to gambling, and a pair of parents who treat their son as a treasure and their daughter as a grass, not only did not give any money to help their daughter through the difficulties when they learned of his son-in-law's illness, but persuaded him She managed to treat her son-in-law conservatively.

"What kind of surgery and what hospital did you live in? For those who were diagnosed with cancer and chose to have surgery, the money was spent. Which one do you think survived? It's better to take it home. You should eat and drink. If you have this money, you might as well borrow it." Pay off your brother's debt, he recently lost a bet..."

Feng Cuiqin was so angry that she threw the washbasin in front of her mother: "If my father was the one who was sick, would you say the same thing? The doctor said there was a chance, but you advised me to treat him conservatively? Isn't that just watching him wait to die?" Is it? I can't do it!"

  Her mother was so angry: "I'm not for you! When the time comes, the money will be spent and the people will be gone. Let's see what you do!"

   After speaking, he left angrily and never came back.

   After this incident, Feng Cuiqin was completely disappointed in her natal family.

  Yesterday, when I took Xu Yin to find my niece and daughter-in-law's sister for a ride, I told my daughter repeatedly along the way: "Your grandparents, let's not think about it, even if it's a waste of money, I won't ask them to borrow a penny."

  Xu Yin nodded at that time: "Well, the big deal is to sell the gold bracelet I gave to my mother for emergency. I will buy you a thicker and bigger pair in the future."

  Feng Cuiqin laughed on the spot, shedding tears...

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